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Is South Korea's new KF-21 fighter similar to India's AMCA stealth jet?

Yes and you're in the 3rd world countries list, don't assume yourself in 1st world countries list, LOL
Do you even know the meaning of 3rd world country? Last time asking as you said 3rd world country use F-35 design.

We are the 5th largest Nominal economy and the 3rd Largest PPP economy, we just have to increase Per Capita income to bring visible change in India.
Do you even know the meaning of 3rd world country? Last time asking as you said 3rd world country use F-35 design.

We are the 5th largest Nominal economy and the 3rd Largest PPP economy, we just have to increase Per Capita income to bring visible change in India.
lol all 3rd world countries uses the design inspire on F-35/F-22 designs like TFX/KFX/ AMCA/J-31

LOL China has bigger economy and way way ahead from you at every sense but they consider themselve as 3rd world country/developing country, you're the same , various US/Western defense firms helping you out in your various defense projects, prime example is your LCA/TEJAS project
We are the 5th largest Nominal economy and the 3rd Largest PPP economy, we just have to increase Per Capita income to bring visible change in India.
Mr Delusion...you are 122th largest economy by PPP per Capita income. And 139th largest economy by GDP per capita. And yeah....you just have to increase Per Capita income by 10000 dollars just to get above 3rd world countries league.
Now get off your high horses, you are in same league with us, even below us when comes to population living below poverty line.
3rd world countries
Pakistan is a 1st world country, India is a 3rld world country so? You don’t even know the actual meaning of these terms.
lol all 3rd world countries uses the design inspire on F-35/F-22 designs like TFX/KFX/ AMCA/J-31

LOL China has bigger economy and way way ahead from you at every sense but they consider themselve as 3rd world country/developing country, you're the same , various US/Western defense firms helping you out in your various defense projects, prime example is your LCA/TEJAS project
Yes, whatever we do is foreign help mr troll.
Pakistan is a 1st world country, India is a 3rld world country so? You don’t even know the actual meaning of these terms.

Yes, whatever we do is foreign help mr troll.
Lol a troll calling other troll

And don't bring Pakistan on this thread we aren't considered ourselves 1st world country but you always claim you're HYPER POWER OF THE UNIVERSE 😁
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The tail wings, are different shape, the wings are different shape, the Rudders are of different shape, cockpit shape is different, but then this forum is becoming troll hub, an Indian posts anythings start your usual trolling that it is a copy, as inferior as imported parts assembled.

@krash pls take care of the useless troll posts above in the thread.

Try to compare AMCA pix with J-31 3rd Prototype pix. One can easily see a lot of similarities.
Try to compare AMCA pix with J-31 3rd Prototype pix. One can easily see a lot of similarities.
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we aren't considered ourselves 1st world country
Pakistan is a 1st world country by definition because it sided with the USA Bloc, India is a 3rd world country because it remained neutral, hence India is a 3rd world country by definition. 1st or 3rd world have nothing with development or socio-economic factors.
IMO the FC-31, KF-21 and AMCA all follow the same general principles:
  • MTOW in the 24 ton to 28 ton range
  • 2x GE414-sized engines
  • 7-9 ton payload via internal and external bays (albeit KF-21 will get internal later)
Indians don't even have a PROTOTYPE. All the fantasy is in drawings.
Any specs released for PF-X?
The PAF is aiming for a twin-engine design with supercruising and space for directed energy weapons.

I think the PAF will ultimately roll Project AZM into a joint-venture with another country (likely China or Turkey). The key thing to watch is whether they go for a 24-28-ton jet like the FC-31 or a 32-35-ton aircraft such as TFX. Interestingly, the target test flight date the PAF gave for AZM is around the same timeframe as the TFX (2028-2029).

The jury is still out on the direction because the PAF has long wanted a strike-capable fighter, hence there may be a genuine effort to get a TFX or J-20-sized fighter.
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