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ISISI-K conducted the attack on Maternity Hospital in Kabul: US Govt

Zalmey Khalilzad is Afghan by birth. Why he is not telling the world who brought ISIS on Afghan soil from middle east. Who "heli dropped" them all over Afghanistan?

So is it CIA which is going completely rogue? Or is it a CIA regional side kick Indian RAW? Or its Mossad working hand in hand with RAW?
Daesh are the new US, Indian game in Afghanistan. It is an attempt to dislodge Taliban and to further promote terrorism in Pakistan.

Their actions contradict their words.

So first US replaced Soviets with Mujahideen
Then US replaced Mujahideen with Taliban
Now US wants to replace Taliban with Daesh

CIA is always cooking up something in Afghanistan until there's a fire in the kitchen and then they need they need Pakistan's help to put it out. Happens every 20 years.
So first US replaced Soviets with Mujahideen
Then US replaced Mujahideen with Taliban
Now US wants to replace Taliban with Daesh

CIA is always cooking up something in Afghanistan until there's a fire in the kitchen and then they need they need Pakistan's help to put it out. Happens every 20 years.

US wants to keep Afghanistan in disarray and prevent Pakistan from merging with it.

Taliban provided only peace in Afghanistan for decades, so excuse to topple them was made.

Isis-K is sponsored by hindutva India. Fact.

They brought Sri Lanka back under Indian influence due to Church bombings.
what they have done here is the greatest sin of all , attacking a maternity ward ! how fckd one has to be in his brain to to do such a thing ... ISIS - Taliban are two sides of the same coin
Indians are benefiting from such attacks. So of course it has been sponsored by them.

If Afghan government was faithful to their country and their people, they would have call Taliban to help them in destroying these terrorists.
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