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ISIS in Southeast Asia

Unlike Christianity, Buddhism etc, Islam is a aggressive religion, although most Muslims may not be so. Followers are reminded of the evil kufars and the need for war to capture the territories of non-Muslims so as to complete the Ummah. This is why, it is easy to mobilise Muslims; ISIS is just border line - If they are proven matching the descriptions, suddenly a large percentage of followers can side with them. All other religions are tamed, but Islam cannot be, as the core elements (the book) cannot be altered. Also, unlike a faithful Christian or Buddhist who may think twice before subscribing to war against infidels, a Muslim can be 101% dedicated to what he/she is taught(brainwashed).

take it easy, drink your coffee or whatever dope you need to made you relax


and if you are still ranting like this, i am suggest you take some downer substance like it can relieve you from some of your pain
@Indos i will disagree with your statement...

Islam as politic had been retracted significantly in Indonesia actually (thanks to the exposure of FPI, graft cases of PKS, the rising of Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorism), the last election showing us people still prefer National Party over religious themed political party, and actually the trend is hard to be reversed now. It's true more and more people will be more conservative in their daily life, but that doesn't affect their preferences in Politics as they've found if the current situation is has led them to found their conservatism and religious side with peace and calm.

In Indonesia politics there are Islamist faction (PAN/PKS/PPP/PBB), Nationalist Religious faction (Democrat Party/ Golkar/PKB), Nationalist faction ( Gerindra ), Nationalist Liberal faction (PDI-P). There is also a party in here based on Christian ideology even though only has several seats in Parliament.

Talking about PKS, it is just a part of Islamist faction, there can be a new one as well later, as in Indonesia, it is not that hard to make a political party. And when you see overall Islamist political parties result in recent election, it is an increase actually, since the lost gain by PKS doesnt make the Islamist voters voted Nationalist parties but instead they voted other Islamist parties like PAN and PPP or Nationalist religious party like Democrat.

And in essence, Islamist parties and Nationalist religious parties has more in common and they made a coalition in every election against liberal nationalist party (PDI-P). As like it is a continuation of 1966 time in which Soeharto supporter (Islamist and Army- that later we see the emergence of Golkar which is a merge between Islamist movement (HMI) and Military power during Soeharto period-) is against Soekarno power ( in which Today is represented by PDI-P / Soekarno family)

Despite that, Indonesia political parties are actually rational to one another and they can make a block in parliament based on "rational thinking." Like Today we see more Islamist power support Jokowi in order to protect Joko Widodo from Megawati (PDI-P Chairman) power in executive side. Golkar will likely to join after PAN that already joined Joko Widodo coalition and PKS that also recently shows its support to Joko Widodo in order to strengthen Joko Widodo and weaken Megawati.

Talking about Islam as an ideology in our democracy, it should be cleared in here, that we dont forbid them to exist. Islam can be a base of political party ideology in Indonesia, as in our democracy and politics, Islam ideology is considered as not against Pancasila ideology, thats why before, PKS ideology was Islam, and even Today, PPP and PBB are still holding Islam as their political party ideology.

Our people in general has already become mature, they dont buy "name (Islam)" anymore but see which party is more clean and lean toward people interest (anti corruption (pro KPK), pro state owned companies, pro domestic defense industry, anti-Freeport (nationalist agenda), stand on morale issues, and others.

Talking about Islam politics future in Indonesia, we better learn Turkey politics in which even in a very secular nation like Turkey, Islamist party can win the election if they can show the people that they are really a good and effective power. So, lets compete.........more competition will be better for the nation as a whole.
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