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Is there really a Saudi – Turkish divide?

Economy is not better because of islamist policy of Akp, actually their islamist policy gradually makes that place worse, we are talking about a bunch of people that openly discriminates Atheists and Alevis and thinks its normal.

And what does that have to do with Economy. Your are confusing Human rights with Economy.
We are talking about Economy and the country's GDP, not human rights. Did they not teach you the difference between the two in High School you attended, that is if you attended High School.

Please , you are in a deep denial. I remember when AKP took over the reigns of the Government, the Turkish economy was in shambles and the Turkish lira was in free fall. In 10 years, the AKP have not only turned the Turkish economy around but in few years Turkey is going to be the Tenth largest Economy in the World. This is a fact and Seculars like you cannot accept this fact and remain in denial. Which is fine, it is your choice to face reality or live in your imaginary world.
? I'm exactly talking about, you underline the "Islamist" with big fonts, and I said their islamist policy have nothing with their other actions, economy is not get better because of their islamist view.
I don't know where your extremely hatred towards Turks come from, yet i find it extremely interesting that a Chinese spends so much time trying to bash Turkey. Don't you have other issues which should be much more interesting to a Chinese than bashing us? As i said before, your hatred has made you an extreme racist which is not healthy for your body, seek some medical attention before it is too late.

don't you turkics think my thoughts are as petty as turkics: i contemplate about indians, bonzi, nipponzi, viets, phillipines, deibazi, tibetans, jews and anglo-americans. but while my dislike of the rest is political, my reflection on the latter two breeds and the turkics is biological

In today's world there is no European identity, majority of European population is composed of foreign migrants from third world countries and their 2nd to 3rd generations. Native Europeans are mostly older generation as in the case of Germany and will soon die out. By 2030-2050 Europe will become a multicultural Islamic Continent with increasing extremists influence.

The only time European Unity/Identity was truly possible was during the Time of Nazi Germany. Hitler was a strong advocate of a European Union against the threat of the Bolshevik Reds overrunning Europe, but alas Britain and France (2 of the other powerful European nations besides Nazi Germany) were under Zionist control and cooperated with the Bolsheviks in the destruction of Germany and with it Europe.

The modern day so called "European Union" is nothing but a joke owned by Zionist Bankers.

an EU that dreamt of its unity being derived from common cultural, religious, and institutional similarities is bound to fail. but in its implosion a franco-german union will rise to take its place not through negotiations with the lesser neighbors but through imposition of economic and military terms upon them - and that is what nazis should have been content with before their reckless adventure into russia. it is certainly arguable that the nazi crimes at auschwitz began and ended with the eastern campaign.
don't you turkics think my thoughts are as petty as turkics: i contemplate about indians, bonzi, nipponzi, viets, phillipines, deibazi, tibetans, jews and anglo-americans. but while my dislike of the rest is political, my reflection on the latter two breeds and the turkics is biological

an EU that dreamt of its unity being derived from common cultural, religious, and institutional similarities is bound to fail. but in its implosion a franco-german union will rise to take its place not through negotiations with the lesser neighbors but through imposition of economic and military terms upon them - and that is what nazis should have been content with before their reckless adventure into russia. it is certainly arguable that the nazi crimes at auschwitz began and ended with the eastern campaign.

@Iajj, Get some serious Psychological help before you go off the deep end, mate.

@Iajj, Get some serious Psychological help before you go off the deep end, mate.


buddy, as a chinese i have natural fondness for every pakistani - but don't ever get in my line of fire again when i am targetting turkics, jews and anglo-americans. don't take it personally because i said the same thing to a hong konger earlier today
Is it justifies the treating Atheists and Alevis as scums ? anyway, that treatment have nothing with political reasons, for religious matters they're doing this.

Meaning of secularism misunderstood by some people thats true, its not mean you have the right to threat secular system.
Atheists who were in power in Turkey have openly discriminated Turkish Muslims for 80 years. Maybe now you understand how we felt?

BS, show me one Atheist in the government, one, i dare you. There is a difference between secular and atheist.
Egypt-Turkey-Saudi Arabia there is an alliance that no one dares to touch. Other countries in ME will want to join this alliance once we are succesfull - magnet effect.

Include Pakistan to that alliance.
don't you turkics think my thoughts are as petty as turkics: i contemplate about indians, bonzi, nipponzi, viets, phillipines, deibazi, tibetans, jews and anglo-americans. but while my dislike of the rest is political, my reflection on the latter two breeds and the turkics is biological

an EU that dreamt of its unity being derived from common cultural, religious, and institutional similarities is bound to fail. but in its implosion a franco-german union will rise to take its place not through negotiations with the lesser neighbors but through imposition of economic and military terms upon them - and that is what nazis should have been content with before their reckless adventure into russia. it is certainly arguable that the nazi crimes at auschwitz began and ended with the eastern campaign.

I believe Turkics in China have mistreated you, but don't take it out on Turkiciye dude, just focus on the individuals rather than generalizing entire Turkics.
Still waiting.

there probably is a lot of them that call themself 'Muslims' but never practice and is Muslim in words. they are as much Muslim as i am Christian or Jewish.

not the best example, but the closest i could find.

oh... and then there is the bdp idiots, who worship the terrorist ocalan. and don't believe in any religion.
there probably is a lot of them that call themself 'Muslims' but never practice and is Muslim in words. they are as much Muslim as i am Christian or Jewish.

not the best example, but the closest i could find.

oh... and then there is the bdp idiots, who worship the terrorist ocalan. and don't believe in any religion.

Turkey was never ruled by atheists, otherwise the country would be pretty different today. BDP members are religious too, some of them Muslim some of them Yezidi or what ever the heck that his, but thats a religion too.

Still waiting for user Erdogan to answer or to admit that he was talking BS.
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