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ISIS kills 39 Indians in Iraq: Reports

It may be true that these souls put themselves in that situation for monetary gain (and this is hardly selfish, they have families to feed and we can all appreciate that) but it is the GoI's responsibility to try their best to ensure their safe return. They seemed to be successful with the nurses but then why were these 40 construction workers left behind and almost no attention given to their safe return thereafter? I'll admit there very well could have been things going on in the background that we can not know about but, damn, FORTY freaking Indians killed. This is beyond horrific.

I'm just saying why were military options not explored when such a vast amount of Indians were at risk?
Life is cheap in the sub continent. We can argue about how it was wrong or not right to let them stay back but it was their choice to stay back. they had a clear chance to get back home but they chose other wise
Life is cheap in the sub continent. We can argue about how it was wrong or not right to let them stay back but it was their choice to stay back. they had a clear chance to get back home but they chose other wise
the "life is cheap in South Asia" line is a disgusting narrative. Why is it so cheap because this myth is perpetuated. Every life is significant, the sooner all humans start accepting this the better. And the change comes individually, Modi often talks about how every single Indian deserves a good life so he is talking on a individual level meaning he is trying to propagate the significance of each and every Indian.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if these guys stayed back or not, did they forfeit their Indian citizenship in doing so? No. Were they still Indians? Yes. Did the GoI still have a duty to ensure their safety? Very much so.
the "life is cheap in South Asia" line is a disgusting narrative. Why is it so cheap because this myth is perpetuated. Every life is significant, the sooner all humans start accepting this the better. And the change comes individually, Modi often talks about how every single Indian deserves a good life so he is talking on a individual level meaning he is trying to propagate the significance of each and every Indian.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if these guys stayed back or not, did they forfeit their Indian citizenship in doing so? No. Were they still Indians? Yes. Did the GoI still have a duty to ensure their safety? Very much so.
You think I derive pleasure from such unfortunate incidents? It's the brutal truth. No sugar coated half arse*d lie. We are not that capable. It's as blunt as it comes. It pains me as well considering at least half if not more of those who died there are from Punjab.
You think I derive pleasure from such unfortunate incidents? It's the brutal truth. No sugar coated half arse*d lie. We are not that capable. It's as blunt as it comes. It pains me as well considering at least half if not more of those who died there are from Punjab.
"not capable enough" in what sense? diplomatically? militarily?
I'm very sorry to hear about this, shocked and angry. Allah rest their souls.

These barbarians are evil beyond belief. In an ideal world the Indian army would unleash hell upon these cowards, but alas the region is too complicated.

RIP again, humanitarian nurses. You deaths will be avenged.
not sure about diplomatically but militarily we aren't ......
Well I don't know about that. If there was a strong enough political will anything is possible. For sure the Indian military is capable of doing it but the problem is successive political leaders have been reluctant to use military means to resolve its problems preferring instead diplomacy. But that is the problem, you can't talk to these animals, ISIS aren't going to listen to diplomatic noise nor be moved by any diplomacy.
Well I don't know about that. If there was a strong enough political will anything is possible. For sure the Indian military is capable of doing it but the problem is successive political leaders have been reluctant to use military means to resolve its problems preferring instead diplomacy. But that is the problem, you can't talk to these animals, ISIS aren't going to listen to diplomatic noise nor be moved by any diplomacy.
It's a mess bro ... can't help it.
India have enough spare soldier to fight ISIS. Send India army over the Middle East to fight the militants just butcher bunch of Indian in Irag.
India have enough spare soldier to fight ISIS. Send India army over the Middle East to fight the militants just butcher bunch of Indian in Irag.
ISIS are doing a good job of pi$$ing the world off. I am of the mind it would be more beneficial for India to fight these scumbags in Mid East before they are at India's door in neighbouring Pakistan and Kashmir but the Indian political class and the diplomats are from a world of "hands off diplomacy" and are unlikely to use Indian military might in such a manner.
India never backed either side in this, India has kept itself out of all this mess and yet these unfortunate souls have paid for the sins of others with their lives.

I don't buy it, no developed nation (with considerably less military might than India) would stand by and allow FORTY of their citizens to be butchered like this.

I'm outraged if this is true, I
really am. Where was Doval? Where was Modi?
How many people were held by Iran in US embassy seize? What could US do if they were all killed in one go? We have not witnessed such a shameful act with other countries because there have been very less number of savages. Even if US citizen were held hostages in that number, there is nothing that it could do expect threaten ISIS with it's military might. sadly, ISIS is bunch of moronic savages who seek glory by killing innocent unarmed people. Example, captured pakistani soldiers killed by talibs in pakistani soil itself.
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