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Is United Arab Emirates waging a media war against #Pakistan?

Next to Europe. That alone is worth 10 CPECs.

Take away the Chinese, Oil and other natural blessings and see what would have happened. Or bring 3 million Chinese to Islamabad, settle them there, come back in 20 years.

And leaving the Chinese alone do you know Malaysia is another "Oily" country like UAE or Bahrain. Petronas the Malay oil company is worth more than all of Pakistani companies combined with assets over $170 billion. Oil generates over 30% of Malay revenues and it's oil production has in some years been more than Oman's. Ask the Chinese members here what they think of the "bumiputras" of Malaysia and their business abilities?

Petronas - OIl towers?


Give Pakistan 700k barrels of oil production worth over $30 billion and see what effect (even though Pakistan is larger) that has on Pakistan - that by the way is more than all of Pakistan's exports.

Mineral exports dominate Indonesia. Check out yourself. Even then Indonesia is not exactly Monte Carlo.


And I am not saying anybody owes Pakistan anything. All I am saying is all external factors have to come second place to leveraging the best deals for Pakistan. Policy should be based only on garnering maximum and not be arrested by ummah or other such outdated notions. Turkey is fine example of that. You notice they have defence deals with Israel, alliance with USA with US military as part of NATO based in Turkey and at same time trying to get leg into Europe.
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Next to Europe. That alone is worth 10 CPECs.

Take away the Chinese, Oil and other natural blessings and see what would have happened. Or bring 3 million Chinese to Islamabad, come back in 20 years.

And leaving the Chinese alone do you know Malaysia is another "Oily" country like UAE or Bahrain. Petronas the Malay oil company is worth more than all of Pakistani companies combined with assets over $170 billion. Oil generates over 30% of Malay revenues and it's oil production has in some years been more than Oman's. Ask the Chinese members here what they think of the "bumiputras" of Malaysia and their business abilities?

Petronas - OIl towers?


Give Pakistan 700k barrels of production worth over $30 billion and see what effect that has on Pakistan - that by the way is more than all of Pakistan's exports.

Mineral exports dominate Indonesia. Check out yourself. Even then Indonesia is not exactly Monte Carlo.


And I am not saying anybody owes Pakistan anything. All I am saying is all external factors have to come second place to leveraging the best deals for Pakistan. Policy should be based only on garnering maximum and not be arrested by ummah or other such outdated notions. Turkey is fine example of that. You notice they have defence deals with Israel, alliance with USA with US military as part of NATO based in Turkey and at same time trying to get leg into Europe.

I was having a discussion with a German about Pakistan being blessed with all sort of minerals, gas etc and he said a very intersting thing to me.

His words: It is not few stones or liquids that make you a powerful country, it is the trained human capital that makes all the difference.

And I tend to agree with him!
This is not a troll comment. Pakistan vis-a-vis

-Afghanistan on bad terms
-India on bad terms
-Iran maybe neutral
-Bangladesh on bad terms
-China on good terms
-Now UAE on bad terms?

Retrospection needed, no?

Pakistan shouldn't bother with a paper government that barely holds Kabul despite hundreds of billions being spent to prop it and with the presence of thousands of international troops. India is a mortal enemy of Pakistan that has never accepted Pakistan's right to exist. It shouldn't be bothered with too. Current Bangladeshi government needs to get over 1971-another no factor that shouldn't be bothered with.

The Gulf News is basically an Indian newspaper and shouldn't be seen as a reflection of the UAE official policy.
Do I believe? Hell, I don't need to believe in what I can see. It is ALREADY there. Whether you like it or not, Pakistan is growing to top 15th. I understand the Indian element and negativity in your post. But just watch how Pakistan is growing. By the end of 2018 (if there are no wars or other drama in between), you'll start to see Pakistan positioning itself for the top.

On the second line, if India had the common sense, it would've offered to do business with Pakistan. NS wants just that. But you guys are high on fake power-status and blind patriotism and having BJP run your country like Arabs run Camels in the desert doesn't help. A religious nut-job organization should never be allowed to put their nationalistic crap and hated in international politics.

So, when will India embrace Pakistan? The second about 50 ships a month will start to dock on Gawader. Indian businessmen, including billionaires from the BJP will put a boot up the as* of your leaders to join the CPEC as otherwise, they'll get disconnected from about 2.5 billion users all connected through the road, a short flight or a short voyage through ships. Till then, they plan on milking the US :lol: :enjoy:

India wants to do business. Please check on MFN. India is willing to relegate everything to back burner like with China and do business.

But does Pakistan want? No sir. The day starts with Kashmir and ends there itself.

The day both nations concentrate on economic activities and not bother about religion, caste, creed, region, that day hatred will start going down as people will have a life to live.

Now why would the sub-continental politicians want that?
Once considered a great friend of #Pakistan, the UAE Govt is now getting overtly hostile to Pakistan and its geopolitical ambitions and interests as the tiny but rich Gulf state picks its alliance with #India over #Pakistan, its state funded media has opened its guns against Pakistan. This marks a new strategy by the UAE Govt which is expected to severely damage bilateral relations with Islamabad.

I believe you are overreacting to a blog post...Normal and good realtion between 2 nations is not supposed to get upset with some statement in a blog post...
few stones or liquids that make you a powerful country, it is the trained human capital that makes all the difference.
Yes. It's okay for the German to talk. One of the largest coal and iron mine production in the world was from Germany during the industrilisation phase. Ever heard of Ruhr? Ask that Kraut what Ruhr is famous for? Ask the Kraut why were the the Germans shafted when the French secured the Ruhr region of Germany as coillateral for compensation. Geography of Ruhr that gave birth to German steel industry.


Go ask the Kraut what would they have made their famous Panzer tanks out of - if they had no huge coal amd iron reserves? Out of wood?

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhr
Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Ruhr

And a man can do anything with nothing but it always helps to get some boost. Oil Arabs, Malaysia or even Indonesia have "boosts". That is no excuse for not doing anything and every reason to try to try even harder but it also pays to know the realties also. What shines sometimes is gold even if you think it is human merit.

Adios Amigo ..
The day both nations concentrate on economic activities and not bother about religion, caste, creed, region, that day hatred will start going down as people will have a life to live.

Now why would the sub-continental politicians want that?

Why indeed? Full bellies generate all sorts of undesirable thoughts like rights and freedoms. Who wants that?
Pakistan shouldn't bother with a paper government that barely holds Kabul despite hundreds of billions being spent to prop it and with the presence of thousands of international troops. India is a mortal enemy of Pakistan that has never accepted Pakistan's right to exist. It shouldn't be bothered with too. Current Bangladeshi government needs to get over 1971-another no factor that shouldn't be bothered with.

The Gulf News is basically an Indian newspaper and shouldn't be seen as a reflection of the UAE official policy.

Thank you for the biased lesson in geopolitics :D
Yes. It's okay for the German to talk. One of the largest coal and iron mine production in the world was from Germany during the industrilisation phase. Ever heard of Ruhr? Ask that Kraut what Ruhr is famous for? Ask the Kraut why were the the Germans shafted when the French secured the Ruhr region of Germany as coillateral for compensation. Geography of Ruhr that gave birth to German steel industry.


Go ask the Kraut what would they have made their famous Panzer tanks out of - if they had no huge coal amd iron reserves? Out of wood?

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhr
Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Ruhr

And a man can do anything with nothing but it always helps to get some boost. Oil Arabs, Malaysia or even Indonesia have "boosts". That is no excuse for not doing anything and every reason to try to try even harder but it also pays to know the realties also. What shines sometimes is gold even if you think it is human merit.

Adios Amigo ..

Yo man, ich weis, wo das Ruhrgebiet ist und ich weis wofür dieses bekannt ist.

I agree with you there in principle minerals etc give you an advantage, but my belief remains firm in development of human capital, because without this you can have all the possible things in the world (Sudan, Nigeria anyone?) but will still remain a backward developing country (Now please do not show me those shining Nigerian economic data with lots and lots of money, with all the corruption, it has not helped them much to become a developed country).

I always wonder why Germans have this innovative mindset and end up being one of the greatest inventors.
This could not have been due to coal or steel alone, so what are your thoughts about that aspect?
To be honest we do not mind, Gulf nations keep on criticizing us with anything...But allow our IT and Business workforce to invest and proper is better deal than saying something in Gu;f News...Do you think India or any Indian in Gov will feel impressed just because some one in an editorial says something in a new paper...I doubt about...Economy and Investments are key thing for us to have a long term good relationship...As long as Gulf nations favors us among others, we respect them and treat them as a friend although they complain us as bad people due to Kashmir issue...
Yes. It's okay for the German to talk. One of the largest coal and iron mine production in the world was from Germany during the industrilisation phase. Ever heard of Ruhr? Ask that Kraut what Ruhr is famous for? Ask the Kraut why were the the Germans shafted when the French secured the Ruhr region of Germany as coillateral for compensation. Geography of Ruhr that gave birth to German steel industry.


Go ask the Kraut what would they have made their famous Panzer tanks out of - if they had no huge coal amd iron reserves? Out of wood?

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhr
Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Ruhr

And a man can do anything with nothing but it always helps to get some boost. Oil Arabs, Malaysia or even Indonesia have "boosts". That is no excuse for not doing anything and every reason to try to try even harder but it also pays to know the realties also. What shines sometimes is gold even if you think it is human merit.

Adios Amigo ..

I think both of you are right. It is a blessing to have minerals depends on how its put to use good example, Norway, but it can also be a curse like Congo, Sierra Leone.

On the other hand can't beat good human capital.

Is it that one requires the other?

We have lots of minerals, but it is all lying in wait :P

The region can also benefit from it, if we can get our shit together.

Imagine Afghan mines being mined and given in contracts to Chinese, Iranians, Pakistanis, Indians and what not which will be a win-win for all of us. But nooooo we gotta screw each other :P
I think we are blowing things out of proportion. Indians in UAE are at the heart of such biased articles but to say the UAE government is involved is being silly. Lets not make enemies left and right. There always will be a time and place where someone somewhere doesn't agree with you. That does not mean he has an inherent bias against you.

UAE knows Pakistani migrants have made it what it is today. Lets teach respect for each other in our societies. We are being overly chauvinistic these days.
Hey @A-Team Mate what we need to do is push US, UK and China to launch "coups" in Af-Pak and they place you in Kabul and me in Islamabad. A good chat, nice meal in Afghan restuarent and cup of chai afterwards. We would have Afghanistan and Pakistan sorted out lol ....

You see these muppets don't understand. What is wrong in our region. The mind set. The culture. The outlook. We need Kemal Ataturks in this region. I know in Afghanistan some effort was made back in 1930s. A revolution in culture, modes, mores needs to be made.

Although your never going make me a Indophile. I don't think I ever have told this before but most of my family for generations served in the army - dating to British era. And in 1971 Bangla war my uncle was captured. I was real young then but it had profound effect on me because I picked up the angst from my parents. Over time it became fossilized in my psyche. Too late for me to change now.
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Big hate comes with bigger size (referring to growing Pakistani economy). Its just how it is in the world. Take a look at the US, or back in the days, the UK and all other big powers. The US and a century ago, the UK were the most civilized countries. The US gives more to charity, public welfare across the globe than majority of the world combined. But look at our reputation in people's eyes. The same people who may be walking out of a hospital alive due to that being a hospital built by the US aid. But they'll talk smack about the US.

Similarly, the UAE and the remainder of the Arab peninsula has always treated Pakistan as a step brother (and even a bast*ard one at that if you look at the treatment of Pakistanis in their areas). Now in their time of need during Yemen drama, they wanted to take "cheap lives" of Pakistanis instead of their "expensive Arab and lazy as*es) and put them to war against the Yemeni's. Pakistan didn't provide that, and not only that, clearly told them that their economy is growing and they want to ensure nothing destabilizes it (referring to Iran). The Pakistani government also put a big stop to UAE+KSA's Wahabi funding which then produces more extremism inside Pakistan. So they are obviously pissed at seeing a more assertive Pakistan with every passing day.

The Pakistani labor potential like India's (on a smaller level obviously but great for Pakistan's size), growing business, the CPEC, the Gawader, all of this is directly creating many Dubai's inside Pakistan. This will also result in brain drain in the UAE as the Pakistanis there, many working at good jobs providing great capability would move back home to make the same amount of money but close to families and to enjoy a richer life style (bigger homes, amenities, etc, etc).

So why would these Sheikh's who treat Pakistan like their God given lower class brother, would accept a Pakistan militarily and economy wise much stronger than them? So the only answer is, continue to grow Pakistan. This is the time to double up the work and work even harder to grow Pakistan. Once Pakistan gets to a certain level, all these foolish Princess will be wanting "time" with the Pakistani leader, instead of being the other way around.

Someone asked a Japanese leader as to why they didn't boycott the US after they had dropped nukes on Japan, the guy smiled and said, the American President uses a Panasonic phone, the entire America watches Sony TV's and drives Toyota and Honda cars. This is our revenge. We don't go inhumane, we even it out with trade and build even stronger relationships to ensure those things will never happen again. So productivity like the Japanese is the only good answer for the Pakistani nation. Produce, grow and leave these fools way behind you in the dust. Rise to the top 15th and then beat Australia in the long run to be the top 10th economy. That is a serious revenge as everyone would want you to do business with them including India. No wars and no issues, just sheer respect :tup:

This is what people respect:
- The guys with the most money (Japan). No tensions with others, outside of historical Chinese issues.
- The guy with the most money and the biggest gun. The US. And obviously, with the biggest gun, will come different conflicts. But the ability to influence whatever the US wants, is much greater than the guy above, with just money.
- The guy with money coming in, and the ability to buy a gun, and markets himself as the next big dawg on the planet. India and China. Both of these, will have influence but not to the level of the top two.

So here is the breakdown for you so you guys decide where you want to place Pakistan. In the region, (specifically the Islamic world), ten years from now, Pakistan can be the number two guy. Globally, Pakistan can be a few steps behind India and China (those two being the top 2nd and 3rd economies and Pakistan being the top 11th economy a decade plus from now). But that requires work, loyalty, peace, political stability and a system. Make sure to remember the ingredients for the recipe number two I gave you above.

Nice well written post..Finally some positivity in this thread...
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