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ISI recorded and played the phone calls of Maryam Nawaz

A thread based on speculations by opposition parties. I am not a Noon leegi but people should come up with concrete evidence. I visited this thread to hear actual voice recordings of Maryam Nawaz as thread title suggested. @Indus Falcon

This is a big test for the Army. If Maryam Nawaz who is the mastermind of this leak is allowed to go scot free, than this will create a huge morale problem within the rank and file. Just because she is the Prime Minister's daughter does not mean that she should be forgiven for leaking sensitive material to the press for her political gains. She should be punished under the Army Act, and i really hope the Army pursues action against her. If not, than i see lots of unrest among the rank and file.
Are there any credible sources of this news apart from this video. Its seems to me that I am missing something here.
A thread based on speculations by opposition parties. I am not a Noon leegi but people should come up with concrete evidence. I visited this thread to hear actual voice recordings of Maryam Nawaz as thread title suggested. @Indus Falcon
Salam Bro,

Good to see you here. I think the audio has not been publicly revealed as yet.
Not condoning or supporting the news leak to the newspaper but I do wanna ask, is army above criticism? or accountability?

Dawn did not get any flak for publishing the story, Almeida wasn't criticised that much either but somehow the source that leaked the info is being a subject of witch hunt due to political reasons.

I'm all for national security and all but what was published wasnt nuclear codes or their locations. What Dawn published was already known to some extent. The story was a only a kind of confirmation.

All I want to say is thay I don't believe the army and its general should be given a free pass under the guise of national security. If they have dirty secrets or skeletons in their closet it needs to be brought out.

People that play with the lives of innocent people I have no sympathy for. whether they are politicians or army they need to face the music.
It is when at DEFINING moments when actions are not taken in a timely manner---then the issues and comments raise their ugly head.
Every Moment is a defining Moment for country
Problem is Who needs to take Action, its People or they should just leave this at army.
Army have there own place While Politicians have there own place in a system ,
Army Support its People While People Support its army.
as for Corruption thats up to the citizens of country to stand up and get rid of this problem

ISI recordings.....

You want Raheel to impose marshal law? Allah hi hafiz hai esi qoum ka. What will happen next? Potis will distribuite mithai but after few years PTI will start to curse him. Remember Imran Khan supported Musharraf till mushy decided Imran Khan will not be made PM unless he win elections.
You should read my post again
Sir but why ... Why are we not able to act against traitors like Altaf Hussain, Hussain Haqqani, Zardari, and Nawaz Shareef and his family and his cronies...if we let these traitors go away ... we are compromising our existence day by day... all of us are responsible especially the organisations / institutions entrusted with the responsibility.... or the army uses its power to coup only when it suits them but not when the nation needs it?

Pakistan army is professional army, they know their job and they will do, whatever they have to do to protect Pakistan. Failed politicians forced them to come in power. If you expecting army to give PM office to IK then i am sorry to break your heart that's not gonna happen. IK is also traitor, he even testified for BLA terrorist habiryar marri in UK crown court and spoke against army. All politicians are same.
Show your frustration somewhere else typical PTI goon.
Pakistan army is professional army, they know their job and they will do, whatever they have to do to protect Pakistan. Failed politicians forced them to come in power. If you expecting army to give PM office to IK then i am sorry to break your heart that's not gonna happen. IK is also traitor, he even testified for BLA terrorist habiryar marri in UK crown court and spoke against army. All politicians are same.
Show your frustration somewhere else typical PTI goon.
Hey patwari goon...I didn't ask for your opinion...so begani shaadi main patwari dewana...so bugger off
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Nothing will happen, Maryam is blue eyed of establishment including nawaz, she will be the new favorite leader of establishment. and in future may become PM with help of establishment.
Thanks for the tag.

Eaves dropping had become very common in 2003-4 in PA especially in the western theatre of war. Since 2013, many voice call apps (e.g Viber etc) of smart phones have been decoded for recording calls by Army Signal Corps.

ISI uses its own departments but has access to all MSC's of all telecom operators (Mobilink, Ufone etc) of Pakistan. MSC is a place where all servers store call/msg data, even the currently ongoing msg/calls can be be viewed. Call recording is the easy part. Even a person initiating or conversing on an on-going voice call (or data call e.g viber call, data on sim on 3G) can be located through the mobile tower and the sector(direction) which its serving. Cellular Neural technology is improving and tri-angulation techniques can also be used.

Politicians who think they are above the law and can get away with anything, dont use secure lines and become casual by making calls through cell phones thinking they can never be touched. PA itself has introduced secure and direct lines for communications between its High ranking officers.
So was it security breach or a fabrication ?

Security breach would be, when incident really happened(i.e Pakistani government, asked army to act against the terrorist or face international isolation) and Maryam leaked the contents of a confidential meeting , to the press.

Fabrication would be, is she fabricated the whole story herself and asked dawn to write it.
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This thread is becoming a PML-N vs. PTI point scoring thread...well debate is a good thing if the out-come is positive...don't you all think that in these critical times we should think above party-lines (ethnic lines etc)... WHAT should be the way forward for the Country? Majority of the politicians are corrupt we all know that but what we (Awaam) did? We bring them to power again and again and when they do not deliver to our expectations we make hue and cry about them, their bad governance and performance etc etc and this vicious cycle continues...so where the flaw lies?....it is the dumb, ignorant awaam of Pakistan who are Pakistan’s biggest enemy, the people who are still undecided about Patwaris and Zardaris. Our moral standards have stooped so low that we seem to be unmoved by acts of the corrupt leaders and their impact on the society.We are a nation that has cried for decades over electoral rigging but never once has a serious debate to initiate any reforms...WHY?...remember YOU cannot be freed by the same SYSTEM that have enslaved YOU...
Thanks for the tag.

Eaves dropping had become very common in 2003-4 in PA especially in the western theatre of war. Since 2013, many voice call apps (e.g Viber etc) of smart phones have been decoded for recording calls by Army Signal Corps.

ISI uses its own departments but has access to all MSC's of all telecom operators (Mobilink, Ufone etc) of Pakistan. MSC is a place where all servers store call/msg data, even the currently ongoing msg/calls can be be viewed. Call recording is the easy part. Even a person initiating or conversing on an on-going voice call (or data call e.g viber call, data on sim on 3G) can be located through the mobile tower and the sector(direction) which its serving. Cellular Neural technology is improving and tri-angulation techniques can also be used.

Politicians who think they are above the law and can get away with anything, dont use secure lines and become casual by making calls through cell phones thinking they can never be touched. PA itself has introduced secure and direct lines for communications between its High ranking officers.
I am reassured to know that our agencies are monitoring these vermin very closely indeed , you sure know your telecommunications sir and glad to know that signals corps is upto date in the communications dept.Kudos Sarge
Pakistan army is professional army, they know their job and they will do, whatever they have to do to protect Pakistan. Failed politicians forced them to come in power. If you expecting army to give PM office to IK then i am sorry to break your heart that's not gonna happen. IK is also traitor, he even testified for BLA terrorist habiryar marri in UK crown court and spoke against army. All politicians are same.
Show your frustration somewhere else typical PTI goon.
Well If the Army, courts, or whoever that has the power to do anything in this country, go about catching politicians for their crimes, then believe me IK will still be there, standing Tall!!
But lets put all that aside for a moment, what is your suggestion, what you do want to happen and who do you support? Its very easy to say that "All politicians are same" but whats the plan for the country? Should it just be left alone? Who is going to bring the much needed change? Please elaborate
So was it security breach or a fabrication ?

Security breach would be, when incident really happened(i.e Pakistani government, asked army to act against the terrorist or face international isolation) and Maryam leaked the contents of a confidential meeting , to the press.

Fabrication would be, is she fabricated the whole story herself and asked dawn to write it.
As ISPR has termed it planted story that basically means a fabricated story was published in press (Dawn by Cyril Almeida) on the behest of the daughter of current PM of Pakistan. She used another minister for that but the documentary proof reveals that she herself was involved directly in communicating and ordering the publishing of this report. She was oblivious of the fact that ISI has the capabilities beyond her imagination and can decode the most secure services.

A thread based on speculations by opposition parties. I am not a Noon leegi but people should come up with concrete evidence. I visited this thread to hear actual voice recordings of Maryam Nawaz as thread title suggested. @Indus Falcon

Are there any credible sources of this news apart from this video. Its seems to me that I am missing something here.
Sorry for any misunderstanding you got but the title clearly says "ISI recorded and play" and no where did I claim that that I'm sharing those recordings since those will be kept under wraps by ISI for some time at least. However the guy claimed on a TV show and if that's not true then he can sued for propagating misleading or false info.
Traitors need to be punished to set the example once for all....
Just for fun
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