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Is Turkey the role model?

He ordered to carpet bomb cities, burn villages in responce for kiling german soldier and so on. Thats terror tactics.

that reminded me of something but what.... ?

oh yeah who else carpet bombs cities, burn villages in responce for killing israeli soldiers? i let you answer that! :tup:
that reminded me of something but what.... ?

oh yeah who else carpet bombs cities, burn villages in responce for killing israeli soldiers? i let you answer that! :tup:


When did Israel ever carpet bombed/burned civilians? the brave men of hizbollah hamas etc stockpile weapons and fire into Israel from civil population got bombed, and the civil population that got hurt are what called as collateral damage
Hitler was not alone.... most German and Japanese (2 were nuked, first time a nuke was used in anger ) cities were burnt to rubble in the fire bombings of the RAF and American Air Force.
Yep allies responded on terror with terror.

What about the Israeli bombing of Lebanon for capturing two IDF soldiers..... what do you call that self defense?
Israel did not carpet bomb Lebanon. Here the sequence:

1) For 6 years (2000-2006) Hezbollah made provocations along the border, shelling and killing Israelis. Total 26 Israelis were killed including 7 civilians, many more injured.
2) Israel did not retaliate.
3) In july 2006 Hezbollah murdered 10 Israeli soldiers, caprtured two bodies and shelled town of Shlomi and Israeli bases long the border.
4) This time Israel finally decided to retaliate and bombed bridges in South Lebanon.
5) Hezbollah started massive carpet rocket shelling of all Israeli towns in north.
6) Then Israel started bombing Hezbollah stores and some infrastructure objects all around Lebanon.
the only argument of them is "israel got provoked"..i dont know if they really believe this $hit or are they looking for retards to fool.
the only argument of them is "israel got provoked"..i dont know if they really believe this $hit or are they looking for retards to fool.
Well everything I posted is very easy to verify. I wana add something. Half year before the 2006 war, 4 Hezbollah men penetrated Israel attempting to capture Israeli soldiers. In addition they shelled Israeli targets along the border in order to distract attention. IDF killed these 4 Hezbollah men, 7 Israeli soldiers and 4 civilians were injured. However Israel did not retaliate and even returned 4 bodies without condition as sign of good will. And what we got in return? - more murder. In 2006 we retaliated and since then the border is calm.
Well everything I posted is very easy to verify. I wana add something. Half year before the 2006 war, 4 Hezbollah men penetrated Israel attempting to capture Israeli soldiers. In addition they shelled Israeli targets along the border in order to distract attention. IDF killed these 4 Hezbollah men, 7 Israeli soldiers and 4 civilians were injured. However Israel did not retaliate and even returned 4 bodies without condition as sign of good will. And what we got in return? - more murder. In 2006 we retaliated and since then the border is calm.

a bit off topic but is the movie lebanon about this war in 2006?
a bit off topic but is the movie lebanon about this war in 2006?
No its 1982 war.

P.S. I should correct myself. From 2000-2006 were killed 23 Israelis (I said 26) including 7 civilians. From Lebanese side 9 Hezbolah fighters and 1 Syrian soldier (Syrian soldiers were stationed in Lebanon then).
Well everything I posted is very easy to verify. I wana add something. Half year before the 2006 war, 4 Hezbollah men penetrated Israel attempting to capture Israeli soldiers. In addition they shelled Israeli targets along the border in order to distract attention. IDF killed these 4 Hezbollah men, 7 Israeli soldiers and 4 civilians were injured. However Israel did not retaliate and even returned 4 bodies without condition as sign of good will. And what we got in return? - more murder. In 2006 we retaliated and since then the border is calm.

Its not a provocation,its a reaction.Since you are the occupiers,you cant talk about provocation.
Doesnt matter.You occupy another Arab territory.They are Arabs.
And you occupy North Cyprus. If Lebanese (or anyone else) are willing to die for other Arabs we will arrange them their wish.
And you occupy North Cyprus. If Lebanese (or anyone else) are willing to die for other Arabs we will arrange them their wish.

You will die too.

in north cyprus there is a sovereign state..we dont claim that it is our territory..your land however are not yours.:)
in north cyprus there is a sovereign state..we dont claim that it is our territory..your land however are not yours.:)
Alas no one beside Turkey recognizes this state. So its just occupied by Turkey territory.
No its 1982 war.

P.S. I should correct myself. From 2000-2006 were killed 23 Israelis (I said 26) including 7 civilians. From Lebanese side 9 Hezbolah fighters and 1 Syrian soldier (Syrian soldiers were stationed in Lebanon then).

did the merkava tanks excist at that time, i know a bit off topic. i watched it and didnt understod anything! if you have watced it can you give me some info about what is happening! :D

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