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ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

What do you mean by equal right ?

What do I have that an Azeri doesn't ?
Their language isn't an official language. Iran should have two official languages to reflect the demographic makeup of the country. Here in Canada, French and English are official languages. All products have two labels on them, all govt officials are required to speak both French and English, all signs (road signs for example) must be in the majority language of the area.

Racism should be banned and extremely heavy punishments should be introduced for even the most minor offenses to root out the nasty superiority complex of the Persian speaking population. Even a simple joke should be treated with back breaking financial fines.

Turkish culture should be celebrated right alongside Persian culture. Turkish immersion programs should be set up across the country (modeled after French immersion programs in Canada).

I can write an essay on this but you get the idea.
Another reason for Iran to intervene quickly in Iraq and Syria and stop those terrorists...
I hope the Iranians show some sense and dont jump into this fight of these goat fckers. they should stay back and let the Americans take charge. although the supporting countries of FSA and ISIS will love to see Iranian Ayatullahs getting involved to give them the pretext to attack Tehran..
How are they gonna attack Iran exactly? An Arab sticks out like a sore thumb in Iran. Even if they somehow manage to enter the country over the Iraqi border (impossible), they won't last 10 mins.

I personally want the mullahs to send some of their shia goons to Iraq. Shia fanatics have always been far more organized and tactically far superior than wahabi groups (think Hezbollah or shia extremist groups in Iraq loyal to Iran). It'll be nice to see them kick some wahabi ***.
this ISIS sh!t is getting uglier... big threat, al-queda version 2.0 in High Definition.. as far pakistan, success of isis will emboldem radical sunni groups like LeJ/JuI and their cousins. not looking good.
How are they gonna attack Iran exactly? An Arab sticks out like a sore thumb in Iran. Even if they somehow manage to enter the country over the Iraqi border (impossible), they won't last 10 mins.

I personally want the mullahs to send some of their shia goons to Iraq. Shia fanatics have always been far more organized and tactically far superior than wahabi groups (think Hezbollah or shia extremist groups in Iraq loyal to Iran). It'll be nice to see them kick some wahabi ***.
wrong wrong wrong.

only for the sake of innocent civilians caught up in the cross fire I would never want that to happen. Ira is already broken and Syria example is in front of us where Muslims based on their sects are killing each other.

Wahhabi financiers are safely away in Monaco gambling and funding terrorism from the safety of their palaces. only the goons blinded by inhumane hatred are the ones that are silting throats, raping and pillaging in the name of their retarded faiths.
ISIS certainly doesnt has the firepower to even cross over the border of Iran let alone raising the flag
Their language isn't an official language. Iran should have two official languages to reflect the demographic makeup of the country. Here in Canada, French and English are official languages. All products have two labels on them, all govt officials are required to speak both French and English, all signs (road signs for example) must be in the majority language of the area.

Racism should be banned and extremely heavy punishments should be introduced for even the most minor offenses to root out the nasty superiority complex of the Persian speaking population. Even a simple joke should be treated with back breaking financial fines.

Turkish culture should be celebrated right alongside Persian culture. Turkish immersion programs should be set up across the country (modeled after French immersion programs in Canada).

I can write an essay on this but you get the idea.

Indeed but we don't have only Turks and Persians in Iran, other minorities should be considered as well

On topic: ISIS will never reach our borders, be sure of that.
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CNN Reports say ISIS is bent on destruction of Israel.

i think Iran is supporting ISIS.
If that is true , Iran has aided the wrong group of people since they are coming for Tehran first. Not that they will be able to conquer it but that is their aim.
ISIS will raise their flag in Tehran? That's as credible as that bozo, Zaid Hamid, declaring that Pakistan will raise its flag on the Red Fort!! :lol: Jeeez!
Brother they have bought peace and stability in Syria to the parts they control.
The idea of them helping the Taliban is quite far fetched they win the hearts of the local populace compared to the Tribal warlords that is the Taliban who just destabilize further.
But do note that i don't agree with everything do. After all they are human and will commit mistakes

I think I should report you to MI6 you terrorist piece of scum. Does this looks like a ''mistake'' to you?



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Nothing will happen ISIS is created to divide the Iraq with the approval of Iranis and Saudis has to agree on it which they think atleast they are getting some part from Shia Iraq & Syria..
Soon a new state will be formed in Iraq, Baghdadi will only capture sunni part of Syria and that is the only task baghdadi has got.
Israel will be soon surrounded by Wahabi/talibani islamic movement if you see the map, dont know whether israel is behind that or not but one thing is sure these radical organizations will turn themselves against Israel, Division of Iraq and Syria is good for Iran because it will provide a secure boundary to Iran which means anything that has to go in for Iran must have to fight Shia Iraqi and Syria forces. These Sunni radical forces will turn sooner against Saudi Arab and soon you will see a Shia movement in upper north province of Saudi Arab that will also start to provide security to Iran from the south. Whole scenario is supporting Iran and Saudia is in danger.
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