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Is there really a Saudi – Turkish divide?

Turkey has its own distinct culture, traditions, heritage, and identity all together, unique and different from all of the other nations surrounding it. I have never met a Turk who wants to become European. The only reason i believe that Turkey would aspire to become a part of the E.U. would be for economic reasons, but Turkey no longer needs E.U. membership since it is doing very well on its own.

From my personal interaction with Turks i can say that they are very Patriotic and Nationalistic people who take pride in their own distinct and unique identity, and it is this spirit which has driven them to become a very successful, prosperous and stable nation.

Well with the Turks it doesnt matter even if Islamist, Leftists or Nationalists and Kemalists etc indeed they are all extremely patriotic.. That's true.
This is very common that only Pakistan talks about Muslim ummah vigorously and identifies themselves due to choice of their own...In my interaction with several developed modern nationality like Indonesia, Malaysia,Turkey,Iran and SA...They consider their identity through their nationality and then talk about their religious nationalism....and that to in the social and cultural context....

That is mostly due to ignorance and lack of knowledge/experience. Millions of Pakistanis like me who live and have grown up abroad have experienced there is no such thing as brotherhood based on religion, and this was proven in 1971 when Islam couldn't keep bangalis and West Pakistanis together as one nation because ultimately it was the huge difference in language, culture, traditions, and different identity's that mattered more than religion.

Of course, i'm not implying that Muslims regardless of their diverse backgrounds shouldn't aspire to assist each other or cooperate with one another and strengthen existing relations between Islamic Nations, however its impossible to unite all Muslim nations into one big nation due to so many differences.
Some Turks with this type of mentality truelly make me sick. Ofcourse its because AKP we have an outstanding economie, No co-instedence that after decades of Poverty and Crappy Economie, Wealth and Booming Economie occured just when the AKP is in power. Dont fool yourself with these nonsense honestly...

Read it again mate, I said its not happened because of islamist policy of akp, I didn't said its not done under the akp rule...

İzledikleri İslamcı politika ayrı birşey yani, diğer gelişmelerle bir ilgisi yok.
I understand what you are saying but you must understand that the kind of Muslim unity I am talking about is not the unity with the Ignorant ( JAAHIL ) Taliban. The kind of Muslims I speak of are highly educated Doctors, Engineers and scientist type Muslims who are Islamic moderates but whose Identity remains Islamic. I teach at a university in New York and I am not an Islamic radical or extremist. I am a moderate and my self identity remains that of a Muslim.

Question is who do you identify with. There are Turks who think they are Europeans and the Europeans laugh at them. This is the main reason why Europe never allowed Turkey to be part of European Union after 40 years of attempts by Turkey. Today Turkey's Economy is better than European countries, thanks to the ISLAMIST AKP party of Turkey.

So make your choice who you want to be ?

Sir, we are not European..We are, thanks to Allah, Turks..Turks, who think they are some sort of European pawns are degenerates
Turkey has its own distinct culture, traditions, heritage, and identity all together, unique and different from all of the other nations surrounding it. I have never met a Turk who wants to become European. The only reason i believe that Turkey would aspire to become a part of the E.U. would be for economic reasons, but Turkey no longer needs E.U. membership since it is doing very well on its own.

From my personal interaction with Turks i can say that they are very Patriotic and Nationalistic people who take pride in their own distinct and unique identity, and it is this spirit which has driven them to become a very successful, prosperous and stable nation.

This is exactly why I admire Turkey & a few Arab nations. I hope our own country is able to learn a couple of lessons from Turkey.
To those people who claim that we don't need the EU: We do. 60% of our trade is done with the EU, due to the free trade agreements we're able to sell a lot of products cheaper then other countries. Its not like Germany doesn't produce TV's or fridges anymore, they're doing it to expensive due to high labour costs.

We have push hard for the best deal we can get: like free travel for businessmen, get the rid of all trade obsticles and maybe participate in a few strategic organizations under the umbrella of the EU but not actually join it.

But don't underestimate the influence of our relations with the EU, we do need them.

As for the we're not European we're this or that part: I don't consider myself exclusively European, Balkanese, Asian or Middle Eastern (hell no), we're somehow all of that.
Long Live the Republic of Türkiye!


Istiklal Marsi (Türkische Nationalhymne, Turkish Anthem) - YouTube
Turks take pride in their Turkish background, not in some fake European identity which is non-existent.

the european identity that a franco-german union wants to impose on rest of continental europe cannot be economically and militarily resisted by lesser nations in their sphere of influence. the turkic identity that pan-turkics wanted to impose on the vast majority of eurasian countries can be easily defeated by infertilization programs, pogroms and forced deportations of turkics in these countries.

one has to admit a strong european identity is far more realistic and politically viable than any turkic identity - and far lesss suicidal.
iajj..yes yes we know..thanks for stopping by and sharing your wisdom pearls..pls come again
the european identity that a franco-german union wants to impose on rest of continental europe cannot be economically and militarily resisted by lesser nations in their sphere of influence. the turkic identity that pan-turkics wanted to impose on the vast majority of eurasian countries can be easily defeated by infertilization programs, pogroms and forced deportations of turkics in these countries.

one has to admit a strong european identity is far more realistic and politically viable than any turkic identity - and far lesss suicidal.

In today's world there is no European identity, majority of European population is composed of foreign migrants from third world countries and their 2nd to 3rd generations. Native Europeans are mostly older generation as in the case of Germany and will soon die out. By 2030-2050 Europe will become a multicultural Islamic Continent with increasing extremists influence.

The only time European Unity/Identity was truly possible was during the Time of Nazi Germany. Hitler was a strong advocate of a European Union against the threat of the Bolshevik Reds overrunning Europe, but alas Britain and France (2 of the other powerful European nations besides Nazi Germany) were under Zionist control and cooperated with the Bolsheviks in the destruction of Germany and with it Europe.

The modern day so called "European Union" is nothing but a joke owned by Zionist Bankers.
the european identity that a franco-german union wants to impose on rest of continental europe cannot be economically and militarily resisted by lesser nations in their sphere of influence. the turkic identity that pan-turkics wanted to impose on the vast majority of eurasian countries can be easily defeated by infertilization programs, pogroms and forced deportations of turkics in these countries.

one has to admit a strong european identity is far more realistic and politically viable than any turkic identity - and far lesss suicidal.

I don't know where your extremely hatred towards Turks come from, yet i find it extremely interesting that a Chinese spends so much time trying to bash Turkey. Don't you have other issues which should be much more interesting to a Chinese than bashing us? As i said before, your hatred has made you an extreme racist which is not healthy for your body, seek some medical attention before it is too late.
I don't know where your extremely hatred towards Turks come from, yet i find it extremely interesting that a Chinese spends so much time trying to bash Turkey. Don't you have other issues which should be much more interesting to a Chinese than bashing us? As i said before, your hatred has made you an extreme racist which is not healthy for your body, seek some medical attention before it is too late.

He is just a troll mate..dont even take him serious :)

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