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Is there any thing common between Balochistan and Kashmir??

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Sep 11, 2011
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It opened a new space in my mind after I read a very informative article published in dawn today. DRAWING PARALLELS BETWEEN BALOCHISTAN AND KASHMIR.

As the title sounds provocative, it opens a new debate that whether the analysis that has been carried in this article is really the preferable opinion or it is not the case and some thing is missing in this article?

The summary of this article stands some what like:

" Conditions of Balochistan and Indian held kashmir is same. Violation of rights of people since 1947 had been observed. Armed clashes and youth driven movements of secessionism followed by casualties are frequently observed in the history of both the regions. Pakistani establishment is not sincere with the Kashmiri cause similarly they are also avoiding the voices raised in Balochistan.

Land grabbing by civil-military bureaucracy in Gawadar, and royalty of natural resources like Land is also discussed.

Analysis of Article 370 exercised in Indian held kashmir is given and it is advised to Pakistani government that they should also implement such type of Law by which rights of ownership of Land must be in the hands of Local Baloch inhabitants not to those who can easily manipulate registries of land record and allocate plots in Gawadar to their loved ones."

Here is the link and I need some voices that may help me to form my opinion.

Drawing parallels between Balochistan and Kashmir | Blog | DAWN.COM
It opened a new space in my mind after I read a very informative article published in dawn today. DRAWING PARALLELS BETWEEN BALOCHISTAN AND KASHMIR.

As the title sounds provocative, it opens a new debate that whether the analysis that has been carried in this article is really the preferable opinion or it is not the case and some thing is missing in this article?

The summary of this article stands some what like:

" Conditions of Balochistan and Indian held kashmir is same. Violation of rights of people since 1947 had been observed. Armed clashes and youth driven movements of secessionism followed by casualties are frequently observed in the history of both the regions. Pakistani establishment is not sincere with the Kashmiri cause similarly they are also avoiding the voices raised in Balochistan.

Land grabbing by civil-military bureaucracy in Gawadar, and royalty of natural resources like Land is also discussed.

Analysis of Article 370 exercised in Indian held kashmir is given and it is advised to Pakistani government that they should also implement such type of Law by which rights of ownership of Land must be in the hands of Local Baloch inhabitants not to those who can easily manipulate registries of land record and allocate plots in Gawadar to their loved ones."

Here is the link and I need some voices that may help me to form my opinion.

Drawing parallels between Balochistan and Kashmir | Blog | DAWN.COM


The only parallel is between Balochistan and North East India
Is there anything common between Balochistan & Kashmir ? :blink:

Yes, they're both Pakistani territories ! :undecided:

and people of kashmir(so called pakistani territory)visit pakistan on indian passports?contradicts ur statement somehow.
and people of kashmir(so called pakistani territory)visit pakistan on indian passports?contradicts ur statement somehow.

Also happening other way around, thn what still not seen as indian land by rest of the world?lol
Atoot anng ? Never understood in the world still they write & read disputed land even in the MAPs ?lol
Also happening other way around, thn what still not seen as indian land by rest of the world?lol
Atoot anng ? Never understood in the world still they write & read disputed land even in the MAPs ?lol

ya,but disputed doesnt mean it belongs to pakistan.
Interesting Article indeed from Haider sahib. I have been reading his articles every now and then and I must say his attitude of maintaining a neutral approach is something that i always appriciate. A few observations regarding article's context
1- Kashmir is an unresolved issue and officially not a part of Pakistan. AJK maintains an autonomous status under the constitution of Pakistan. Balochistan has been legitemate part of Pakistan since inception. The concept spread by Indians is altogather wrong that Pakistani Kashmir is a Pakistani territory. To date, the official stance of GoP remains that JK is a disputed territory awaiting its resolution. Something which India hasn't been able to counter despite attempts of supressing the issue internationally.
2- The author has also neglected a fair part of history about Gawader and the issue. Gawader was never a part of Baluchistan for centuries until purchased by Pakistan from Oman and then subsequently merged with Balochistan in 1958. Secondly, the majority of orignal population (which totals around 50-100K) mostly comprised of makrani race fishermen rather than native balochs.It was the subsequent influx from balochistan who converted makranis into a majority. Thus the utomost step would have been to not to merge gawader with Balochistan and allow it to maintain its separate identity.Furthermore, by constitution everywhere in the world, Government maintains first right of ownership and use on all resources of the country. As i noted first, since the population of region is very small (like of a town), this puts constraints on infrastructure developments as cited by author that there should be "colleges and universities" for locals. The most government does is that it can provide an infrasturcture for primary and secondary education with some colleges.
3-Since AJK is not officially a part of Pakistan, thats why non-AJK nationals can not own land and property in AJK (also an aspect which has been continously violated in *** where government herself continues to promote influx of non-kashimries). However, for the rest of Pakistan, if we continue to put such restrictions, it would only promote differentiated regional identity and would harm the process of intermixing and thus the convergence of different regional identities to one national identity. For example even in Canada is a canadian from ontorio not allowed to purchase a land in Quebec? or is an Asian Immigrant (like Haider sahib himself) be not allowed to purchase a land anywhere in Canada because he is of brown skin or he is an Asian? Its just too illogical to argue in a such a way, a Pakistani nationality gives me and every other Pakistani right to stay, work,live and travel in any part of Pakistan and thats that.
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