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ISIS has designs on India: Experts


Dec 25, 2010
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The rise of al-Qaida offshoot Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) may look like a distant problem affecting the Middle East with Indians merely caught in the crossfire. But it's a danger far closer home than it appears.

Security establishment sources said ISIS, which is being suspected to be behind the kidnapping of 40 Indians in Mosul, has global ambitions and aims to create an Islamic World Dominion of which even India would be a part. A recently released world dominion map by the outfit had parts of north-west India, including Gujarat, shown as part of the Islamic state of Khorasan, a caliphate that the outfit aims to achieve.

Sources said there were inputs of jihadists from India fighting in both Iraq and Syria and some of these would eventually return. They would then become the link between the Middle East outfits and the Indian subcontinent. That is a time, sources said, India needs to prepare for. Already, the outfit is being touted as the most efficient, organized, dangerous and ambitious terror outfit in the world.

Even al-Qaida, which has terrorized the world for over two decades and is the estranged ideological guru of the outfit, looks a pale shadow in front of ISIS given the quick advances it has made in a short time. With India on its radar, even if distant, the signs are not good, sources said. Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management, said, "Strategy is a function of capability. We are not focusing on events in the Middle East because we have no capability to influence them.

Earlier too, people have been kidnapped in the region and we have had to depend on third party negotiators. All global jihad will have India in its crosshairs. We can ignore them only at our own peril." Sahni specifically warned of the threat from Indian jihadis fighting in Iraq and Syria.


"These are battlehardened terrorists who will one day come back. Moreover, their antics and successes will inspire many more here as we already see them drawing inspiration from events abroad," he said. The growing ambition of ISIS can be gauged from the fact that from a small group owing allegiance to al-Qaida, it took the shape of Islamic State in Iraq in 2006. Within years, as the Syrian crisis escalated, it metamorphosed into Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and is now known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. The addition of the word Levant expands the group's aim to capture Syria, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Cyprus and parts of Turkey.

ISIS has designs on India: Experts - The Times of India
negotiate, give money, do whatever, bring that 40 Indians back. And rest leave to intel.
The rise of al-Qaida offshoot Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) may look like a distant problem affecting the Middle East with Indians merely caught in the crossfire. But it's a danger far closer home than it appears.

Security establishment sources said ISIS, which is being suspected to be behind the kidnapping of 40 Indians in Mosul, has global ambitions and aims to create an Islamic World Dominion of which even India would be a part. A recently released world dominion map by the outfit had parts of north-west India, including Gujarat, shown as part of the Islamic state of Khorasan, a caliphate that the outfit aims to achieve.

Sources said there were inputs of jihadists from India fighting in both Iraq and Syria and some of these would eventually return. They would then become the link between the Middle East outfits and the Indian subcontinent. That is a time, sources said, India needs to prepare for. Already, the outfit is being touted as the most efficient, organized, dangerous and ambitious terror outfit in the world.

Even al-Qaida, which has terrorized the world for over two decades and is the estranged ideological guru of the outfit, looks a pale shadow in front of ISIS given the quick advances it has made in a short time. With India on its radar, even if distant, the signs are not good, sources said. Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management, said, "Strategy is a function of capability. We are not focusing on events in the Middle East because we have no capability to influence them.

Earlier too, people have been kidnapped in the region and we have had to depend on third party negotiators. All global jihad will have India in its crosshairs. We can ignore them only at our own peril." Sahni specifically warned of the threat from Indian jihadis fighting in Iraq and Syria.


"These are battlehardened terrorists who will one day come back. Moreover, their antics and successes will inspire many more here as we already see them drawing inspiration from events abroad," he said. The growing ambition of ISIS can be gauged from the fact that from a small group owing allegiance to al-Qaida, it took the shape of Islamic State in Iraq in 2006. Within years, as the Syrian crisis escalated, it metamorphosed into Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and is now known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. The addition of the word Levant expands the group's aim to capture Syria, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Cyprus and parts of Turkey.

ISIS has designs on India: Experts - The Times of India

This Jhehadis are rates. Indian army will Hunt them. They are good for bomb blast only. They can not fight against any army whether Indian or Pakistani or Afghan. Let them come. They will end up being a live shooting target for Indian army.
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This Jhehadis are rate. Indian army will Hunt them. They are good for bomb blast only. They can not fight against any army whether Indian or Pakistani or Afghan. Let them come. They will end up being a live shooting target for Indian army.

If they come that means we will have trouble, See how much threat they posses against India and stop them before coming that is better.
ISIS has design on India? Big deal. So what's new? This rubbish of the Taliban/ISIS/Whoever turning their attention to India will achieve what? So ISIS kills brutally, not sure that the Mumbai terrorists were any less brutal, just no video to show how brutal they were. India deals with both state actors & non-state actors some of who are supported by state actors. There is no terrorist organisation in the world that can be more deadly as the one with significant state support. ISIS is fighting a conventional war against pathetically trained forces in their home territory. Outside of that, against the armed forces of either India or Pakistan(since they have to overrun Pakistan to get to India), groups like ISIS will stand almost no chance.
This Jhehadis are rate. Indian army will Hunt them. They are good for bomb blast only. They can not fight against any army whether Indian or Pakistani or Afghan. Let them come. They will end up being a live shooting target for Indian army.

Exactly, the Indian Military is not the joke that represents the Iraqi forces who ran away once they saw those bunch of islamists coming at them.

Besides, there is NO way that something like this could start within India

PS: I think that ISIS has plans in their sick heads for almost every country in Asia.
Having a desire to wage a constant war against the rest of the world,riding horses and waving swords are something and get it implemented is something else.
Exactly, the Indian Military is not the joke that represents the Iraqi forces who ran away once they saw those bunch of islamists coming at them.

Besides, there is NO way that something like this could start within India

PS: I think that ISIS has plans in their sick heads for almost every country in Asia.

Yes many terrorist groups have teste the warth of Indian army in Kashmir. Eact opposite happens. Terrorist try to run away when they see Indian forces. They dare not mess with Indian army.
Lots of IF's and Buts , ISIS will become a threat to India if they join Hands with Pakistani and Afghan Taliban , But then again they will target this two countries before India , Theory seems Ridiculous since Iraq is still standing and If USAF comes in ISIS will have hard time keeping the momentum going
Having a desire to wage an constant war against the rest of the world,riding horses and waving swords are something and get it implemented is something else.


We show what US did to them with Drone
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First let them save themselves from Drones!! I bet Within next few hours whoever is riding mini trucks with their AK-47 brandishing in open will get pulverized..
Haa.... poor Iraqi military made them fearful militias..... but they can't fight a real well organized militaries... first let them try finishing their design in iraq which is unlikely
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