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ISI, Rangers Officials To Be Removed From Post on KHI Incident: ISPR

Anyone who commits an illegal or unconstitutional act,

Now when you ask for the law and order situation getting out of hand do you mean how dare they Go after PML_N Muhammad Safdar Awan who is above the law , breaking the law on camera in day light or you mean how dare they wake up the political party workers also know as Karachi police to do their job.

It's very amusing for people like me to see how a criminal Muhammad Safdar is not being asked why he broke the law or why no one is asking incompetent Karachi police why they still didn't act on it, charge him with it, but the guys who wake up the Police to do their jobs are suspended.

You are asking for the constitution and law and order, Do you know what police job is? How dare you ask for law and order when you are clearly saying the law and punishment should be based on who is committing the crime?

MR @Jungibaaz If this was any other Nation Safdar Owen would be in jail, sleeping police officer would have been suspended and all politicians asking the Police for favour would also be charged with interfering with an ongoing investigation, so don't tell us about your selective law and order.
Lol Geo and its lackeys and obviously PML-N touts trying to involve or discredit PM IK in this mess too.
I just knew that Geo after getting its owner MSR out on bail would have a soft line for establishment but their PM IK bughaz can't be overcome. And this new twist to PM's words and all by their group of lifafist journalists just proves it :disagree:
Anyone watching that interview knows the context in which PM IK termed the whole series of events as comedy and a joke. To the question on the same he had said that you catch theives for their bigger crimes and not for breaking signals. Guess he was amused how everyone acted silly, and at that time inquiry was ongoing, so he wouldn't have said more than that.

In big picture, it is good that the institution has made itself accountable. This is also a signal to others who may try to act out of line of the top command. Discipline is of utmost importance.

Now it wouldn't happen but the shameful PPP government and their tout corrpt IG Sindh should also bear some responsiblity. THis IG officer and the shamefuls below him were feeling shame on being asked to uphold rule of law and restore the respect of Baba-e-qaum..sigh..
Bro just trying to target pti and get them involved that's all. No political party has that power. This is just hilarious. Probably after seeing the gathering crowds a couple of officers thought of taking the matters in their own hands.
You are missing one very important aspect of all of it. The lower ranks among the army are angry at what PDM is doing. A couple of them just lost the cool.

Look how PTI representative was pressurising an SHO.
Lol Geo and its lackeys and obviously PML-N touts trying to involve or discredit PM IK in this mess too.
I just knew that Geo after getting its owner MSR out on bail would have a soft line for establishment but their PM IK bughaz can't be overcome. And this new twist to PM's words and all by their group of lifafist journalists just proves it :disagree:
Anyone watching that interview knows the context in which PM IK termed the whole series of events as comedy and a joke. To the question on the same he had said that you catch theives for their bigger crimes and not for breaking signals. Guess he was amused how everyone acted silly, and at that time inquiry was ongoing, so he wouldn't have said more than that.

In big picture, it is good that the institution has made itself accountable. This is also a signal to others who may try to act out of line of the top command. Discipline is of utmost importance.

Now it wouldn't happen but the shameful PPP government and their tout corrpt IG Sindh should also bear some responsiblity. THis IG officer and the shamefuls below him were feeling shame on being asked to uphold rule of law and restore the respect of Baba-e-qaum..sigh..
for context..watch few minutes of this from time-stamped or 19.00 min mark onwards..
Well, my area of interest is Military and Defence related matters. So, I do like to comment on those. Politics and politicians, I don't like talking about them much.

Constitution, whoever oversteps it, I'll talk about it.

Providing good governance is also part of constitution

Or it isn't??

All the daily corruption that keeps on happening and is still happening in Sindh government is part of constitution?
In 3 out of 4 provinces they had their sureties confiscated and couldnt find candidates willing to run on their tickets so not possible for atleast another decade or 2

You are underestimating Bajwa sahab?
Providing good governance is also part of constitution

Or it isn't??

All the daily corruption that keeps on happening and is still happening in Sindh government is part of constitution?

You are underestimating Bajwa sahab?

I think we should wait till 15th and the results to make a judgement. It maybe premature. Yes, the concerns are there of some underhand deal but tbh alot of this is media build and hype too,.Media literally Billo Rani and even PML-N ki uttha raha hai..even PTI is campaigning and doing it big and well but the impression is being given that they are not in the scene. Ultimately this will help PPP etc to cry foul if and when PTI wins big.
They only started showing a bit of PTI campaigning after Ali Amin remarks on calibri bibi, probably in hope of getting something else spicy and to do program on..

If anything, i feel and i can be wrong, by releasing the inquiry report now, mybe COAS has prevented any blackmailing and pressure by PPP on the issue. Else they could have used it as bargaining chip for a mandate in GB elections maybe. Rest yes, their cases are going slow, which is questionable..but..what can we say..sigh..
i am still skeptic about one thing, no tweet from official account, neither confirming or denying this.

My view, Safdar should be punished, LEA responsible for not launching FIR against him should be punished, people involved in creating this mess of so called kidnapping of IG should be punished
I think we should wait till 15th and the results to make a judgement. It maybe premature. Yes, the concerns are there of some underhand deal but tbh alot of this is media build and hype too,.Media literally Billo Rani and even PML-N ki uttha raha hai..even PTI is campaigning and doing it big and well but the impression is being given that they are not in the scene. Ultimately this will help PPP etc to cry foul if and when PTI wins big.
They only started showing a bit of PTI campaigning after Ali Amin remarks on calibri bibi, probably in hope of getting something else spicy and to do program on..

If anything, i feel and i can be wrong, by releasing the inquiry report now, mybe COAS has prevented any blackmailing and pressure by PPP on the issue. Else they could have used it as bargaining chip for a mandate in GB elections maybe. Rest yes, their cases are going slow, which is questionable..but..what can we say..sigh..

I hope what you are saying is true

You have also accepted that Pee Pee Pee is clearly getting leverage on its corruption cases. Even Sharjeel Memon was caught with alcohol by Chief Justice of Pakistan during his trial in sub jail in hospital and still no action was taken against him

All these things give credence to the fact that establishment is giving leverage to Pee Pee Pee and Billo being future PM of Pakistan can't be ruled out. Yeah it would be another disaster but we can expect this disaster from the establishment
The day he becomes PM will be the day I will apply for Indian Visa.

I would apply for Afghan nationality when that clown would become PM of Pakistan
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