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Is The Taj Mahal Pakistani ?

Well their was no civilization even remotely close to IVC not only in this subcontinent but as far as CHina and parts of iran/central asia.

IVC somehow was even better than iraq and egyptian civilizations.

I am not sure about any civilization from south india.If there was any than do provide me with links.

Hell there is nothing even remotely comparable to mehrgarh in the region.But if we really consider mehrgarh civilization into account that it proves that Pakistanis are actually the ancestors of Most of north indian people like punjabis.rajhistan etc people.

Yes Indian Punjabi's were indeed part of pakstani civilization aka IVC but they are hardly 1% of your population

Hence IVC

*Most of the sites were in Pakistan
*Indigenous people of IVC are still in Pakistan
*Great book like rig veda was written by Pakistanis
*Pakistanis were and are monotheist like the people of IVC.Vedic monotheist

and i can continue even more

About the part of south indian and indian population.I had read a report that To india humans species came through Goa/South india from other continents

That reddened sentence shows your ignorance. I already mentioned some civilizations from south India, but I really cannot give a history lesson here. Read up, it's good for you.

You didn't answer my question of where you came up with the figure that 80 percent of Indians are descended from south India. Do you want to admit that you made that up?

About IVC - it was one of the greatest civilizations at that time, but was supplanted and excelled by the vedic and other civilizations that followed. The vedas and upanishads and puranas and mahabharata and ramyana and such treasures of literature were not composed by the IVC, but the hindu civilizations that followed. The great cities of ayodhya and Dwarka and the 16 great kingdoms of the mahajanapada were not created by the IVC, but by the civilizations that followed. That is not surprising, since it is a story of human progress, after all. This pakistani fetish of pretending that once there was an IVC, and then there was Pakistan, ignoring some 5,000 years in between, is ludicrous.

The people of IVC were not monotheists. Nor were the people in the vedic civilization.
Taj Mahal is legacy of muslims and desgined by muslims, slave labour provided by hindus. Here is the list of peope who made Taj Mahal possible.

Ismail Afandi (a.k.a. Ismail Khan) of the Ottoman Empire — Turkish architect, designer of the main dome.[33]
Ustad Isa, born either in Shiraz, Ottoman Empire or Agra – credited with a key role in the architectural design and main dome.[34]
'Puru' from Benarus, Persia – has been mentioned as a supervising architect.[35]
Qazim Khan, a native of Lahore – cast the solid gold finial.
Chiranjilal, a lapidary from Delhi – the chief sculptor and
Amanat Khan from Shiraz, Iran – the chief calligrapher.[
Muhammad Hanif – a supervisor of masons.
Mir Abdul Karim and Mukkarimat Khan of Shiraz – handled finances and management of daily production.

Any hindu on the list?
Then how are Italy and India different ?

Again missing the point.

Let me explain it to you in terms of Italy.

When you talk of the Colosseum, is it a source of pride and history for Italy? Sure.
Do you call it the work of Modern day Italy, a purely Italian work? or do you liken it to the Roman Empire?

That bit is not true. Neither the republic of India or Pakistan existed when the Taj was built, but as of today it is located in the Republic of India, and is a property of the govt of India, who's responsibility it is to maintain and protect it. If the question is whether the architectural accomplishment is Indian or Pakistani, the question is invalid, as neither entities existed back then. But if the question is about who's property it is today, it is very much India's. It is Indian governmental property.

By the way I forget who, but somebody had described it as the ''soul of Persia in the heart of India'', and was quoted in the 'Discovery of India' by Jawaharlal Nehru. ''India'' in that quote obviously referring to the undivided India of that time, not present day republic of India.

My point exactly.

And you can claim it to belong to you, fine, it's only fair, but claiming anything more than what's right is wrong.
I just can't get it.How indians are fooling themselves by pretending that The modern day Pakistan was always part of them.

If we were same always than why the hell in just 7 decades we changed so much from each other?

To give you example of Pakistan and afghanistan pashtun.Even after more than 100years of seperation we are same.Member of my wazir tribe in Afghanistan are 100% identicle to us,same culture,Look and 100% identicle dialect.despite that we are seperated from each other for more than 100years now

Tell me how Pakistanis and indians today are completely different countries from each other?

Punjab- 2.8 crores
haryana-2.7 crores
Himachal-70 lakh
Jammu-50 lakhs
Delhi- 50 lakhs

That comes to 7.2 which is like 6%.

so what?
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Again missing the point.

Let me explain it to you in terms of Italy.

When you talk of the Colosseum, is it a source of pride and history for Italy? Sure.
Do you call it the work of Modern day Italy, a purely Italian work or do you liken it to the Roman Empire?
So you agree Taj Mahal is part of Indian heritage ?
Because that was was what the debate was about.
By your logic, if a new govt comes into power in a country, all accomplishments under a previous govt. somehow vanish into thin air.

and Gujrat, Rajasthan,Maharastra had IVC cities too
Mehrgarh civilization is a yet another history of pakistan we should be proud of

Mehrgarh (Balochi: Mehrgaŕh, Urdu: مہرگڑھ‎), sometimes Anglicized as Mehrgahr, Merhgarh or Merhgahr is one of the most importantNeolithic (7000 BCE to c. 2500 BCE) sites in archaeology. It lies on the Kacchi Plain of Balochistan, Pakistan. It is one of the earliest sites with evidence of farming and herding in South Asia

Early Mehrgarh residents lived in mud brick houses, stored their grain in granaries, fashioned tools with local copper ore, and lined their large basket containers with bitumen. They cultivated six-row barley, einkorn and emmer wheat, jujubes and dates, and herded sheep, goats and cattle. Residents of the later period (5500 BCE to 2600 BCE) put much effort into crafts, including flint knapping, tanning, bead production, and metal working. The site was occupied continuously until about 2600 BCE.[3] Mehrgarh is probably the earliest known center of agriculture in South Asia.[4]

Mehrgarh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thats not how it work. In Delhi punjabis make small part of population. Overall figure provided by India census 2011 is 33 million in all over India. Punjabi is ethnic group, not everyone living in Delhi, Himachal etc is Punjabi.
So you agree Taj Mahal is part of Indian heritage ?
Because that was was what the debate was about.

Yup, but not my debate. What you imagined and what you saw before is nowt to do with my post.

By your logic, if a new govt comes into power in a country, all accomplishments under a previous govt. somehow vanish into thin air

And by your logic a new government can claim the previous government's work as theirs.

Oh and don't compare the two.
Governments to do with accountability, not a state, that's history and heritage.
Yup, but not my debate. What you imagined and what you saw before is nowt to do with my post.

Its the title of the thread if you care to see, actually :D

Oh and don't compare the two.
Governments to do with accountability, not a state, that's history and heritage.

That was an analogy, not meant to be taken literally ofc
My point exactly.

And you can claim it to belong to you, fine, it's only fair, but claiming anything more than what's right is wrong.

To clarify: The taj mahal today is a property of the govt of India, specifically the archeological survey of India. It belongs to the republic of India, just like the qutab minar and the brihadeeswara temple built by the cholas.

As a cultural accomplishment, Iranians and Pakistanis and Indians can all take pride in it, since it was a product of the then persian and Indian (which includes present day Pakistan) cultures.
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