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Is Turkey the role model?

Here is the proof of it and by the way Turkey has not done it yet: LIVE REAL TIME SATELLITE TRACKING AND PREDICTIONS: RASAD 1

I do not know the resolution of Iranian satellite but Pointing Iran as ahead of Turkey by taking an Iranian satellite example with a weight of 15kg without having any idea about Turkish satellite researches and products is not a true approach style to the events.

Turkish RASAT E/O EXPERIMENTAL Satellite (93kg and 7.5m resolution)
Gokturk-2 E/O satellite (Less then 409kg and 2.5m resolution)

RASAT experimental introduction video and subsystems developed...
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I do not know the resolution of Iranian satellite but Pointing Iran as ahead of Turkey by taking an Iranian satellite example with a weight of 15kg without having any idea about Turkish satellite researches and products is not a true approach style to the events.

Turkish RASAT E/O EXPERIMENTAL Satellite (93kg and 7.5m resolution)
Turkish Gokturk-2 E/O satellite (Less then 409kg and 2.5m resolution)

I agree with you Cabatli, of course 7,5m resolution is not something to brag about, but considering that it's the first satellite built solely by turkey. It's still an achivement. It will be in Low orbit, with a lifespan of 5 years, so I hope we can learn from this experience in that time and make better stuff.
Turkey have all the world market to systems and subsystems, to buy technology and etc, while Iran is quite isolated so the credit is all to Iran
I agree with you Cabatli, of course 7,5m resolution is not something to brag about, but considering that it's the first satellite built solely by turkey. It's still an achivement. It will be in Low orbit, with a lifespan of 5 years, so I hope we can learn from this experience in that time and make better stuff.

It is not the first but third experimental satellite to test technological advancement of Turkish space technologies came until now to apply for bigger satellites such as Gokturk. At current, there is an installation called TAI UMET constructed in Turkey. This installation will be a place those technologies will be collected to apply future Turkish space programs...
Turkey have all the world market to systems and subsystems, to buy technology and etc, while Iran is quite isolated so the credit is all to Iran

well, we are talking about domestically built satelitts! ofcourse turkey could have bought a sattelite from europe or USA but it is nice to try something for your self to!

israel also made satelittes, does that mean that iran is better than you?
At least Iranians did'nt treat others in this way. .

Gaza is occupied by Hamas terrorists not Israel. All the need to stop the violence is stop firing rockets at Israel. For instance last 1.5 months they did not fire rockets at Israel, so Israel did not fire at Gaza. By the way infant mortality in Gaza is 3 times lower than in Pakistan.

Turkey have all the world market to systems and subsystems, to buy technology and etc, while Iran is quite isolated so the credit is all to Iran
Iran buys rocket technologies from North Korea and Russia and nuclear technologies from Pakistan abd Russia. Iranian launcher which they use to launch their 15 kg satellites is modified Scud.
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Turkey will one day become Islamic Country once again


when was it an Islamic country?

It's always been a Muslim majority country with a secular Constitution

We want Pakistan of Islam not of Jinnah

Jinnah Sahib is one reason why we have Pakistan.

Pakistan is already an Islamic country. So I dont see where you are going with your message.
HAMAS is not a terrorist group; incidentally, they are the democratically elected party in Gaza. And the good news is, it looks like FATAH and HAMAS are setting aside their differences.

just because you dont like them doesnt make them terrorists.
HAMAS is not a terrorist group; incidentally, they are the democratically elected party in Gaza. And the good news is, it looks like FATAH and HAMAS are setting aside their differences.
Hitler was also "democratically elected".

just because you dont like them doesnt make them terrorists.
Because they blow up people in markets, buses, fire rockets at civilian neighborhoods...
Hitler was also "democratically elected".

he wasnt a terrorist.....He was a brilliant leader. though he did evil things to the Jews @ the camps

Because they blow up people in markets, buses, fire rockets at civilian neighborhoods...

not anymore they dont.... and those attacks were a response to israeli aggression
Hitler was also "democratically elected".

Israeli leaders are also "democratically elected".

Because they blow up people in markets, buses, fire rockets at civilian neighborhoods...

Perfect definition of Israel,thanks.

he wasnt a terrorist.....He was a brilliant leader. though he did evil things to the Jews @ the camp

Not only to the Jews..Many people suffered including Germans themselves.
he wasnt a terrorist.....He was a brilliant leader.
He ordered to carpet bomb cities, burn villages in responce for kiling german soldier and so on. Thats terror tactics.

not anymore they dont....
Because we arrested all their terorirts in West Bank, built a fence, launched operation against rockets in Gaza and made missile defence system.

and those attacks were a response to israeli aggression
Hamas suicide attacks started in 1994, when Israel gave them an authonomy.
He (Hitler) ordered to carpet bomb cities, burn villages in responce for kiling german soldier and so on. Thats terror tactics.

Hitler was not alone.... most German and Japanese (2 were nuked, first time a nuke was used in anger ) cities were burnt to rubble in the fire bombings of the RAF and American Air Force.

What about the Israeli bombing of Lebanon for capturing two IDF soldiers..... what do you call that self defense?

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