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ISI, Rangers Officials To Be Removed From Post on KHI Incident: ISPR

If Sindh police had done its job, the way it was meant, others wouldn't need to do it for them, but since Bhutto abbi Zinda ha that is why sub Harami akhata hua hain. Allah bless these chaps who knew that they would be targeted and proceedings would be initiated against them, yet took a firm stand on the discretion of Quaid-e-Azam tomb.
Safdar shouldve been arrested long before that but sadly police acted as PPP lackeys who were more than happy allow holigans in Mizar e Quaid but dont allow protests in Bhuttos tomb
politicians do more bad things Sir. They kill their own people, civilians. Who ordered killings of PAT workers through police Sir. daily tens of people do get kidnapped by these powerful politicians especially in rural areas but no one talks about it. If one start counting the atrocities these politicians workers/leaders/MNAs/councilors/powerful people within these parties commits on daily basis than you will indeed consider army men as angels.
I respectfully disagree, more accountability of politicians is fine, but there are levels to this. The army is at the top, crooked judges and politicians, business persons are usually a few rungs below. When there is no universal rule of law, every powerful person is able to beat on the person weaker than him, this is the system we have.
So the logic is don't do your work and stop others from doing their work. IG Sindh or not where were they when Karachi was burning. Have we forgotten how dangerous it was with Target Killing and parchi system. I used to keep Nokia 1100 when i was their and i kid u not it was stolen twice. At least now conditions are much better than the past.
Capt Safdar and his slogans have somehow taken the back burner and how all this was hijacked and he was let go. Police didn't do their duty they only wanted to please their master .What action was taken against Mazar Quaid/
If Sindh police had done its job, the way it was meant, others wouldn't need to do it for them, but since Bhutto abbi Zinda ha that is why sub Harami akhata hua hain. Allah bless these chaps who knew that they would be targeted and proceedings would be initiated against them, yet took a firm stand on the discretion of Quaid-e-Azam tomb.
Sindh police has already given clean chit to Captain Safdar despite breaking the law
Isa ki dp laga lo sab masley hal ho jayein gay :D
Brother I don’t need any suggestions, I already live in a country with rule of law, but thanks. I don’t even know the name of a single serving or retired general in the UK, nobody knows who the heck our chief of armed forces is. Some bloke in Whitehall most likely who quietly does his job, let alone do we hear anything about their extrajudicial and unconstitutional escapades.
I respectfully disagree, more accountability of politicians is fine, but there are levels to this. The army is at the top, crooked judges and politicians, business persons are usually a few rungs below. When there is no universal rule of law, every powerful person is able to beat on the person weaker than him, this is the system we have.
You dont create an equal system by continuously making excuses for one family again and again
When was the last time a politician forced a serving senior officer or general to be kidnapped and made to act at their personal whim?

The army operates under the government, it has no right to kidnap or arrest anyone, it cannot violate the constitution, its officers swear an oath, their oaths are not to their commanding officer or to the chief, their oaths are to the constitution.

Anyone who commits an illegal or unconstitutional act, army or civilian should be held accountable. But external accountability of the former is a laughable idea in Pakistan.

Sir again why the double standards? Does the constitution not apply to politicians? Does the government not act under the same constitution? Do the politicians not swear an oath?
I consider subjugating police to political whims is the same as kidnapping.

You said they kidnap journalists, I said PPP killed a journalist.
Isn't accountability of politicians a laughable idea as well? Does a money launderer not residing abroad trying to create unrest in country? Is a convict not holding political rallies throughout the country?
It goes to show that ISI & Ranger Senior officials are equally dumb and not as brilliant and tactical as we consider them to be . The Boomer and 80's 90's mentality is as prevalent in today's officer corp as it was in those days of 80's and 90's. No Finesse in their approach , Not an iota of an idea that don't give ammunition to rivals or how to handle the situation and not to aggravate the situation further.

Military Intelligence is known for this kind of screwups. They screwed up the Balochistan back in 2006 with the same mentality and brute force which was displayed in "Karachi Incident".

It goes to show when there are brilliant people like, Lt.Gen Bilal akbar heading the Rangers, everything will be handled with finesse and tactical brilliance. If you gonna post a mediocre Officer with low IQ, this is what gonna happen.
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