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ISI's Brigadier Martyred in Waziristan

Collective punishment.. angrezi style?

That’s like your whole neighborhood getting arrested because someone was a thief.

It just doesn’t make sense and alienates citizens.

What if they are all thief's, or at least shelter the thief, support the thief and make excuses for the thief when he steals or maybe bombs a school?
What if they are all thief's, or at least shelter the thief, support the thief and make excuses for the thief when he steals or maybe bombs a school?

They do what any normal person would do. Mind their business and not get involved . After getting a couple of militants handed over do you think army will offer them protection from retaliation? :lol:

Government won’t offer them anything either. That’s why they choose to not get involved.
They do what any normal person would do. Mind their business and not get involved . After getting a couple of militants handed over do you think army will offer them protection from retaliation? :lol:

Government won’t offer them anything either. That’s why they choose to not get involved.

Not getting involved is fine, but sheltering and making excuses for is a problem, why do you think why their areas are such a den of snakes and terrorists and azad Kashmir for example isnt
Not getting involved is fine, but sheltering and making excuses for is a problem, why do you think why their areas are such a den of snakes and terrorists and azad Kashmir for example isnt

Stronger rule of law in AJK. Rule of law is what Pakistan is missing.
I hope the army takes the right message from this event. This is a top commander - second one in short while - killed by a piddly and useless terrorist group with minimal if any support in the masses.

If u make the largest Federal party in Pakistan a proscribed group, with 60% support all over Pak and in army. Pura mulk doob jaye ga.
If we were being bombed in our villages in Punjab by drones, and then found out ‘our’ army is allowing it, how would you feel towards them?
Stupid example considering TTP is not Punjabi. There is a reason the bombing happens in Waziristan, not Punjab.

Come back to me when there is an active insurgency in Punjab consistently claiming the lives of innocents as well as officials, and historically captured nearly an entire province 👍🏻

Stronger rule of law in AJK. Rule of law is what Pakistan is missing.
There is not a stronger rule of law, the people just don't have a hard on for terrorism, nor do locals have sympathy for it.

Rule of law barely exists in AJK...

It's why pashtun nationalism and Taliban/TTP are always two sides of the same coin and not opposite to each other

Prior to Taliban emerging In the 90s we were attacked for decades by pashtun nationalists in essence

Tears for the afghan republic are pointless because they were MORE dangerous then the Taliban, they essentially glorified pashtunism, this is why our pashtun nationalists, ali wazirz Mohsin dawar,khattaks etc flocked there

The fall of the Afghan Republic pulled the rug from underneath the pashtun nationalists and achieved multiple aims for Pakistan

However horrendous the Taliban are,and whilst underneath they are pashtun chauvinists also, they keep the afghans under control
Whether it is PTM/TTP/Ghani/Bacha Khan

The cover ideology doesn't matter - what matters is Pashtun nationalism at its core, having a preferred form of that nationalism like Islamic is just a benefit

They like to deflect a lot and blame X, Y, Z - he did this, they did this so we are angry, faujis radicalised us we were pacifist, it's all cope. At the core their motives are Pashtun nationalism and they've always been violent - no one radicalised them. Faqir of IPI was around way before the Soviets.
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Bajwas interview with Shahid Maitla clarifies everything that top command and certain high stake holders in Army have a biased Point of view and a stake in political ongoings inside the country, yes the army is rifled with the same problems as in politics but this is not the thread be to discussing those issues.
Bajwas interview with Shahid Maitla clarifies everything that top command and certain high stake holders in Army have a biased Point of view and a stake in political ongoings inside the country, yes the army is rifled with the same problems as in politics but this is not the thread be to discussing those issues.
It's a massive shit show, no wonder despite the power we possess there seems to be no clear concensus on what to do going forward

Military solution against these tribal brutes is the only solution, their problem is embedded deep inside their hearts and negotiations or talks simply delays the problem till later. Nip the problem while it's weak.

Have to stop being cucks and take the fight to them aggressively. This cuck behaviour empowers them and demoralises soldiers.

Hope he wasn't part of the Pakistani military establishment that's oppressing Pakistani people these days.

Stronger rule of law in AJK. Rule of law is what Pakistan is missing.

Pakistan is missing everything.
Seems to be part of major and multiple ops starting in march 2023. I think I mentioned this in some other thread too.

Don't seem to be a good start. Whats the end goal of it??

And why did Raheel Sharif give away one of Angor Adda post that was Pakistan's territory without the approval of parliment and prime minister?

Hope he wasn't part of the Pakistani military establishment that's oppressing Pakistani people these days.

Pakistan is missing everything.
Every thing is based on the rule of law in society,
Don't seem to be a good start. Whats the end goal of it??

And why did Raheel Sharif give away one of Angor Adda post that was Pakistan's territory without the approval of parliment and prime minister?

Every thing is based on the rule of law in society,
First step of Start of every ops is what ?
It is gathering intel. It means operations are/will be underway.
Its not the tribal people but the Govt itself which is not paying attention to the needs of these people the Govt is not bringing these people to the Pakistani federation. This lack of care and attention by Govt has led these people astray its basically like when Govt does not pay attention to the average folks needs. Whilst Afghandus do full PR in these Belts.
Indian Army had to contend with militancy in IOK in the cities and it has almost died down while Pakistan keeps losing officers in Hiluxes in sparsely populated areas.
Probably the only sane post on this thread and I am glad it is coming from an Indian who is capable of seeing the idiocy of chaos.

The Brigadier gave his life and yet is open season for the uncouth to assuage their own egos regarding a political crisis that is unrelated in general to this intelligence game.

Truly sad state of affairs of many PTI supporters

But there is a certain nuance and decorum especially when a person just doing their job regardless of the transgressions of their superiors are concerned. One can reflect on the overall actions of the military in terms of handling the conflict but to mock this brigadier’s death as some PTI supporters are doing is purely reprehensible and nothing more
Decorum lol. Did the army/ISI as an insititution ever think of decorum and nuance when they were torturing poor Zille Shah to death? Or when they killed Arshad Sharif?

Bhar main gya decorum, army/ISI have ravaged Pak like a pack of hyenas and turned the country into an animal kingdom so an animal kingdom is what they'll get. No surprises there.
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