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Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

^^ This mindset is the reason a lot of people all over the world have started looking at Muslims differently.

You can't really complain if Muslim lives are considered cheaper by some.

This is just a mirror reflection of what you have been doing for centuries.

A very very minor and well deserved reflection. You are asking to be dehumanized when you are proud of human beings "killed like rats".
Either some of these Hindu posters have cognitive dissonance, or this is a deliberate hate filled campaign of propaganda to dehumanize 1.6 billion Muslims of the world. Zionists started it, but these Hindu Nationalists with their anti-Muslim agenda jumped on the bandwagon. Just like Zionists and Neocons, these Indian Hindu nationalists want the West to continue the "crusade" that started with 9/11. Fortunately the West is waking up to this reality that they have been duped into a futile and endless fight with a significant part of world population with no good result to show for. After a decade of wars and killings of millions in many different countries and loosing close to 10 trillion in total cost, the West now finds that there is a rising China which is getting ready to kick its behind.

So the joke is of course on the West, while Hindu Indian's and Zionist war mongers and share holders of war profiteering companies are laughing all the way to the bank.

Islamophobia is a serious business for Zionists and Indian Hindu Nationalists, it makes them big bucks and solidifies their position and importance in the world, while trashing the future of both the West and the Muslims of the world. Neo Nazi's and white nationalists already got wind of this whole scheme, but they are too powerless to do anything about it and their candidate Ron Paul, never will gain majority support because of his leanings on these issues. But the movement that might change this scenario is the Occupy Wall street movement. It is too early to tell, but OWS has the potential to side line the leeches and parasites of the Western societies and revitalize their tainted and compromised system.

In brief, both West and Muslims want to and have solved for the most part the long range historic issues between themselves. But it is third parties, specifically self defeating Zionists (as an integral part of the West) and Hindu Nationalists camouflaged as an ally of the West and Zionists, want the West vs Muslim fight to continue for their own strategic interest.
It is always interesting that those who are claiming the most that the West is instigating terrorism against Muslims are mostly in the Western countries.

Apparently the terror within the countries is still not up to a level where that needs to change?

And even to stop ever more Muslims to queue up!

So where is the terror? Muslims are having more freedom in the non Islamic countries than they can ever get in Islamic countries.

Especially if they don't belong to the right sect for that particular country.

The West still remains the refuge of last resort for many Muslims. The cries for USA to save the Syrians from the slaughter by other Muslims is just the latest example. There are several others including the US help to Pakistan in every natural calamity.
Some people do have the need to act more Arab than the Arabs and more Turk than the Turks.

Though not more Somali than the Somalis and not more Nigerian than the Nigerians.

We understand. They don't have the concept of logic.

Their master weapon is rhetoric.

And that is damn effective with the faithful flock, even if it falls flat on others. ;)

One issue of course is that all the attempts at acting "moderate" don't go very far, the innate extremism is always just at the surface and spills over like so many times on this very thread.

This half baked and foolish attempt to blame Hindus (who never had anything to do with any Western attack on any Islamic terror heavens) or Zionists (who are the bugbear and a source of eternal shame and feeling of impotence) when it is West driving the GWOT is typical of them.

They are always too clever...........

By half.....

I don't see it changing in a hurry.
Zionists are being short sighted about this as the decline of the West will bring their decline as well, but Indian Hindu nationalists are the winner in this whole game because it helps them to defeat their enemy the Christian West and also takes them one step closer to their ultimate and well hidden goal to wipe out Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth.
The Islamic extremists will be the ones to blame if that day ever comes....

Especially the educated ones who could have done something to stop it but never did.

Their self loathing prevented them from doing what was right when perhaps it could still be salvaged.

They have to decide what is important.

Self loathing or what is right!
Jesus christ!!! :cheesy: ... talk about HINDU obsession... height of muslim VICTIM mentality... :blah:

Either some of these Hindu posters have cognitive dissonance, or this is a deliberate hate filled campaign of propaganda to dehumanize 1.6 billion Muslims of the world. Zionists started it, but these Hindu Nationalists with their anti-Muslim agenda jumped on the bandwagon. Just like Zionists and Neocons, these Indian Hindu nationalists want the West to continue the "crusade" that started with 9/11. Fortunately the West is waking up to this reality that they have been duped into a futile and endless fight with a significant part of world population with no good result to show for. After a decade of wars and killings of millions in many different countries and loosing close to 10 trillion in total cost, the West now finds that there is a rising China which is getting ready to kick its behind.

So the joke is of course on the West, while Hindu Indian's and Zionist war mongers and share holders of war profiteering companies are laughing all the way to the bank.

Islamophobia is a serious business for Zionists and Indian Hindu Nationalists, it makes them big bucks and solidifies their position and importance in the world, while trashing the future of both the West and the Muslims of the world. Neo Nazi's and white nationalists already got wind of this whole scheme, but they are too powerless to do anything about it and their candidate Ron Paul, never will gain majority support because of his leanings on these issues. But the movement that might change this scenario is the Occupy Wall street movement. It is too early to tell, but OWS has the potential to side line the leeches and parasites of the Western societies and revitalize their tainted and compromised system.

In brief, both West and Muslims want to and have solved for the most part the long range historic issues between themselves. But it is third parties, specifically self defeating Zionists (as an integral part of the West) and Hindu Nationalists camouflaged as an ally of the West and Zionists, want the West vs Muslim fight to continue for their own strategic interest.

Mate, there is seriously something wrong with the wirings in your brain.. you really need help...


Zionists are being short sighted about this as the decline of the West will bring their decline as well, but Indian Hindu nationalists are the winner in this whole game because it helps them to defeat their enemy the Christian West and also takes them one step closer to their ultimate and well hidden goal to wipe out Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth.
Zionists are being short sighted about this as the decline of the West will bring their decline as well, but Indian Hindu nationalists are the winner in this whole game because it helps them to defeat their enemy the Christian West and also takes them one step closer to their ultimate and well hidden goal to wipe out Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth.

When it comes to Islam, they are helpless. Islam stood the hardships and tests of time.
this unholy alliance of the military-industrial complex, pro-israeli lobbyists, christian far right organistions, and oil-gas companies would do everything possible to demonize the muslims to justify wars and oppression against muslims
In Breivik, troubling echoes of West's view of Islam - CNN.com

(CNN) -- The trial of mass murderer Anders Breivik has confirmed one thing so far: He seems quite mad. Looking plump and dumb, with a slightly receding hairline, the Norwegian gave a right-wing salute as he entered the courtroom and smirked his way through CCTV footage of his handiwork.

Breivik claims that he killed 77 people as an act of self-defense against the Islamification of Norway, that he is a member of the Knights Templar and part of an "anticommunist" resistance to multiculturalism. Reading his insane manifesto, it is tempting to dismiss him as a nut with a gun.

Nevertheless, there's no denying the political context to what Breivik did. Since 9/11, fringe and mainstream politicians in Europe and America have spoken of Islam as incompatible with Western values. Breivik quoted many of them in his manifesto. This is not to say that he took direct inspiration from those public figures, or that they bear personal responsibility for his crimes. But Breivik's paranoia does conform to a popular -- wholly negative -- view of the twin problems of Islam and multiculturalism. Tragically, it is a view that few mainstream politicians have been willing to challenge.

Breivik makes two false claims. The first is that Islam is ethically inferior to Christianity and cannot exist peacefully within the secular democracies of the post-Enlightenment West. That is the open view of the Dutch Party for Freedom, the French National Front, the English Defense League and the Finnish True Finns. It was implicit in Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain's aversion to the building of mosques. We might also infer it from much of the testimony presented at Rep. Peter King's congressional hearings into the radicalization of American Muslim youth. King has opined that there are "too many mosques" in the United States and that roughly 80% of American Muslims are radical.

Timothy Stanley

The mistake being made by all these people is to conflate a tiny minority of political Islamists -- whose precise ideology has only really emerged in the last 30 years -- with the entire global and historical community of Muslims. It is true that Islam has never undergone a total Reformation, but it has experienced mini-enlightenments. The most celebrated is the Islamic Golden Age (750- 1258), centered in Baghdad, in which the arts and sciences flourished in a manner that left Dark Ages Europe far behind. (You can also find humanist poetry and art in Persia and even a small amount of erotica in Northern Africa.)

Islam never outright rejected scientific empiricism but instead tried to reconcile and integrate it into its religious beliefs, with a surprising amount of debate about the primacy of either faith or reason. It preached that divine revelation could be found in other religions and so practiced tolerance in the lands that it conquered -- a kind of Islamic multiculturalism. One of the giants of the European Enlightenment, Voltaire, favorably opined that Islam was more tolerant in its treatment of minorities than Christianity (consider the comparative persecution of Catholics in Ireland or of Jews in Spain).

Today, Islamic society looks different in every region where it is found. The royal families of Saudi Arabia have promoted ultra-conservative Wahhabism, which discourages personal vice, idolatry, veneration of saints, etc. The Bangladeshis prefer the more mystical Sufism, which places greater emphasis upon a subjective experience of Allah and is traditionally more tolerant of human foibles and dissent.

Almost every part of the Islamic world has produced progressive movements, some headed by women. Pakistan gave the world Benazir Bhutto and Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri. In all cases, the political development of Muslim countries has been as much shaped by poverty and the legacy of colonialism as it has Islam. Iran might have continued on a course toward liberalism had the West not sponsored an anti-democratic coup in 1953.

In short, there is no monolithic Islamic history or experience, which makes it hard or even disingenuous to talk about the challenge that Islam as a whole poses to the West. Put another way, no American would want anyone to think that the Westboro Baptist Church spoke for all of Christianity.

Breivik's second, equally fallacious claim is that Islam's growth in the West has been encouraged by liberal elites as a means to destroy traditional Christian culture. Indeed, multiculturalism has been strongly critiqued by two British prime ministers -- Tony Blair and David Cameron. Cameron said that it had "failed" because it did not demand submission to the liberal principles of gender and sexual equality.

But multiculturalism is not a Marxist ideology carefully plotted by the "Saul Alinksy radicals" so loathed by Newt Gingrich. Rather, it was free-market economics and globalization that caused the mass migration of Muslims from East to West -- and multiculturalism was simply a policy response. The aim was to protect the cultural integrity of both host and guest populations by allowing them separate spaces in which to develop.

Far from intending to threaten the religious or civil liberties of the majority Christian population (which remains vastly superior in numbers), the goal was to create a common framework of laws but otherwise leave everyone to their own devices. If Christianity has declined in the West, it's the fault of the Christians who stopped going to church -- not the small groups of Muslims quietly attending their local mosque.

And yet Muslims in Western countries now live under the pressures of anti-terrorist surveillance and social ostracism. They are forced to defend their Britishness, their Frenchness or their Americaness -- even if they are third- or fourth-generation citizens of those countries. Breivik's attack has raised the threat level against the West's Muslims: They are now the target of our politically engaged sociopaths.

Given how widespread the condemnation of both Islam and multiculturalism is across the West, perhaps it is apt to describe Breivik as a symptom of Western psychological angst. It is a condition of neurosis about decline and paranoia about foreign invasion that is in desperate need of remedy.

Sir Im a science student and Im neither from any of these two religious backgrounds. but I have a different worries from inviting Christianity in any country. its about growing numbers of generation of 'casual sex' of Single Mothers, and we all knows that Mr Jesus Christ was also not sure about his known father. in fact he was right to claim that he was 'Son of God' as even in India, there was a wrong tradition in past, when mistress of rich people used to get pregnant, people used to say those kids sons or daughters of God as only God knows who who were fathers of those kids. And those members of PDF who have had good time in a Western country know that whenever you ask a Western girl in private, “what if you get pregnant?” then she first name Mr Jesus Christ and say, “he/ she will be one like Jesus.”

Then here we find, In fact inviting Western culture in India is nothing but about inviting ‘Single Mother’ culture in India from West. Western Champions of Christian religious background themselves shy to accept that Mr Jesus Christ was also son of a Single Mother, similar to common Western nationals who aren’t sure about their father, but these Christian background Western people try to prove that Mr Jesus Christ directly came from sky in place to saying that he was also one of the common Western people. They themselves don’t want to accept that Mr Jesus Christ was also from a Single Mother, while being shameful, but these Western Christian religious background people want the whole world to adopt this Western culture. And I can’t understand, if they themselves are shameful enough to say that their lord, Mr Jesus Christ, was one of the generation of Single Mother then why they want the whole world to become like this. In place of fixing their disease, why they want to spread it in whole world?

Im scared of that day when Indian kids will have to give name of their mother in schools like Australia type Western country, not name of father like in India, because right now a Western kid just can’t guarantee who exactly was his/ her father. And in place of fixing their disease, these Western democratic champions want to spread it in whole world, why, its beyond my limits to think……………….

In fact, the main liar about the truth about birth of Mr Jesus Christ is Pope Benedict XVI :hitwall:. Does the Christian religious background Western countries have even one science student who may dare to say to this liar that Mr Jesus Christ might not have taken birth without physical intercourse? why this liar lie to world about the concept behind birth of any human or animal on earth?

But from my side, I may say that, "when poor educational background fall to a certain level, the only thing remains is, what we 'believe' in regardless how things really work." And belief in Christianity is nothing but a sign of falling educational background of Western people, like how we now find only under high school pass people in the countries like US, UK, Australia, Canada..............
truth is this though, people wont admit this but at the end of the day if you look at all the terrorist attacks done by muslims, its nothing compared to the how many people who the west have killed through their unjust wars. E.g the Iraq war alone which was Illegal alone killed more people then any Islamic terrorist attack in the last 30 - 50 year.

Also who gets to define terrorism? why isnt the iraq war also called an act of terrorism? not just that but it is also economic terrorism and political terrorism - please dont tell me that Oil had nothing to do with this war, on the same note dont tell me that new leaders of iraq are not puppets of the west who have been hand picked by NATO.

Most people posting here are incredibly ignorant and should not be taken seriously. US Army manuals define terrorism as "the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature...through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear.

What they call "Islamic" terrorism is nothing compared to western (or "non-Islamic") terrorism. It's a fact that some honest and reputable western scholars accept and write books about. The majority of people though are too brainwashed by the propaganda of "terrorist" western states. They don't even bother to research themselves; parroting media propaganda is much easier after all.
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