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Is Urdu not Pakistan's official language?

Official language means the one used by the government (in it's papers/documents). Both Hindi and English are official, English is used as official in South (imo)

National language is something which is compulsory for all citizens to learn, India doesn't have any such language

You are partially right.Hindi was supposed to be the official language in effect from 1963,but affter the huge protests that broke out in various part of the country - the largest one being in my state,Tamil Nadu, the move to make Hindi the compulsory official labguage was dropped.

As of now,There are 22 officiall languages in India with English being the primary one.


The constitution of India says that these 22 will remain the official languages until "every" state that has an offcial language other than Hindi ,accepts Hindi as the official language.
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When India became independent in 1947, there was a challenge to the Indian legislators of picking up a language for official communication as well as for communication between different linguistic regions across India. The choices available were

1. Making "Hindi", which a plurality of the people (40%) identified as their mother tongue, as an official language, though only a minority of these "Hindi" speakers spoke Hindi proper.

2. Others e.g. South Indians, particularly Tamils, and those from Mizoram and Nagaland, preferred English for official medium of communication.

3. Hindi and English both declared as official languages and each state is given freedom to choose the official language of the state.

Option 3 is picked.


Punjabi is the dominant language spoken in Pakistan (roughly 60% of the total population of the country). It should be declared as official language, Urdu sub official and each state given freedom to choose the official language of the state.
There are 21 officiall languages in India with English being the primary one.

Bengali Nepali
Bodo Oriya
Dogri Punjabi
Gujarati Sanskrit
Kannada Santhali
Kashmiri Sindhi
Konkani Tamil
Maithili Telugu
Malayalam Urdu
Manupuri Hindi.

Those are recognized languages.

National Language: None

Official Languages: Hindi, English

Recognized Languages:

Bengali Nepali
Bodo Oriya
Dogri Punjabi
Gujarati Sanskrit
Kannada Santhali
Kashmiri Sindhi
Konkani Tamil
Maithili Telugu
Malayalam Urdu
Manupuri Hindi.

edit: I was talking about the Indian Union, not the the State governments
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When India became independent in 1947, there was a challenge to the Indian legislators of picking up a language for official communication as well as for communication between different linguistic regions across India. The choices available were

1. Making "Hindi", which a plurality of the people (40%) identified as their mother tongue, as an official language, though only a minority of these "Hindi" speakers spoke Hindi proper.

2. Others e.g. South Indians, particularly Tamils, and those from Mizoram and Nagaland, preferred English for official medium of communication.

3. Hindi and English both declared as official languages and each state is given freedom to choose the official language of the state.

Option 3 is picked.


Punjabi is the dominant language spoken in Pakistan (roughly 60% of the total population of the country). It should be declared as official language, Urdu sub official and each state given freedom to choose the official language of the state.

A small correction in option 1
1. Making "Hindi", which a plurality of the people (40%) identified as their mother tongue, as an official language, though only a minority of these "Hindi" speakers spoke Hindi proper.

The option was to make Hindi as a National Language which would be compulsory for all citizens to learn.

India chose option 4 :tongue:

4. No language gets national status, Hindi and English become official languages of the Union(i.e languages in which central government communication is written) and every state has freedom to chose their official language

ps: Urdu is the national language of Pakistan (official too)
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From our constitution

Official Language
Official Language - Constitutional/Statutory Provisions

Article 343(1) of the Constitution provides that Hindi in Devanagari script shall be the Official Language of the Union. Article 343(2) also provided for continuing the use of English in official work of the Union for a period of 15 years (i.e., up to 25 January 1965) from the date of commencement of the Constitution. Article 343(3) empowered the parliament to provide by law for continued use of English for official purposes even after 25 January 1965. Accordingly, section 3(2) of the Official Languages Act, 1963 (amended in 1967) provides for continuing the use of English in official work even after 25 January 1965. The Act also lays down that both Hindi and English shall compulsorily be used for certain specified purposes such as Resolutions, General Orders, Rules, Notifications, Administrative and other Reports, Press Communiqués; Administrative and other Reports and Official Papers to be laid before a House or the Houses of Parliament; Contracts, Agreements, Licences, Permits, Tender Notices and Forms of Tender, etc.

In 1976, Official Language Rules were framed under the provisions of section 8(1) of the Official Languages Act, 1963. Its salient features are as under:

They apply to all Central Government Offices, including any office of a Commission, Committee or Tribunal appointed by the Central Government and Corporation or Company owned or controlled by it;
Communications from a Central Government Office to State/Union Territories or to any person in Region "A" comprising the States of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Haryana and UTs of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Delhi, shall be in Hindi;
Communications from a Central Government Office to States/UTs in Region "B" comprising the States of Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra and the Union Territory of Chandigarh, shall ordinarily be in Hindi. However, communication to any person in Region "B" may be either in English or Hindi;
Communications from a Central Government Office to a State Government Office in region 'C' comprising all other States and UTs not included in region 'A' & 'B' or to any office (note being a Central Government Office) or person shall be in English;
Communications between Central Government Offices and from Central Government Offices to the Offices of the State Governments/Union Territories and individuals, etc., will be in Hindi in such proportions as may be determined from time to time;
All Manuals, Codes and other Procedural literature relating to Central Government Offices are required to be prepared both in Hindi and English. All Forms, Headings of Registers, Name Plates, Notice Boards and various items of stationery, etc., are also required to be in Hindi and English;
It shall be the responsibility of the officer signing the documents specified in section 3(3) of the Act to ensure that these are issued both in Hindi and English
Shall be the responsibility of the administrative head of each Central Government Office to ensure that the provisions of the Act, the Rules and directions issued under Sub-Rule-2 are properly complied with and to devise suitable and effective check points for this purpose

In other words State government can choose their own official languages (for intra state communication), but communication from center to state, or within central government should be in english or hindi
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Pakistan has any Punjabi TV channel? I dont think so. Its mother tongue of so many Pakistanis (approx 8 crore).

According to Wiki -

Though Pakistan has most Punjabi speaking people,without government support and patronage for Punjabi language list of Punjabi tv channels are not increasing.

Only 3-4 Channel.

India has only 3 crore Punjabi speakers still 20+ Punjabi Channels,

Yup there is a channel called APNA Channel all Punjabi and i was few days back watching the Indian celebrities were filmed saying "Tusi wekh ray ho Apna Punjab Apna channel"

Now i dont know if they have spend that much on publicity.

There is another channel called Punjabi Channel.

so i guess there are more than 2

Punjabi is the dominant language spoken in Pakistan (roughly 60% of the total population of the country). It should be declared as official language, Urdu sub official and each state given freedom to choose the official language of the state.

Nobody wants to create another headache because hardly 1% of this 60% can read and write Punjabi ;)
When India became independent in 1947, there was a challenge to the Indian legislators of picking up a language for official communication as well as for communication between different linguistic regions across India. The choices available were

1. Making "Hindi", which a plurality of the people (40%) identified as their mother tongue, as an official language, though only a minority of these "Hindi" speakers spoke Hindi proper.

2. Others e.g. South Indians, particularly Tamils, and those from Mizoram and Nagaland, preferred English for official medium of communication.

3. Hindi and English both declared as official languages and each state is given freedom to choose the official language of the state.

Option 3 is picked.


Punjabi is the dominant language spoken in Pakistan (roughly 60% of the total population of the country). It should be declared as official language, Urdu sub official and each state given freedom to choose the official language of the state.

I disagree and this is coming from a Punjabi. Urdu is the neutral language for all ethnic groups. If we are to become a stronger country in the future then 100% of the populations views should be taken into view. Not 60%. In Urdu, Pakistan has an advantage that India does not have an equivalent of. In the long term this will become evident :)
@patriot,ask guys like hafizzz and riaz haq or some other celebrities here the reason.
I disagree and this is coming from a Punjabi. Urdu is the neutral language for all ethnic groups. If we are to become a stronger country in the future then 100% of the populations views should be taken into view. Not 60%. In Urdu, Pakistan has an advantage that India does not have an equivalent of. In the long term this will become evident :)

:smitten: Urdu is the most soft lovely and friendly language
@patriot,ask guys like hafizzz and riaz haq or some other celebrities here the reason.

Oh na jee jee naraz hon dee lor naee.

Karo jee discuss Pakistan nu jina marzi i have no issue with that.

From our constitution

In other words State government can choose their own official languages (for intra state communication), but communication from center to state, or within central government should be in english or hindi

Dude,you know what..both of us are correct.

All these above said rules dont apply to Tamil Nadu (from where I hail) which has a special status.

The Official Language Act provides that the Union government shall use both Hindi and English in most administrative documents that are intended for the public. The Official Languages Rules, in contrast, provide for a higher degree of use of Hindi in communications between offices of the central government (other than offices in Tamil Nadu, to which the rules do not apply).


BTW it was an informative post of yours that helped clear many mis-conceptions.:cheers:
Interesting piece of info :)

btw when are you guys planning to break off as Dravidistan and form an alliance with Pakistan ;)
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