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ISI recorded and played the phone calls of Maryam Nawaz

By looking at Maryam nawaz it seem like she has some vendetta against army and they are preparing to go for war against them. One should ask what are they trying to prove or do in this country (the same country that her father and uncle looted).
My guess Army is gonna play slow game they dont want any political martyr. they are going to take them out one by one they wont put hand on her because her farther is in power and he will cry to Arabs if something happened to her. They are gonna take her closest aides.
PML(N) was brought into the world by the Army during the Zia ul Haq period.
They know it, but cannot get rid of this stigma.

Now as a complexed child, they try to stand up against the military in order to prove history wrong, but all their efforts take them towards confrontation with the military establishment.

Maryam saw her father kicked out of the govt 3 times, out of which 2 times by the military, so it is natural that she has hate against the military.
PML(N) was brought into the world by the Army during the Zia ul Haq period.
They know it, but cannot get rid of this stigma.

Now as a complexed child, they try to stand up against the military in order to prove history wrong, but all their efforts take them towards confrontation with the military establishment.

Maryam saw her father kicked out of the govt 3 times, out of which 2 times by the military, so it is natural that she has hate against the military.

You said Nawaz will give resignation by Monday. Monday is here...no resignation. PML(N) actually seems to be gaining upper hand vis-a-vis Islamabad lockdown situation now.

Khawaja Asif is back in Pakistan too..
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If there is some Audio tape it will get leaked same as of Dr.Asim video. So lets wait.Or may be the new COAS will be appointed whomsoever Army wished to be.
This is a big test for the Army. If Maryam Nawaz who is the mastermind of this leak is allowed to go scot free, than this will create a huge morale problem within the rank and file. Just because she is the Prime Minister's daughter does not mean that she should be forgiven for leaking sensitive material to the press for her political gains. She should be punished under the Army Act, and i really hope the Army pursues action against her. If not, than i see lots of unrest among the rank and file.
Who are you to say what goes on in the rank and file of the Army, morale wise, she won't be tried under the army act or even under the judiciary for that matter.
Stop sensationalising the issue and quit acting like an ambassador for the army. The army is not a rag tag outfit that they would resort to unrest over such an issue.
Sorry for any misunderstanding you got but the title clearly says "ISI recorded and play" and no where did I claim that that I'm sharing those recordings since those will be kept under wraps by ISI for some time at least
Any evidence behind the claim that ISI recorded and played Calls of Maryam Nawaz.
However the guy claimed on a TV show and if that's not true then he can sued for propagating misleading or false info.
Common man, politicians accuse and degrade each other 24 hours on tv channels. Some of the allegations and claims are even funny. Who cares about suing.
Are you proud of this?forgetting who is right and who is wrong,army should never have power to question or hold accountable an elected government..if these elected representatives are corrupt people will replace them with someone else in the next elections. That is how democracy evolves.
Your army by acting like king is not allowing your democratic institutions to evolve..if the army has done the same thing in India or the US the chief of army would be sacked immediately..it is highly unethical on their part to hack phone calls of Representatives of people.
Pakistan's dynamics is totally different from India. While india is big country comprising many states and most of the states are powerful in some way or the population of states is not that disproportionate democracy works fine. In Pakistan when you can come to power by just winning GT road things get discriminatory. The one in power only focuses on that one portion that gets them in power and they dont care what rest of country think. On top of this you start buying Journalists and bureaucracy and judges by awarding them perks and extend your rule on the expense of minorities/small provinces. While PPP was thrown out of power due to corruption allegations, Nawaz was always thrown out due to confrontation with establishment. Nawaz always thinks that by buying people loyalties he can become powerful. so in no other country you will see sitting government maligning its armed forces.
I dont agree with the notion that military should act like king and topple govts but this is how things work in Pakistan. Unless there is radical change how election take place in Pakistan or there is change in power corridors things wont change.
What has the Army done about known traitors in the past? What is this leak compared to murders, looting of crucial development funds and extortion?

MQM leaders, Zardari, Nawaz and countless others? PTI also has a number of dubious characters in prime positions, ready to become Federal Ministers should the Army back their plan.

The truth is that the Army has let corruption run rampant and has allowed traitors to rule/escape time and time again.

And when they took over, Mush The Great brought back MQM from the brink, allowing them to re-establish their criminal empire in Karachi. The same MQM the Army now is having trouble controlling; the same RAW-backed mafia; the same target killing machine which had the blood of numerous honest police officers on its hands.

Why do we think the Army is some kind of Messiah? Accountability and professionalism is undoubtedly better than it is in political circles / many other institutions... but that's about it.
Any evidence behind the claim that ISI recorded and played Calls of Maryam Nawaz.

Common man, politicians accuse and degrade each other 24 hours on tv channels. Some of the allegations and claims are even funny. Who cares about suing.
This is a big test for the Army. If Maryam Nawaz who is the mastermind of this leak is allowed to go scot free, than this will create a huge morale problem within the rank and file. Just because she is the Prime Minister's daughter does not mean that she should be forgiven for leaking sensitive material to the press for her political gains. She should be punished under the Army Act, and i really hope the Army pursues action against her. If not, than i see lots of unrest among the rank and file.
ALLAH knows best. However, in upcoming years, we are eventually headed towards being a Bangladesh lead by Haseena Wajid a.k.a Maryam Nawaz.
Who are you to say what goes on in the rank and file of the Army, morale wise, she won't be tried under the army act or even under the judiciary for that matter.
Stop sensationalising the issue and quit acting like an ambassador for the army. The army is not a rag tag outfit that they would resort to unrest over such an issue.
@notorious_eagle is a respected member and valued both by the members and admins of forum for his opinion...who the heck are you to start personal insinuation and insults...If you do not have any logical and reasonable contribution to make... and patwaris are inherently incapable of any positivity towards the community... so bugger off.
We are well aware of PMLn hatred against PA and Pakistan especially what they bark behind the scenes and that has been busted and soon they will be apprehended and taken to the task..

ALLAH knows best. However, in upcoming years, we are eventually headed towards being a Bangladesh lead by Haseena Wajid a.k.a Maryam Nawaz.
InshaAllah that won't happen rather we will get rid of these goons and traitors and Pakistan will be as sovereign as any other nation on the planet and make its decision within Pakistan....

@django @The Sandman @Moonlight @Chauvinist @User @Spring Onion @Arsalan @EAK

The Kingdom is safe till completion of the current tenure even if the maimnna was not sacrificed. However The fiasco may lead to HUNG parliament in the future tenures.
@notorious_eagle is a respected member and valued both by the members and admins of forum for his opinion...who the heck are you to start personal insinuation and insults...If you do not have any logical and reasonable contribution to make... and patwaris are inherently incapable of any positivity towards the community... so bugger off.
We are well aware of PMLn hatred against PA and Pakistan especially what they bark behind the scenes and that has been busted and soon they will be apprehended and taken to the task..
Stop being emotionally blinded by the situation, if I was a betting man I would have put the odds strongly in favour of the status quo.
I can ask you the same question that who the heck are you to hold me accountable for something I say to another member on pdf despite the said user being "respected" as well as "valued".
I am not a noon supporter or supporter of any political party.
I am very inclined to the army but am not fanatically blinded by my inclination, I can see things as they are and make my judgments and am free to post them as I see fit on pdf.
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