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ISIS has designs on India: Experts

soon will become Islamic.

You are not altogether wrong. Tombs of Muslim Mughal kings and queens are well preserved and showcased throughout India. Mosques built centuries ago are well preserved. Islamic call to prayers call out loudly to the masses throughout the day. Muslim heroes exist in many segments of Indian society. Islamic influence has set in on the Hindu masses to such an extent that many of them consume meat but refrain from eating pork and beef. It is influenced by Islam as a country but highly unlikely that India will ever declare itself an Islamic nation and move in the direction of Pakistan where Islamic laws are implemented.

pakistan protect us!

Don't rely on them. Fat lot of good it did us in the past against previous invaders :D

And you think Indian boys will sit quietly and let them do whatever they want?

Internal terrorist organizations recruiting in different states are hard to monitor. It will take months for the intelligence agencies to work out their modus operandi. That will give them time to cause as much mayhem as possible
Iran openly accused Sudais for Rise of ISIS like they did for Al-Qaeda , US is in a spot , they have to enter Iraq again or Turkey , Iran and even Saudi might Enter to support section of the population which they support .

On contrary to claims ISIS is dividing Muslims
thing is India is not worried with rise of ISIS as many pakistanies want to beleave cause

1. when all the world wanted them to act on Taliban they created the bogey of "good & bad taliban" and now are going to do what west always wanted them to do what do you call it "thook ke chatna"

2. as for ISIS well i guess not most pakistanies will like to belave it that who was Irans biggest enemy in this reagon

a Saddam Hussain regeame
b. sunni wahabbi militia in afghanistan = Taliban Govt

now who finished them both ?
now who wants an alternate passage to afghanistan & beyond desparretally ?
who can onli save sirya & iraq & Iran from going back into sunni miltias control ?
who is the onli thing that is saving current afgahn govt ?
who is saving pakistans economy from going bankrupt?
last but not the least who will have the biggest share of the "oil& natural resources" if for once the sunni wahabbi militia is defeated ?

so my pakistani friends thing is it is not always what you see is true in world of paoliticks and international relations

a hint : britain & USA & west are thinking of openning there embassies again in Tehran

now will tehran or can tehran ignore the brewing storm in iraq & sirya ?

what is going to happen to india after all this is not such a big concern as

1. india will buy crude from who ever cortrols the regon in future ... period

2. It is Pakistan who is in the eye of the strom as all the so called "kaladam tanzeems" & "tabilqui jamaats" are murmurring the support to ultra orthodox sunni whaabi ISIS whose head calls him "true janasheen of OBL "

3. chinahas already leased gilgit balistan and large parts of northen , central & south baloochistan and is expressing itsdesires to "talk to all the stake holders" for a peacefull baloochistan (iran,baloch niotionalists & pakistani establishment &pakhtoons) + they are already talking with afghan establishment for a "radikal sttelement"

so my pakistani friiends thing is you are trying to save yourself from the rising storm by trying to creat a hoax that "india is in danger from ISIS " but its your motherland that is looking most insecure and your intersts are looking up for grabs to who ever wins the final battle as the final chapter is yet to unfold

on the side nite o it was a nice try but i guess your govt is already surroinding its self as they have just shot themselfs in the foot on this "minhaj ul quran issue" while your ARMY is securring/taking over airports, railway sations . power genrating units and all the important citi centers and infra "deu to fear of fallowt from the operation in north waziristan"

think of it peacefulli and you will be realli "revolutionised" ;)
. . .
Internal terrorist organizations recruiting in different states are hard to monitor. It will take months for the intelligence agencies to work out their modus operandi. That will give them time to cause as much mayhem as possible

in UPA period India was a soft target but under this new govt , I am sure after POTA and NCTC will be implemented
We should be grateful to GOD that it has given us a neighbor like Pakistan which will always act as the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE for India :) :)

Ze Baat

thing is India is not worried with rise of ISIS as many pakistanies want to beleave cause

Inidans lol

an indian writes a paranoid piece, printed in an indian paper, and a paranoid indian wants to blame that on Pakistan too. Get a life please.
Inidans lol

an indian writes a paranoid piece, printed in an indian paper, and a paranoid indian wants to blame that on Pakistan too. Get a life please.
so thats the best you could come up with = Paranoia ?

so thats the best you could come up with = Paranoia ?

What else should I call it, u take a piece written by an indian, and trying to prove to the world that we Pakistanis want u to believe something. Right.

thing is India is not worried with rise of ISIS as many pakistanies want to beleave cause

1. when all the world wanted them to act on Taliban they created the bogey of "good & bad taliban" and now are going to do what west always wanted them to do what do you call it "thook ke chatna"

2. as for ISIS well i guess not most pakistanies will like to belave it that who was Irans biggest enemy in this reagon

a Saddam Hussain regeame
b. sunni wahabbi militia in afghanistan = Taliban Govt

now who finished them both ?
now who wants an alternate passage to afghanistan & beyond desparretally ?
who can onli save sirya & iraq & Iran from going back into sunni miltias control ?
who is the onli thing that is saving current afgahn govt ?
who is saving pakistans economy from going bankrupt?
last but not the least who will have the biggest share of the "oil& natural resources" if for once the sunni wahabbi militia is defeated ?

so my pakistani friends thing is it is not always what you see is true in world of paoliticks and international relations

a hint : britain & USA & west are thinking of openning there embassies again in Tehran

now will tehran or can tehran ignore the brewing storm in iraq & sirya ?

what is going to happen to india after all this is not such a big concern as

1. india will buy crude from who ever cortrols the regon in future ... period

2. It is Pakistan who is in the eye of the strom as all the so called "kaladam tanzeems" & "tabilqui jamaats" are murmurring the support to ultra orthodox sunni whaabi ISIS whose head calls him "true janasheen of OBL "

3. chinahas already leased gilgit balistan and large parts of northen , central & south baloochistan and is expressing itsdesires to "talk to all the stake holders" for a peacefull baloochistan (iran,baloch niotionalists & pakistani establishment &pakhtoons) + they are already talking with afghan establishment for a "radikal sttelement"

so my pakistani friiends thing is you are trying to save yourself from the rising storm by trying to creat a hoax that "india is in danger from ISIS " but its your motherland that is looking most insecure and your intersts are looking up for grabs to who ever wins the final battle as the final chapter is yet to unfold

on the side nite o it was a nice try but i guess your govt is already surroinding its self as they have just shot themselfs in the foot on this "minhaj ul quran issue" while your ARMY is securring/taking over airports, railway sations . power genrating units and all the important citi centers and infra "deu to fear of fallowt from the operation in north waziristan"

think of it peacefulli and you will be realli "revolutionised" ;)
This thing about ISIS being the foremost Jihadist group & is about take over the region, is nothing but sensationalism. Infact it's the coalition of militant groups opposed to the Iraqi govt are carrying out the offensive... & Jihadists are winning the headlines!
What else should I call it, u take a piece written by an indian, and trying to prove to the world that we Pakistanis want u to believe something. Right.

well bro thing is denail is onli good till enemy is not at your gates but still if you want too keep up with it then ... who cares ;)

This thing about ISIS being the foremost Jihadist group & is about take over the region, is nothing but sensationalism. Infact it's the coalition of militant groups opposed to the Iraqi govt are carrying out the offensive... & Jihadists are winning the headlines!
well to a point but the bigger thing is USA always helped "shias" to control saudies influence from growing now since saudies tried to "take things in there own hands" after US - saudi plan about syria got exposed and russia came to full backing of syria & Iran USA tried to counter russia in ukrein lolzz its comming full circle looks like what russians always wanted in this regeon is going to fullfill at last

and the biggest price will be paid by so called "islam ka qilla"
If ISIS takes over Iraq, as first line of defense, we would see Indian armed forces in Iran helping our friends to fend and destroy the threat. That is the most sensible thing to do.

Mind you if iraq is taken over by them, the middle east would be forced to fight a war against ISIS
If ISIS takes over Iraq, as first line of defense, we would see Indian armed forces in Iran helping our friends to fend and destroy the threat. That is the most sensible thing to do.

Mind you if iraq is taken over by them, the middle east would be forced to fight a war against ISIS

Dude, a Shia Iran will do its all to fight against a sunni wahabi ISIS

Even if IRAN falls, we can always count on Pakistan to finish of ISIS without any Indian support

Coz no matter how much of a pain in the as$ PA is , they will never let Jehadis takeover Pakistan

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