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ISI aiding taliban or maintaining contacts?

Whats so wrong about the ISI aiding Afghan Taleban fight the oppressive occupation?

The Taleban never attacked the US or India.
but they have problem with al-qaeda, who is supported by Afghan Taliban :wave:
ABC/BBC/ARD Afghanistan Poll-Feb. 9, 2009

The poll is well done though I doubt you'll read past the sensationalist headlines but it's important, nonetheless, that I post this for you. You have a misconception about the aid your ISI provide to the taliban.

"Whats so wrong about the ISI aiding Afghan Taleban fight the oppressive occupation?"

That aid, sir, is deeply, deeply resented by the afghan people. The reason for this is because they HATE the taliban whom are recognized by the Afghans as the true oppressors.

Can you understand that? I doubt so therefore here's the question from a very extensive survey that deserves your full attention-

Question #18 from a recent ABC news poll asks-

"18. Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose the presence of the following groups in Afghanistan today?"

The Afghan presence today of U.S. military forces had a net approval of 63%. NATO/ISAF 59%. Jihadi foreign fighters 11%. Taliban 8%. Foreign NGOs 73%. See page 22, Question 18 please-

The afghan taliban receive less support than "Jihadi" foreign fighters (inappropriate use-they are IRHABI). Meanwhile your "oppressors" still receive 63% net approval despite all our travails.

You make war on the afghan people from your lands. There are forty one nations with their sons and daughters there trying to raise forth a nation and you piss on their efforts.

Worse, you do so in delusion of the FACTS.

Learn them sir.:angry:
Pakistan should have supported Taliban insurgency since the beginning, We shouldn't have let US establish strong foothold in Afghanistan.

Anyway, better late then never.

We have engineered fall of the communist big bear in past, InshAllah this capitalistic war machine would also be laid to rest.
The Afghan presence today of U.S. military forces had a net approval of 63%.

Are these numbers being crunched from white house? or you went to Afghanistan and did the survey?
Dear Hellfire,

The question Asim has put is why does India need so many consulates in Afghanistan?

The level of work carried out by Indian companies in Afghanistan is not such that they need 8, 32 or 107 (what ever is the correct figure) consulates to look after it.

Also you start your post with a certain point of view and then yourself contradict it in the later part. Seems you are a bit confused.

Dear Mr. Ejaz

In my previous post where I have quoted Mr. Asim, I have clearly said that the number of 107 which has been quoted is BS at best. Only a delusive personality will even think of it, let alone base any argument on it.

India has 5 consulates inside US itself, 3 in RUssia and there are many more instances I can quote where India has more than 1 embassy operating in more than one city in a country. In no instance have we decided to invade Canada by basing our consular activities in US, and neither invade Georgia/Belarus/Estonia/Moldovia/Lithuania/Kyrgystan/Tajikistan (all the erstwhile USSR nations) not to mention China/Mongolia/Japan (our consulate in Vladivostok may give that impression to a few intellects though) by having consular services in Russia also. So the argument over why India has the said consulates in Afghanistan is baseless at best.

S-2 has kindly given us a more realistic number of Indian missions in Afghanistan. The fact that various Indian Govt agencies are involved namely BRO, GREF etc for developmental work as also India is running hospitals etc, means that a large amount of Indian staff is based in Afghanistan which has armed forces members too (like doctors etc as also MES - Military Engineering Services). Its better to house them under protection in a secured compound and best to have your own places for the same with all diplomatic protection extended that prevents undue harassment of the staff based there. Security of the staff there, which are working over a large area and not confined to a single city, has made it imperative for these sites to come up.

Any point which is not clear may kindly be specified by you, I shall try and clarify the same.

That's not a fact at all. An opinon perhaps. A weakened Pakistan is very much in the interests of India. It makes their job of defending the Eastern border a lot easier, and it allows them the old strategies of ruling through proxies.


I wish it was as you say .... but sadly its not so, and its a fact that even general public in india now recognise. if had not been so, then congress would have been booted out post-Mumbai attack for non action against Pakistan. If you still believe that this is not the case, then its your right.
Whats so wrong about the ISI aiding Afghan Taleban fight the oppressive occupation?

The Taleban never attacked the US or India.

its like saying sun does not rise from east sir .... you could not be further from the truth .... taleban caders were introduced in to Kashmir valley to prop up the waning movement over there in mid-90s. US intervention has been a boon for India as batlle hardened elements are fewer now in valley ....
Pakistan should have supported Taliban insurgency since the beginning, We shouldn't have let US establish strong foothold in Afghanistan.

Anyway, better late then never.

We have engineered fall of the communist big bear in past, InshAllah this capitalistic war machine would also be laid to rest.

great going ..... pakistan is following the same if you get what I mean sir
pakistan did support the Taliban school which was pretty much sensible in initial days as it provided the afghan people a respite from the constant infighting and lack of governance by mujaheddin groups post-soviet withdrawl and fall of afghan communist govt of najibullah. however, the crazies took power in the same and they came under influence of wahab school of thought and that was a time of the rise of crazies .... and the effect of the Pakistani benevolence is today being felt upon the Pakistani social structure which is reeling under a rise of fundamentalism (?) {more of cranky people interpreting the koran} ..... so if you want to continue supporting the Taliban, just go ahead......
"Pakistan should have supported Taliban insurgency since the beginning, We shouldn't have let US establish strong foothold in Afghanistan.

Anyway, better late then never."

A. Rahman, your reply is interesting. Do you contenence, then, the killing of Canadian soldiers in the very, very actively Quetta shura supported neighborhood of Kandahar? Apparently so.

That makes you an enemy of the Canadian and American people. How comfortable to be able to reside in Canadian lands and be protected by Canadian laws against your declared determination to support war upon the Afghan people and it's Canadian supporters.

"Are these numbers being crunched from white house? or you went to Afghanistan and did the survey?"

Why don't you call ABC or the BBC and ask instead of posting rhetorical nonsense? It's doubtful that you'd read it in any case so fear not and take comfort in your ignorance, sir.
A. Rahman, your reply is interesting. Do you contenence, then, the killing of Canadian soldiers in the very, very actively Quetta shura supported neighborhood of Kandahar? Apparently so.

That makes you an enemy of the Canadian and American people. How comfortable to be able to reside in Canadian lands and be protected by Canadian laws against your declared determination to support war upon the Afghan people and it's Canadian supporters.

Occupation has a price, the longer you stay. The more heavily interest is compounded.

If you can't pay the price, then move out.

Your support for occupation, and their war crimes on Afghani people; make you a war criminal and an enemy of humanity.

Why don't you call ABC or the BBC and ask instead of posting rhetorical nonsense? It's doubtful that you'd read it in any case so fear not and take comfort in your ignorance, sir.

Pickup a newspaper from 1980's you would see statics of Afghani's supporting communism.

Afghanis don't want exported democracy, with strings that stretch all the way back to white house.

The ignorance is on your part, sir. I simply don't have FOX channel in my house.
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You didn't answer my questions to you about Canada.

You, instead, assiduously avoided my contention that you may be a poor guest, resident, or citizen because of your attitude. In fact, I'd surmise you to be an enemy of Canada and her soldiers.

"Occupation has a price, the longer you stay. The more heavily interest is compounded."

A Rahman, this is coffee-house rhetoric best saved for sophomore college girls. Not me, please? There are forty one nations "occupying" Afghanistan by U.N. mandate and by request of the duly elected government of Afghanistan.

"Your support for occupation, and their war crimes on Afghani people; make you a war criminal and an enemy of humanity."

That's silly pontification without substance.

You've seen the ABC/BBC polls and know how the afghan people really feel yet you prefer your sadly brainwashed and tired nonsense.

Surely you saw the numbers and called the BBC and ABC as I suggested as you had nothing of counter-vailing quality to offer.

What did they say?:)

For shame, sir.

"Pickup a newspaper from 1980's you would see statics of Afghani's supporting communism."

Pick up a newspaper from August, 1978 and you'll read stories of a rebellion in Herat spreading through the countryside. Tell me of the "godless afghanis" please. Men like Karmal, Taraki, Amin, and Najibullah?


"Afghanis don't want exported democracy, with strings that stretch all the way back to white house."

Yes, A Rahman, I provide polls. You provide...what, exactly? Your taliban minions are the hated enemy of most afghans and stand between them and peace, security, and some modicum of prosperity.

Can't you for once leave the Afghanis alone, sir?

Oh! And please turn yourself in to the nearest RCMP station too.:angry:

You didn't answer my questions to you about Canada.

You, instead, assiduously avoided my contention that you may be a poor guest, resident, or citizen because of your attitude. In fact, I'd surmise you to be an enemy of Canada and her soldiers.

"Occupation has a price, the longer you stay. The more heavily interest is compounded."

A Rahman, this is coffee-house rhetoric best saved for sophomore college girls. Not me, please? There are forty one nations "occupying" Afghanistan by U.N. mandate and by request of the duly elected government of Afghanistan.

"Your support for occupation, and their war crimes on Afghani people; make you a war criminal and an enemy of humanity."

That's silly pontification without substance.

You've seen the ABC/BBC polls and know how the afghan people really feel yet you prefer your sadly brainwashed and tired nonsense.

Surely you saw the numbers and called the BBC and ABC as I suggested as you had nothing of counter-vailing quality to offer.

What did they say?:)

For shame, sir.

"Pickup a newspaper from 1980's you would see statics of Afghani's supporting communism."

Pick up a newspaper from August, 1978 and you'll read stories of a rebellion in Herat spreading through the countryside. Tell me of the "godless afghanis" please. Men like Karmal, Taraki, Amin, and Najibullah?


"Afghanis don't want exported democracy, with strings that stretch all the way back to white house."

Yes, A Rahman, I provide polls. You provide...what, exactly? Your taliban minions are the hated enemy of most afghans and stand between them and peace, security, and some modicum of prosperity.

Can't you for once leave the Afghanis alone, sir?

Look pot calling the kettle black...haha

Last time i checked, Pakistan isn't bombing Afghanistan, killing innocents indiscriminately, and occupying it, my friend

At least Pakistanis know who their neigbours are and can differentiate Taliban from the tribals ;)

You might wanna check this out... Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan
Oh! And please turn yourself in to the nearest RCMP station too.:angry:

As much you love to see everyone that disagrees with you in jail, please pray tell us how much do the neo-cons pay you spew their doctorines on the net?
Read A Rahman's posts.

He's clearly an enemy of the U.N. mission. That includes, of course, the country he lives in-Canada. He's the enemy of their soldiers. Do you think the taliban distinguish their targets on this matter? I sure don't. They, in fact, seem eager to kill Canadian soldiers. Especially so. Nobody's army has suffered more by it's size than the Canadian army.

I'd sure not be happy to have my son die in Afghanistan and Mr. Rahman's attitude next door to mine.

And I'd sure not live in such a nation were I Mr. Rahman. My conscience couldn't abide living among the heinous enemy against whom I cheer the taliban may kill.

He should be ashamed of himself. You too if you feel the same way about the Canadian mission in Kandahar.



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