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Is Sri Lanka Classified South East Asia or South Asia?

Even I want to know who the hell this is. :D


is Ornella Gunesekere

edit:shame for trolls here but thanks for all the information, guess sri lanka is very multi racial/ethic. awesome :-)
Brahui people in Pakistan as well.

Brahui are dravidian speaking but not south indians dravidian genes like you rajasthani rajputs. Brahui have 12% s-indian, lowest of any South Asian group, rajasthan rajputs for exemple have 48% ;). Dont believe me? Check the result harappadna.org.
No. South Indians are also caucasoids with some traces of Australoid genes. Tribal people have higher australoid influence. SOuth Indians are just dark caucasoids with curly hair.

South Indians are not Caucasoid they are clearly Australoids just look at them. Short, flat nose, black skin, round build
Doesn't know if Sri Lankan themselves want to associates their country with some rag tag poor countries of South East Asia like Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and so on, we don't have much money and our peoples is ugly compared to the peoples of South Asia countries. Sri Lanka has fit themselves with the super power of South Asia....
That's what I was getting at. South Indians and Lankans are very similar genetically to Aborigines. They belong to the same racial family Australoids.

The link that @Gibbs provided suggests that Sri Lankan Aborigines have no genetic connection to the rest of Sri Lanka's population.

I am surprised there wasn't some amount of intermarriage, but we have to go with what the genetics studies say.
Even I want to know who the hell this is. :D


Look likes Indonesian to me.....we also have so many people like South Asian in Aceh province.......The nearest land to the South Asian world.

This is Indonesian girl:

Dian Sastrowardoyo (pure Javanese/Java island)


Nia Ramadhani (pure Minang (West Sumatra)
Look likes Indonesian to me.....we also have so many people like South Asian in Aceh province.......The nearest land to the South Asian world.

This is Indonesian girl:

Dian Sastrowardoyo (pure Javanese/Java island)


Nia Ramadhani (pure Minang (West Sumatra)

Wow they don't look southeast or east asian at all. They look racially ambiguous. The first one could definitely pass for South Asian (and probably Hispanic)
Wow they don't look southeast or east asian at all. They look racially ambiguous. The first one could definitely pass for South Asian (and much more)

Yup, since we have wide eyes....it makes us so different with East Asian people...but every race has its distinctive beauty....it makes us not getting bored living in this world..thanks to Allah for that.....

The first one is Javanese...and she is a typical pretty Javanese girl with pure blood, you can see in Jakarta quite a lot. The good thing about Javanese girl is that they are so soft and care...and Sumatra women is more agresive and has some leadership. Indonesia is also like a mix race since hundred years ago. People from Sumatra and local Jakarta (Betawi) has Arab/Indian/Pakistan roots since it is the first place Islam comes to Indonesia, they are more hardline in Islam than general Javanese.
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LOL, why? Why would Chinese insult SL? We don't have any problem! China and SL are friendly to each other. Don't troll

LOL. It was a troll thread.

SL lies further SOUTH of India .....so if India is SOUTH Asia, what is Sri Lanka ? :lol:
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