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ISI's Brigadier Martyred in Waziristan

How do you know we have enough ammunition? Because genuinely I'm clueless

But anyway, people not to stop viewing it from a western perspective or even Pakistani perspective, these are not civilised people to begin with, they are tribal brutes that spent decades suicide bombing and what not, they've taken the lives of even their own countrymen who had no issue with them for their racial supremacist goals.

Honestly we have suffered enough and been engaged in their proxy war for long enough, its time to retaliate against these radical brutes!
Its not the tribal people but the Govt itself which is not paying attention to the needs of these people the Govt is not bringing these people to the Pakistani federation. This lack of care and attention by Govt has led these people astray its basically like when Govt does not pay attention to the average folks needs. Whilst Afghandus do full PR in these Belts.
He is young kid and troll, so who cares. Pathans have grievances with Faujis long before Bajra.

I used to have a lot of respect for Pakistan Army and still do for certain segments, but what is their main job?

To protect Pakistan, right? Forget about not doing their jobs, they are actively hell bent upon destroying it. We are all patriots here, but this is what the nation is reduced to..

You know this brigadier got setup and murdered, and unfortunately the most likely culprit is the people he was working for.

Those same people abduct and torture people from their homes, if you call them out on their bullshit and hypocrisy.

I think Pakistani awam has been way beyond decent for tolerating this shit for decades.

I’ll respect Army again when they do their job, and higher ranks are restricted from settling abroad.
Pathans don't have no grievances with Faujis, they have personal hatred and wavering loyalty to who they actually support. Big difference.

The youthiya crowd is who has grievances that switched from pro-army to anti-army - other crowds always hated the army because they are more dissidents and they leverage certain situations as cheap excuses for why they don't like the state and youthiyas parrot them like brainless retards.

Its not the tribal people but the Govt itself which is not paying attention to the needs of these people the Govt is not bringing these people to the Pakistani federation. This lack of care and attention by Govt has led these people astray its basically like when Govt does not pay attention to the average folks needs. Whilst Afghandus do full PR in these Belts.
Waziristan is the people itself. They are separatist minded. Simple as.

Meanwhile mainland KP is on the fence, many have sympathies for both Pakistan AND Afghanistan, and at times TTP too but this decreased after they experienced the brutal campaign.

But always remember TTP are not aliens, they are their own Pashtuns so with some convincing some of them may be willing to give them a chance again by spinning racial politics.
But always remember TTP are not aliens, they are their own Pashtuns so with some convincing some of them may be willing to give them a chance again by spinning racial politics.
Its the Govts fault think of it if your local constituency gets neglected by the party you voted for wouldn't you feel a sense of rebellion and anger, same goes for these people, Pakistan Govt does little to no development in these areas most of the development has been by friendly nations like UAE, Saudi, Qatar etc through the help of the army. Why would these people act sincere towards the nation when the national Govt itself hardly gives a flying crap.
This seems like a set up tbh

I honestly feel like TTP has inside agents within the government agencies/apparatus itself

There are undoubtedly majority locals who have sympathy with them

Just annihilate the whole fucking area if you have balls

They went inside ur GHQ
They went inside ur airbase
They went inside ur naval base

You kill them with drones, you make them terrorist, they wait and level the score.

U stop or pause and negotiate and process repeats.

The same happened with US.

Let's see how long it will last.
Its the Govts fault think of it if your local constituency gets neglected by the party you voted for wouldn't you feel a sense of rebellion and anger, same goes for these people, Pakistan Govt does little to no development in these areas most of the development has been by friendly nations like UAE, Saudi, Qatar etc through the help of the army. Why would these people act sincere towards the nation when the national Govt itself hardly gives a flying crap.
The same can be said about Sindh or AJK, yet they don't act the same.

Perhaps it plays a part but the core reason is what I mentioned. This is a tale as old as time itself bro - racial politics.

This is what i mean when i say army is not really focused our training is not up to the mark. We are suffering more casualties in direct encounters with kameez wearing Talibs.

The same can be said about Sindh or AJK, yet they don't act the same.

Perhaps it plays a part but the core reason is what I mentioned. This is a tale as old as time itself bro - racial politics.
AJK is has a autonomous Govt it is way more developed than the belts of FATA. Sindh is under the ghulami of Waderas you give it 10 years with the same conditions of Sindhis they will gladly revolt as well.
Yes but you know how much pacifists like to cry when it comes to this stuff, we'll immediately be labelled war criminals or something. Cross border strikes can go a long way, or may even end up backfiring harder. Depends on commitment i guess.
not that simple. please take a closer look at why the kpk police held demonstrations after the shadats of 100 police officers during jummah prayers. they who allowed these terrorists back in and why. the property dealing jurnayls know that kpk has massive PTI support, they are willing to sacrifice their own Markhors just to punish the Pakistanis of kpk for supporting PTI. they can stoop to any low, I've even heard unconfirmed reports that dam gates were willfully opened by bajwa bhanch0d to make floods worse than they actually were so that people's attention will get deflected to trying to survive rather than support and rally around Imran Khan.

the heads of these jurnayls need to roll...BIG TIME!
Let's not speculate anything.

Its a big loss. The brigadier & his staff were doing their real job. Few men are still doing their job when the top leadership including ISI head is busy in politics and scheming to torture citizens or ban PTI.

Worrying thing is Pak's security is in really sorry state. If terror networks can execute intel brigadiers then you can just imagine how powerful terror networks have become and how defensive & weak our military is in its real job.

For last 20 yrs, we are seeing constant decline of ISI's capability to detect or foil terror attacks or do counter attacks. 80,000 Pakistanis lost, 1000 of bomb blasts, and RAW successfully kept funding & doing sabotage operations. Billions dollars AWACS & PC3 orions in Mehran and Kamra bases were perfectly planned and destroyed by RAW. It was a massive slap on ISI face and ISI could never gave any response to india on that. This is all because of lack of leadership. The GHQ needs to have its entire focus on its real job instead spending countless resources to control own citizens or politics interference.

Was he a Brigadier from a Long Course or a civilian of equivalent rank? I am guessing the latter perhaps?

Big loss though, especially once you consider the AOR of this rank.

May Allah give him a place in jannat.

Looking at the picture in OP though, this looks more like a setup and ambush than an IBO or op. A mole somewhere? Or leakage of movement plans?

I have zero remorse when army blows up stuff in waziristan. Local deserve it honestly. Literally the tribal belt is full of parasites and scums.

Thori si sharam ayi yeh bolnay say pehle?

This is the reason why half the landmass of the country has resentment towards the federation.
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Let's not speculate anything.

Its a big loss. The brigadier & his staff were doing their real job. Few men are still doing their job when the top leadership including ISI head is busy in politics and scheming to torture citizens or ban PTI.

Worrying thing is Pak's security is in really sorry state. If terror networks can execute intel brigadiers then you can just imagine how powerful terror networks have become and how defensive & weak our military is in its real job.

For last 20 yrs, we are seeing constant decline of ISI's capability to detect or foil terror attacks or do counter attacks. 80,000 Pakistanis lost, 1000 of bomb blasts, and RAW successfully kept funding & doing sabotage operations. Billions dollars AWACS & PC3 orions in Mehran and Kamra bases were perfectly planned and destroyed by RAW. It was a massive slap on ISI face and ISI could never gave any response to india on that. This is all because of lack of leadership. The GHQ needs to have its entire focus on its real job instead spending countless resources to control own citizens or politics interference.
Army is not realising that these attacks only demoralise other units they are not some emotionless robots who are on sentey 24/7 the army needs to pull its socks up before its to late. I would go as far as to say the training standards for the average jawan are piss poor.
Pathans don't have no grievances with Faujis, they have personal hatred and wavering loyalty to who they actually support. Big difference.

The youthiya crowd is who has grievances that switched from pro-army to anti-army - other crowds always hated the army because they are more dissidents and they leverage certain situations as cheap excuses for why they don't like the state and youthiyas parrot them like brainless retards.

Waziristan is the people itself. They are separatist minded. Simple as.

Meanwhile mainland KP is on the fence, many have sympathies for both Pakistan AND Afghanistan, and at times TTP too but this decreased after they experienced the brutal campaign.

But always remember TTP are not aliens, they are their own Pashtuns so with some convincing some of them may be willing to give them a chance again by spinning racial politics.

It's why pashtun nationalism and Taliban/TTP are always two sides of the same coin and not opposite to each other

Prior to Taliban emerging In the 90s we were attacked for decades by pashtun nationalists in essence

Tears for the afghan republic are pointless because they were MORE dangerous then the Taliban, they essentially glorified pashtunism, this is why our pashtun nationalists, ali wazirz Mohsin dawar,khattaks etc flocked there

The fall of the Afghan Republic pulled the rug from underneath the pashtun nationalists and achieved multiple aims for Pakistan

However horrendous the Taliban are,and whilst underneath they are pashtun chauvinists also, they keep the afghans under control
Pathans don't have no grievances with Faujis, they have personal hatred and wavering loyalty to who they actually support. Big difference.

The youthiya crowd is who has grievances that switched from pro-army to anti-army - other crowds always hated the army because they are more dissidents and they leverage certain situations as cheap excuses for why they don't like the state and youthiyas parrot them like brainless retards.

Waziristan is the people itself. They are separatist minded. Simple as.

Meanwhile mainland KP is on the fence, many have sympathies for both Pakistan AND Afghanistan, and at times TTP too but this decreased after they experienced the brutal campaign.

But always remember TTP are not aliens, they are their own Pashtuns so with some convincing some of them may be willing to give them a chance again by spinning racial politics.

If we were being bombed in our villages in Punjab by drones, and then found out ‘our’ army is allowing it, how would you feel towards them?
If we supported mass terrorism and bombings I would say we deserved it

Collective punishment.. angrezi style?

That’s like your whole neighborhood getting arrested because someone was a thief.

It just doesn’t make sense and alienates citizens.
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