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Is this the end of Islam? or there is some silver-lining?

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Morally, the muslim world is in no shape to dictate to others on any major issues. Neither economically, nor militarily, on any issue what so ever. The Muslims world is full of incidents of injustices to our minorities and atrocities against each other. We are still stuck in Shia Kafir, Sunni Kafir etc. We haven't got a leg to stand on. We need to stop all injustices we commit on each other, end sectarian violence, stop oppressing women, and treat all our citizens equally. This is the only way we can create a more harmonious society, remember economic development can only take place when their is peace.

Part of the reason for the chaos in parts of the Muslim world is injustice in many horrid forms. Did I ever mention a secret police force that get paid by politicians to kill other politicians of the same ruling political party? Sheesh...

The next part is about materialistic development, this is one aspect that our religious clergy has absolutely destroyed. Mullahs and self declared religious scholars have, throughout the Islamic history, opposed our materialistic advancements by passing religious edicts against anything they don't understand. One important example I can think of right now is the fatwa on the ban on printing press, Lol I mean seriously? This is the broad mindedness of our elite. Instead of encouraging the understanding of the world, our clergy wants us to stop exercising our intellect and instead became brain dead zombies, which surprise surprise, makes us easy to control.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is why Muslims in South Asia are behind the Hindus.
In the name of Religion
Pakistan: Shia and Ahmedi Butchered, Moderate Sunnis are killed,Beheading Paksiatni police/army .
Afghanistan: cutting nose and ear of Women, Blowing off Budhha statue.and so on
Iraq: Buthcering Shias, Kurds
Syria: Sex Jihad
and so on.......

And most interesting All these activities are justified under Muhammad's religion.. Crime happen in other countries, But no one justified in Jesusu's religion or some other guys religion.

Imagine how cruel these ppl will be in past when there was no media...
I'm talking about before the collapse of our super powers.
right now they are doing these things no denying that.
but you will always lie like usual as i caught you many times before trying to twist and deliberately lie to prove you point.
the thing we were talking about is during the colonial times how the muslims didn't adopt cruelty like the europeans did to expand.
In the name of Religion
Pakistan: Shia and Ahmedi Butchered, Moderate Sunnis are killed,Beheading Paksiatni police/army .
Afghanistan: cutting nose and ear of Women, Blowing off Budhha statue.and so on
Iraq: Buthcering Shias, Kurds
Syria: Sex Jihad
and so on.......

And most interesting All these activities are justified under Muhammad's religion.. Crime happen in other countries, But no one justified in Jesusu's religion or some other guys religion.

Imagine how cruel these ppl will be in past when there was no media...

When you say "imagine" it means you are assuming and when one assumes and tries to pass it off as fact they are discredited for the piece of garbage they are, so I guess you are a piece of garbage. :(

the true caliphate : Rashidun Caliphate is over. the rest are just glorified kings and emperor .

This I agree anyone claiming caliphate in this day and age is only out to gain material and spiritual superiority over the naive.
When you say "imagine" it means you are assuming and when one assumes and tries to pass it off as fact they are discredited for the piece of garbage they are, so I guess you are a piece of garbage. :(
he sure is.. he is the type of person who can't respond to you more then 2 or 3 times but you always have to call him on his bullshit.
this piece of garbage is not just any piece of garbage lol he is the worst kind of garbage.
he sure is.. he is the type of person who can't respond to you more then 2 or 3 times but you always have to call him on his bullshit.
this piece of garbage is not just any piece of garbage lol he is the worst kind of garbage.

Tunda hoja prah roza hon hi lagne shuru hojave. :lol:

He is a loser with a wet dream for all Muslims to become pagans which he has stated many times, leave him be.
Im talking about the present day where the islamic world doesnt contribute anything to technological advancement of the human race. Mobile technology, advanced communication, space exploration, personal and commercial transportation, industrialization.

If you actually bothered to read the discussions here, you wouldn't be talking about such in the first place.
I did not confuse your post, I just said what you were trying to say in more precise words, so no one get confused. It is exactly what you are saying now.
really? wow, that means i dont get what i was trying to say myself LOL
Aceh Province is in peace now (Aceh War: 1976-2005). The rebel has already embraced the republic and participated in our formal politics (Aceh region)

Papua Province is also in a relatively peace period since long time ago due to the fact that the rebel number is so small with so little weapon.

You can study the fact more on this list:

List of wars involving Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Point was, just going slightly into history many tensions can be found....and what is being presented as a normal state is only normal on the outside. Not talking about Indonesia in particular, i mean it as a general observation.
really? wow, that means i dont get what i was trying to say myself LOL

A great Zen Master here once said: "Sometimes I feel so clever, I don't even know what I'm talking about."

Or something like that...:o_O:
A great Zen Master here once said: "Sometimes I feel so clever, I don't even know what I'm talking about."

Or something like that...:o_O:
the true caliphate : Rashidun Caliphate is over. the rest are just glorified kings and emperor .

I know Abbasid & Umayid were not caliphs but true caliphate like Rashida caliphate must come again ..........
I know Abbasid & Umayid were not caliphs but true caliphate like Rashida caliphate must come again ..........

all this talk of khilaafa is wrong and undemocratic. the original rashidun khilaafa was essentially the "revolutionary command councils" we saw in modern revolutions. once the revolution became the system, the "command councils" were no longer required. but in those early days of islam, because of the unnecessary sunni-shia split and the interference of the iranis, the title of "khaleefa" was used to create and continue separate empires. so real muslims should no longer talk about that concept.

when muammar gaddafi says...
  1. he is neither sunni nor shia...just a muslim.
  2. quran was the first socialist manifesto.
  3. there is not much difference between christianity and islam.
  4. society should be ruled democratically, with the people ruling themselves, self-governance.
  5. makkah and madeena are under nato occupation indirectly because saudia is a british/usa creation.
  6. that he, muammar gaddafi, is the imaam of all muslims, and it is accepted by sensible millions.
i don't see the need for any more talk on who should be seen as the current leader of world muslims.

We need reformers to come out and collectively put an end to the sectarian BULLSHIT which some mental slaves have become victim to

the single biggest threat to the enemies of Islam and ill-wishers of Islamic peoples would be UNITY. We are all Muslims afterall. Its only some asshole motherfuckers who call themself Muslim who still insist on dividing us and doing the work of the devil to weaken Islam from within

they will fail, God willing

'Islamic' nations need to realize that in order to survive in 21st century and beyond, you cannot let the state and it's institution hold on to religion. You have to let it go. The Gulf Arab nations which are rich, are just because they struck oil. Otherwise their fate would have been no different to what happened with Syria,Egypt, Libya, Iraq etc.

I agree
all this talk of khilaafa is wrong and undemocratic. the original rashidun khilaafa was essentially the "revolutionary command councils" we saw in modern revolutions. once the revolution became the system, the "command councils" were no longer required. but in those early days of islam, because of the unnecessary sunni-shia split and the interference of the iranis, the title of "khaleefa" was used to create and continue separate empires. so real muslims should no longer talk about that concept.

when muammar gaddafi says...
  1. he is neither sunni nor shia...just a muslim.
  2. quran was the first socialist manifesto.
  3. there is not much difference between christianity and islam.
  4. society should be ruled democratically, with the people ruling themselves, self-governance.
  5. makkah and madeena are under nato occupation indirectly because saudia is a british/usa creation.
  6. that he, muammar gaddafi, is the imaam of all muslims, and it is accepted by sensible millions.
i don't see the need for any more talk on who should be seen as the current leader of world muslims.


i agree to a good extent.....

i wouldnt liken the Quran to a socialist manifesto though....socialist isnt a nice word
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