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Is there really a Saudi – Turkish divide?

I believe Turkics in China have mistreated you, but don't take it out on Turkiciye dude, just focus on the individuals rather than generalizing entire Turkics.

this is the new thing i am championing: always targeting the entire species and not sparing the individuals either. but china is of continental size, so it is easy for a chinese never to let a turkic get close - i never did. what i did is to prove that turkics as a race are dangerous to the common peace of continental eurasia the same way that anglo-americans and jews are. this is easily proven from sociology of states, from international jurisprudence, from political geography, from history of mind, from biology, from phrenology, and yet i have yet to see one turkic to seriously confront the biological, racial and political abomination that his species truly is. all i have seen is the violent hatred and name-calling from turkics, the kind of villainy and emotional imbalance that characterize the turkics' base national character.
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