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Is South Korea's new KF-21 fighter similar to India's AMCA stealth jet?

Is this thread on which one is better? The author just pointed out the similarities in both aircraft. So no point of using useless lines like it will come before AMCA, yes it will come before AMCA because the KF-X project started in 1998, AMCA started in 2010. Yet we will bring a prototype in a lesser time than what KAI did, considering KF-X programme’s lead consultant is lockheed martin

Once again you try to mislead the fact. KFX proposal maybe exist in 1998 but the program development is started in 2011. This I see one knowleadgeble Indian member in Indian defense forum tried to correct this mistakes, but as usual many Indian members there still believe KFX began in 1998/2000

This is the fact about the LOI, MOU, and contract, do you need me to bring some fact during the first phase development where it is still in the form of changing ideas between ADD Korea and Indonesian team ???

Here the fact that in 2011 it is the start

Translation from Google translate:

February 6, 2014 (Angkasa/Space Magazine)

KFX / IFX program continued , Government Asked to Immediately Selecting Design

Korea was once considered Indonesia engineer do not understand about the design of a jet fighter. But the notion was quickly turned , when the Indonesian team describes the design and the various inputs. The Indonesian side also the one who finally managed to convince that the aircraft take-off weight of 50,000 pounds must .

Confirmation of the Parliament of South Korea on the resumption of the program KFX / IFX team warmly welcomed designers from Indonesia. They include asking both governments immediately call the engineers involved in preparing work that has been long overdue. They also want the governments of both countries to make sure one of the two designs that have been produced in the Technology Development phase for cultivation in the next phase .

"Program KFX / IFX is a multi - program years , costly, and involve various sectors and foreign partners. For that there must be a definite declaration on it goes. For Indonesia it is important to determine the financing schemes and their human resources planning, "said Dr Rais Zain, M. Eng , KFX / IFX Configuration Design Leader for Angkasa , in late January.

"In the near future Indonesia will also work on the N219 and R - 80. We do not have enough engineers to work three programs, especially KFX / IFX will take place until the 2020s. The government is expected to call home engineers who are now working abroad to come help the regeneration process. Outside there are approximately 200 people . If half of it can be returned to the country, it is enough to help, " added Rais who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering ITB, Bandung.

As reported by the national media, the confirmation of the continuation of the program of making front - liner Korean - Indonesian fighter jets received by the Ministry of Defense on January 3, 2014. Notice is further announced Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro told reporters, Wednesday, January 8, 2014, on the sidelines of Rapim Kemenhan in Jakarta. Explanations related to exposure delivered weapon system procurement plans in the Strategic Plan II, 2015-2019.

The Indonesian government hopes the project of making the 4.5 generation fighter jet could be done because it would be a referral program to remove the dependence of the transfer of technology from other countries. Besides KFX / IFX, Indonesia is also pursuing a program of making submarines , warships, propellants , rockets, and tank size medium. For submarines, Indonesia is also cooperating with the same country.

Superior to the Su - 35Program KFX / IFX was stopped temporarily by Korea's new leader Park Geun - Hye end of 2012 after reviewing the state financially in the country. This prestigious project was worked on since the beginning of 2011, shortly after President Lee Myung - bak and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono confirmed the bilateral cooperation in the defense field in Jakarta. From the Technology Development Phase that has been completed, a team of scientists has completed a number of conical design that later became two.

The two designs is a model of the stealth fighter jet -winning twin-engine air superiority with horizontally - tails in the back, and the other one is with canards on the front. "Each has consequences different financing and partners. Thus , it must first be decided which one is selected. It is important that when followed, all parties are ready to do it , "said Rais Zain , whose day-to- day lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering,ITB, Bandung.

As stated Wamenhan Sjafrie, Korean parliament has prepared 20 million U.S. dollars (temporary , Indonesia : $ 5 million) to continue this program in 2015. At that time , the team will go to the Engineering Manufacturing Development Phase. In addition must have a high thrust engine with a power to be able to fight in the air, the aircraft must also have weapons stored in the internal weapons bay , the data - link capable of randomizing communications, advanced radar target voters, and anti - jamming device.

The prototype is expected to finish by the end of the Strategic Plan II . Even if there are things that need to be criticized , it is a matter of operation requirements are much more determined the Korean Air Force . This was inevitable because the Korean bear 80 percent of the funding, and the country actually have a real enemy. This program is targeted to spawn a jet fighter with performance equivalent or superior to the opponent fighter jets which are the Sukhoi Su - 35.

Prerequisites itself dismissed the proposed counter designs KAI ( Korean Aerospace Industrie) recently, rather than to cut development costs are too great. In configuration ( see Space, December 2013 ), looks KFX type E is only one engine powered with weapons outside the radar sweep prone opponent.

Angkasa examine admiration of ADD ( Agency for Defense Development, Defence Research and Development Agency of Korea ) submitted to the Indonesian engineer team. Initially, the team assumes Korea really had no idea about the design of Indonesian fighter jets.

However, the assumption was turned when Indonesian engineers began to describe the design and the various inputs to the design of Korea. The Indonesian side also who ultimately ensure that the aircraft must have a takeoff weight of 50,000 pounds.(A.Darmawan/Angkasa magazine).



This is the most respected aerospace media in Indonesia but unfortunatelly they have erased that 2014 page but I have posted the translation in previous KFX/IFX thread in 2014.

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South Korea on Friday unveiled the prototype of its new '4.5 generation' fighter dubbed the KF-21 Boramae (young hawk trained for hunting), nearly 20 years after the project to build it was announced.

A fighter of the 4.5 generation is classified as having high manoeuvrability, advanced weapons for air-to-air and air-to-surface missions, features to reduce radar signature and integration of radar and infra-red sensors. A 4.5 generation fighter carries its weapons on external hardpoints on the wings and fuselage, unlike 5th generation aircraft that have internal weapons bays to increase stealth.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto were among the key participants at the launch of the fighter.

In 2001, then South Korean president Kim Dae Jung had pledged to develop an indigenous fighter for the country by 2015 to replace its fleet of F-4 and F-5 aircraft.

In 2019, reports emerged Indonesia was backtracking on its commitments to the KF-21 project. Indonesia had agreed to provide $1.3 billion to buy 48 aircraft and also secure transfer of technology for it. However, Indonesia has provided only around $202 million so far, Yonhap reported. South Korea and Indonesia are continuing talks on the project.

History of KF-21

The formal development of the KF-21 fighter began in late 2015. According to South Korea's Yonhap news agency, the country had allocated $7.9 billion to develop and build 120 KF-21 fighters.

The KF-21, a twin-engine aircraft, is capable of carrying up to 7.7 tonnes of weapons and fuel under its wings and fuselage.

The first flight of the KF-21 is expected to be completed in 2022. The KF-21 resembles the US F-35 stealth fighter outwardly. South Korea is a user of the F-35, and the KF-21 has been touted as a “cheaper, less-stealthy alternative” to the US jet.

The current variant of the KF-21 does not feature an internal weapons bay, but future variants could have it. "Based on this 4.5 generation platform, South Korea will be capable of building more advanced versions down the road," professor Bang Hyo-Choong of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) told Yonhap.

South Korea is purchasing air-to-air missiles for the first KF-21 batch from European companies MBDA and Diehl BGT.

South Korea has adopted a phased development approach to building the KF-21. "The KF-X Block I will not have an internal weapons carriage, which is planned for subsequent production blocks. The initial version will also lack air-to-ground striking capability since the home-grown long-range air-to-ground missile is to be developed by the mid-2020s," Defense News reported in 2019. Israeli company Elbit is assisting in the development of the radar of the KF-21.

KF-21 and AMCA

The KF-21 will be powered by two F414 engines, built by US company GE. GE delivered the first F414 engines to South Korea last year. Interestingly, the F414 will also power the initial variants of India's under-development Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) stealth fighter. The DRDO currently plans to fly the first prototype of the AMCA by 2025.

The AMCA will be similar to the KF-21 in being a twin-engine fighter with an approximate take-off weight of around 25 tonnes.

While similar in layout to the KF-21, the AMCA is being designed with an internal weapons bay. The DRDO has also hinted at developing an unmanned version of the AMCA. In February this year, A.K. Ghosh, the director of the AMCA project for DRDO, told The New Indian Express, "We have plans in future to incorporate 6th generation technologies, where it will be possible to fly AMCA aircraft in an autonomous mode for dangerous missions.”

The Indian Air Force currently expects to buy up to 125 AMCA fighters. According to reports, the first two squadrons of AMCA jets would be powered by the F414 engines, while the remaining ones would be equipped with a higher-thrust engine to be developed in India with foreign assistance.

most likely the other way
This is what I mean with Indian trolls on this forum. They troll all day long. Even blatantly lie. India doesn't even have a proper aircraft that can fly. LOL at our AMCA is similar to South Korean fighter.
Because some Pakistani members are in a mood to belittle, I mean what was the point of saying “Who cares, KF-X will come earlier than AMCA“ when I said KF-X is a 4.5 gen aircraft which the designers themselves say, they will breate blocks and make it true 5th gen soon.

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who cares when KF21 comes out/ The damn thing doesn't have even an internal weapons bay. It's max a 4.5 gen fighter without it. It's a waste of money. They're better off buying F 15s.
This is what I mean with Indian trolls on this forum. They troll all day long. Even blatantly lie. India doesn't even have a proper aircraft that can fly. LOL at our AMCA is similar to South Korean fighter.

I can assure you it is not even close to the korean fighter.
who cares when KF21 comes out/ The damn thing doesn't have even an internal weapons bay. It's max a 4.5 gen fighter without it. It's a waste of money. They're better off buying F 15s.
It is a good start for them, it does have semi recessed bays.
if it doesn't have an internal bay then they can fight with cambodia, not china or japan.
It does have semi recessed bays, plus not having an internal bay allows them to carry more, and it doesn’t need stealth plane to kill a stealth plane, F-117 nighthawk was shot down too.
It does have semi recessed bays, plus not having an internal bay allows them to carry more, and it doesn’t need stealth plane to kill a stealth plane, F-117 nighthawk was shot down too.

semi recessed against the powerful radars that north korean weapons (guess delivered by China) will be of no use. The munitions will hand out and even small profiles will now be picked up. They should have spent more money on JSF than this useless project.
@HostileInsurgent Nighthawk was shot down after 30 years of service. I still think that was just a fluke.
semi recessed against the powerful radars that north korean weapons (guess delivered by China) will be of no use. The munitions will hand out and even small profiles will now be picked up. They should have spent more money on JSF than this useless project.
@HostileInsurgent Nighthawk was shot down after 30 years of service. I still think that was just a fluke.

Please read more before commenting, this belly is in modular which means block 1 can be possibly upgraded easily into block 2/3


Please read more before commenting, this belly is in modular which means block 1 can be possibly upgraded easily into block 2/3

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View attachment 733183

When the russians launched the 'Raptorski' it was declared non stealth DESPITE having an internal weapons bay. India actually pulled out of the 25 Billion deal. The only issue with that jet was rear aspect stealth.

This plane is nowhere close to even the Russian jet. I will upgrade etc. are things they tell to their own people. For the international community this is just some weird frankenstein monster. Koreans have botched this good.
When the russians launched the 'Raptorski' it was declared non stealth DESPITE having an internal weapons bay. India actually pulled out of the 25 Billion deal. The only issue with that jet was rear aspect stealth.

This plane is nowhere close to even the Russian jet. I will upgrade etc. are things they tell to their own people. For the international community this is just some weird frankenstein monster. Koreans have botched this good.

Look pal, it is weird when you criticize other countries made fighter while yours are still in drawing board and hasnt yet finished detail design.
External design philosophy of aircraft with stealth is such that similar elements are likely to be used on all such aircraft developed anywhere in the world. Intake, upper body and the Elevons have a similar layout in all the current programs of stealth capable aircraft.

Similarity of KFX-21 to AMCA or or other similar aircraft is highly possible due to this.

However, any claim that Koreans copied AMCA design is a load of bullshit.
KF-21 has been rolled out but AMCA is not.

When AMCA rolls out I am sure trolls would claim it to be a copy of Chinese, Russians and other similar programs.

This thread is creating useless discussion without adding any value.
Follow in what? Korean aircraft proto is out, while ours is still in design phase with first flight planned only in 2025. Which means prototype unveil in 2024.
This is a stupid title to say the least.
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