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ISI, Rangers Officials To Be Removed From Post on KHI Incident: ISPR

You dont create an equal system by continuously making excuses for one family again and again
Honestly, I couldn’t care less about Safdar’s arrest. He chanted slogan and violated the sanctity of mazar e Quaid, an arrest could have easily just been had by Sindh police and I wouldn’t care at all. The only issue here is with IG Sindh and what happened with him.
Sir again why the double standards? Does the constitution not apply to politicians? Does the government not act under the same constitution? Do the politicians not swear an oath?
I consider subjugating police to political whims is the same as kidnapping.

You said they kidnap journalists, I said PPP killed a journalist.
Isn't accountability of politicians a laughable idea as well? Does a money launderer not residing abroad trying to create unrest in country? Is a convict not holding political rallies throughout the country?

It is not the time to point fingers at others. An immature screwup was made up by ISI & Rangers which strengthened the narrative of Maryam Safdar. Admit it and move on that Army is not as brilliant as we make them out to be.
I respectfully disagree, more accountability of politicians is fine, but there are levels to this. The army is at the top, crooked judges and politicians, business persons are usually a few rungs below. When there is no universal rule of law, every powerful person is able to beat on the person weaker than him, this is the system we have.

you might be right but in Pakistan people have more trust on Army than politicians where as police is considered as something useless demonized force. So issue will put to rest from today onwards. People will only back universal law when politicians will clear filth within themselves. For now, awaam won't care if army spanks some politicians or made them spanked through their rivals (pti). There is no love for police among us either.
This is mere assumption, in my opinion nothing more will happen.

Whocares ! All we, media cares now that whether PPP will back PDM anti army narrative or will have their own which means, all these so called democratic political parties, are NOT at the same page.
Honestly, I couldn’t care less about Safdar’s arrest. He chanted slogan and violated the sanctity of mazar e Quaid, an arrest could have easily just been had by Sindh police and I wouldn’t care at all. The only issue here is with IG Sindh and what happened with him.
Abduction of IG Sindh is directly connected with the fact that Sindh police did not and still not prosecute Captain Safdar for breaking the law on political pressure from the ruling PPP. You cannot see those two events separately.
Honestly, I couldn’t care less about Safdar’s arrest. He chanted slogan and violated the sanctity of mazar e Quaid, an arrest could have easily just been had by Sindh police and I wouldn’t care at all. The only issue here is with IG Sindh and what happened with him.
Sindh police acts like lackey of PPP instead of a neutral force no way they wouldve acted against him even if police was pressurized I fully support it my only problem is the soft approach they took against Safdar and the police even after this

THey continue to call for the breakup of Pakistan and mutiny inside army and all they get are slaps on the wrists
PM Imran Khan is not taking anything seriously any more
Situation is about to change fast after November 25 and really fast after March 2021
What about the political pressure on IG Sindh to not file FIR against Captain Safdar? That's what caused entire chain of events.

thanks to STUPIDITY and impatience of Ali Zaidi and Alim look who came out as the "winner" of this situation .... ISPR accepted the mistake and went public with it, now question is will the ruling party have balls to do that? the leader claims that "kidnap" was a joke
thanks to STUPIDITY and impatience of Ali Zaidi and Alim look who came out as the "winner" of this situation .... ISPR accepted the mistake and went public with it, now question is will the ruling party have balls to do that? the leader claims that "kidnap" was a joke

police didnt registered any FIR over the complaints made by Pti local leaders...sindh police simply ignored them and that was where, Rangers stepped in.
thanks to STUPIDITY and impatience of Ali Zaidi and Alim look who came out as the "winner" of this situation .... ISPR accepted the mistake and went public with it, now question is will the ruling party have balls to do that? the leader claims that "kidnap" was a joke
It was only after abduction of IG Sindh that FIR against Captain Safdar was registered. Why was Sindh police not filing FIR before? You have a problem with over zealous Rangers / ISI officers but not a single word against politicized Sindh police
Situation is about to change fast after November 25
What's happening on November 25?
It was only after abduction of IG Sindh that FIR against Captain Safdar was registered. Why was Sindh police not filing FIR before? You have a problem with over zealous Rangers / ISI officers but not a single word against politicized Sindh police

sir with all due respect why do you think I have a problem? it's ISPR who said it was wrong not me, also kindly quote me ONCE where my stance has been in favor of Safdar. Even in this thread i said due to mismanagement of two stupid impatient idiots the situation went in favor of the other party. Did i praised the other party? you honestly seem to be having a lot of comprehension problems my friend.

If FIR is not being entered by any thanna the solution is to get IG Sindh kidnapped? is that what you are suggesting? there are no other ways or means to tackle the situation?
Abduction of IG Sindh is directly connected with the fact that Sindh police did not and still not prosecute Captain Safdar for breaking the law on political pressure from the ruling PPP. You cannot see those two events separately.
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Bro please think for a second about what the claim you’ve made here suggests. Personally, I reject both the claim and the internal logic behind that claim.

IG’s kidnapping is illegal and harmful, no matter the justification given. Safdar’s arrest is of course related, but like I said it’s a molehill compared to the mountain of an allegation of the kidnapping of IG. Safdar’s arrest imo was probably valid in itself, but not a big deal, it’s a bailable offence and even if Sindh police had acted without duress nobody would have cared.

You cannot justify such a huge and illegal act on the basis of not arresting safdar for a brief moment before letting him out on bail, that makes no sense.
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