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ISI - One great organisation.

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Oct 18, 2010
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Last night I was alone with my uncle, went for a long drive and to discuss about it, whose brothers are in Armed Forces and ISI.
His brother in ISI is at senior position and I asked him 'Do you think ISI and Armed Forces are capable institutions in Pakistan?'.

His response: 'If they weren't, why would the whole world cry behind them?'

This did, explain a lot of unsaid stuff.
On more detailed talks, it was said that

'ISI is divided into sectors of different work being done and in different location. ISI is pretty small in number of senior officials, and they can in no way deal with all directions. They are doing their best, trying to deal with major problems. They are having full potentiol to do anything, and they can do it at any given time. The problem is, the serving personnel in no way are able to deal with so many different cases (accusations).'

After the talks moved to Abottabad incident, he covered the whole story. I cannot mention all of it, but parts of it were:

'We found out prior of the operation, that something was fishy. Not to mention the F-18s and AWAC, they were ready for 3 stage war. Stage one: Sent number of choppers, and they are ready to deal with any ground fire. Stage two: In case Pakistan Air Force attacked the choppers, the F-18s were ready to invade. Stage 3: (sorry cannot define it here, but it includes the US Navy). So we found out about the Operation and stand by the fact, it was a wise decision not to attack the attackers but limit their work to a certain scale'

So ending, ISI is a capable organisation and it just needs its morale to be high after the month of May, when it lost its reputation in hearts of Pakistani citizens, for no apparant reason. We need to suppor them in the time they need us.

(PS: The person I was with, has been in ISI Head Quarters at the time of Abbottabad incident and told me about everything that was going on)
I thought militarymen dont divulge their secrets to their families.PS:dont reply back afterall iam an evil bharti virus.
the biggest resposibility of I.S.I was to protect pakistani civilian's from terrorism and protect pakistani soveriegnity , and we have seen how well they have performed thier job, every single day there is a bomb blast in pakistan, the abbotabad incident and now the killing of the pakistani journalist. Apart from this they were also involved in 26/11 were 200 innocent people were killed, hence it is not just a failed organisation but also a rogue organisation, it should be immediately banned.
the biggest resposibility of I.S.I was to protect pakistani civilian's from terrorism and protect pakistani soveriegnity , and we have seen how well they have performed thier job, every single day there is a bomb blast in pakistan, the abbotabad incident and now the killing of the pakistani journalist. Apart from this they were also involved in 26/11 were 200 innocent people were killed, hence it is not just a failed organisation but also a rogue organisation, it should be immediately banned.

Yeah a rouge organization like Indian Army where a Colonel ranked person is found in terrorists activities which are blamed on Pakistan usually.
I Agree. ISI is Great Organisation as far its Objectives & Execution are concerned.
But look at the other things from USA to Afghanistan everyone call itself a organization supporting terrorists.

ISI fails to prevent attack on pakistani navy base or even at pakistani army headquater.

ISI fail to see the Osama operation on pakistani soil, they didn't even knew about it till they switch on the TV.

I think ISI needs a overhaul and need to modernize itself and get rid of extremists.
Too capable. It's members are, as the OP points out, scarcely accountable to their own superiors, let alone a body of elected officials. Sadly, this sort of thing seems to follow the footsteps of Jinnah, who when briefed about Pakistan's role in Kashmir replied, ‘Don’t tell me anything about it. My conscience must be clear’. link
His response: 'If they weren't, why would the whole world cry behind them?'

What he really meant, if they were,

Pakistan would be a strong democracy with good law and order having two borders with India, holding its own, not dependent on superpowers, old and emerging, and that reporter shahzad would be alive.

But, he's not.

Last night I was alone with my uncle, went for a long drive and to discuss about it, whose brothers are in Armed Forces and ISI.
His brother in ISI is at senior position and I asked him 'Do you think ISI and Armed Forces are capable institutions in Pakistan?'.

His response: 'If they weren't, why would the whole world cry behind them?'

This did, explain a lot of unsaid stuff.
On more detailed talks, it was said that

'ISI is divided into sectors of different work being done and in different location. ISI is pretty small in number of senior officials, and they can in no way deal with all directions. They are doing their best, trying to deal with major problems. They are having full potentiol to do anything, and they can do it at any given time. The problem is, the serving personnel in no way are able to deal with so many different cases (accusations).'

After the talks moved to Abottabad incident, he covered the whole story. I cannot mention all of it, but parts of it were:

'We found out prior of the operation, that something was fishy. Not to mention the F-18s and AWAC, they were ready for 3 stage war. Stage one: Sent number of choppers, and they are ready to deal with any ground fire. Stage two: In case Pakistan Air Force attacked the choppers, the F-18s were ready to invade. Stage 3: (sorry cannot define it here, but it includes the US Navy). So we found out about the Operation and stand by the fact, it was a wise decision not to attack the attackers but limit their work to a certain scale'

So ending, ISI is a capable organisation and it just needs its morale to be high after the month of May, when it lost its reputation in hearts of Pakistani citizens, for no apparant reason. We need to suppor them in the time they need us.

(PS: The person I was with, has been in ISI Head Quarters at the time of Abbottabad incident and told me about everything that was going on)

If the PAF would have shot down the choppers, whats the guarantee that they would have got hold of OBL? That would have made US embarrassed. But no, scared as hell.
The USS Carl Vinson had ALL of Pakistani airspace under surveillance and ready for any action.
The USS Carl Vinson had ALL of Pakistani airspace under surveillance and ready for any action.
I wondered why the U.S. didn't send at least one carrier to Libya and kept them in the Arabian Sea instead. Now we know.
I wondered why the U.S. didn't send at least one carrier to Libya and kept them in the Arabian Sea instead. Now we know.

For all the public bravado being displayed, the real story is that the junta are crapping in their pants after being shown just how hollow this facade of invincibility has been all along. The only thing left is to see how they will bargain for keeping the noose around their own citizenry to keep looting while doing everything that will be asked of them by the US.
RAW is not good at "retiring" technology as ISI. All isi officers found working with terrorists are "retired"
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