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ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

Sectarianism has been there since 1400 because of ahlu al bayt and sahaba fighting for power by using islam for their own interests . USA only made use of it to end terrorism waged against them .

Saudis shipped most of their dogs to syria and now started a heavy crack down on MB to secure themselves internally . The grinding war taking place in levant between islamists will diminish their capacity to threaten saudis internally.

When americans withdraw from Afghanistan a shia/sunni conflict will raise again and you will see an ISIL branch in afghanistan , significant part of its foreign fighters are afghans , so they would open another front with iran to drain mullah resources on other areas other than levant.

Anyway I agree let these animals finish off each other until it eventually leads to fall of both ideologies .
Don't talk crap! Differences arose because of the ideology not power! If you don't know something don't invent BS!
Iraq lacks proper leadership , Iran does not. It can provide assistance to Iraq in this area.
ISIS lacks the resources to keep such a large area in check.
They stunned the Iraqis , But now Iraqis can regroup and go all out on them.Iraq isn't falling anytime soon.
Remember Assad many of the Arabs in this very forum were saying he'd fall in months , so far he's still there
Assad hasn't fallen because of Iranian support. How is Iran both going to finance Syria and Iraq plus send troops to these countries? US and Israel iare loving this. I also don't hear Gulf Arabs complaining. They are straining Iranian army and finances. This is all planned guys. Soon Iran will face themselves in the mirror.
some people don't get the lesson .
these fools are the 4th group that claimed they are coming to Tehran in last 35 year and the question is which one succeed ?

the first one was USA , who were caught in Tabas storm and everybody knew what happened after that .
the second one was Saddam who wanted to reach Tehran in 3 day and everybody knew what happened , after 8 years he sat on mountain of debt and a ruined economy and every one knew what happened after.
the third group were MKO scum terrorists who were 10 time more powerful and 100 time more organized than ISIS and they claimed they reach Tehran in 10 days and guess what happened all of them fell in ambush and let just say after that it was Turkey shoot and guess what they never been more than a name after that

now we have this ISIS and their claims , let them come (if they can reach Iran border) and again world will see why we are one of the oldest nations.
Assad hasn't fallen because of Iranian support. How is Iran both going to finance Syria and Iraq plus send troops to these countries? US and Israel is loving this. They are straining Iranian army and finances. This is all planned guys.
Iraq falling to ISIS is the last thing US needs as you can see it is even willing to work with Iran to get rid of this scum.
Iraq doesn't need financing and Syria well that's another mumbo Jumbo altogether.
Don't talk crap! Differences arose because of the ideology not power! If you don't know something don't invent BS!

The ideology was made after the struggle for power , there was no such thing as shi3a sect during the fight between sufyan and ali , read history to understand when shia sect started .

there is not much difference in ideology , but the struggle has always been over who should rule the muslim world . Shias want their imams or those who represent them which is the marja3 in najaf today and sunni islamists want the khilafa to rule

once people give up the idea of khilafa and the hussein incident in both sides this conflict will end .
Iraq falling to ISIS is the last thing US needs as you can see it is even willing to work with Iran to get rid of this scum.
Iraq doesn't need financing and Syria well that's another mumbo Jumbo altogether.
That is bullshit. US and Israel will never work with Iran. That article is released by Iranian sources. Give me source where US has said this? The article I read said Mullahs were willing to work together with US. But US wants Iranian influence out of Iraq.
People shouldn't wait for them to come to borders. Countries like Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey should bomb the fck out of them in Iraq. No sunni shia favoritism. They must protect Islam.

Why would I bomb ISIS, if Kurds and Iran are going to fill the blank?

Things currently happening, has little to do with Islam. On side you got 100 million Sunni ( arab, chechen, pakistani, uzbek, uygur etc) jobless, repressed youth who are itching for revenge or whatever you call it. These wars make jobs for the jobless.

Let Kurds and Shias handle the ISIS. Farsis are scared crowd. Can be Easily taken down. Kurds are slightly better, but if they dont get political hand from west, they too have no chance against True Muslim fighters. :)

Turkey should stay away, i say. No need to fight someone else's war.
That is bullshit. US and Israel will never work with Iran. That article is released by Iranian sources. Give me source where US has said this?
US is looking "willing" , I never said anything about Israel but the US giving a helping hand from some distance like Airstrikes , which reports are already coming from the US.
Do you really think US would allow ISIS to control Iraq (one of the major oil exporters) after the worked so hard to get rid of Saddam?
The ideology was made after the struggle for power , there was no such thing as shi3a sect during the fight between sufyan and ali , read history to understand when shia sect started .

there is not much difference in ideology , but the struggle has always been over who should rule the muslim world . Shias want their imams or those who represent them which is the marja3 in najaf today and sunni islamists want the khilafa to rule

once people give up the idea of khilafa and the hussein incident in both sides this conflict will end .
some people don't get the lesson .
these fools are the 4th group that claimed they are coming to Tehran in last 35 year and the question is which one succeed ?

the first one was USA , who were caught in Tabas storm and everybody knew what happened after that .
the second one was Saddam who wanted to reach Tehran in 3 day and everybody knew what happened , after 8 years he sat on mountain of debt and a ruined economy and every one knew what happened after.
the third group were MKO scum terrorists who were 10 time more powerful and 100 time more organized than ISIS and they claimed they reach Tehran in 10 days and guess what happened all of them fell in ambush and let just say after that it was Turkey shoot and guess what they never been more than a name after that

now we have this ISIS and their claims , let them come (if they can reach Iran border) and again world will see why we are one of the oldest nations.

USA cant occupy iran but they can turn it into a soccer field and only capture what matter oil and gas areas . Anyway their economy today cant handle such adventures anymore.


Why the hell are they slaughtering each other then ? its all for power
Maybe they just want to sell "their Oil", like the Kurds in the North, they did the exact same thing aided by the US, to control their Area and sell its Oil independently. So Iraq, with its huge Oil reserves can not rebuild rapidly, this makes the West less dependent on a central government in Iraq, and have a multi-choice, mostly with western implanted and inclined entities.
Here again, we can see the policy of divide and reign.
US is looking "willing" , I never said anything about Israel but the US giving a helping hand from some distance like Airstrikes , which reports are already coming from the US.
Do you really think US would allow ISIS to control Iraq (one of the major oil exporters) after the worked so hard to get rid of Saddam?

They will never allow isil to each baghdad and oil in south true , but they do not mind isil having its own enclave between syria and iraq to weaken both countries and also to continue selling iraq weapons worth billions of dollars confronting isil.

Maybe they just want to sell "their Oil", like the Kurds in the North, they did the exact same thing aided by the US, to control their Area and sell its Oil independently. So Iraq, with its huge Oil reserves can not rebuild rapidly, this makes the West less dependent on a central government in Iraq, and have a multi-choice, mostly with western implanted and inclined entities.
Here again, we can see the policy of divide and reign.

for isil its different , they want a place where most jihadis and extremist would re-locate to and focus on fighting a different enemy other than west which is in this case iraqi goverment and iran .

The war iraqi goverment war with isil will bring billions of dollars to american arms manufacturers , so it would be great for them if a permanent stalemate takes place.
USA cant occupy iran but they can turn it into a soccer field and only capture what matter oil and gas areas . Anyway their economy today cant handle such adventures anymore.

Why the hell are they slaughtering each other then ? its all for power
for capturing oil and gas area they need man in the area , and if they could do that they attacked Iran not Iraq.
the key of fighting USA is not defeating their military , its by making their people tired .and make them fight their government from inside. that's the only way to bring them to knees .

and by the way the post was not about if they can or not , its about the groups who tried to reach Tehran and failed , it's not about their abilities.
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