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Is RAW really Blowing up everything in Pakistan , a Flashback to its Past in Pak.

I remember that idiot isi chief hamid gul boasting on tv that he will bleed india with thousand cuts,with an evil smile on his face!!When his nation ended up bleeding by the organisations once nurtured to bleed india and other parts of the world,suddenly they all became indian agents.
First India played the default BS Game, "ISI did the Samjotha Blast". When that failed and Col. Prohit was arrested what the update in the last 3 years on Col. Prohit's conviction, all BS, nothing to show from India's side. India did Samjotha in 2007 and they deserved 26-11 in return.

Our government does not nurture people like Purohit. Even if he was involved in the Samjhota express bombing why would the government even allege his name. We could have easily swept it under the carpet.
I remember that idiot isi chief hamid gul

Hamid Gul is no idiot. If only you knew his worth, you wouldn't be saying such nonsense. Besides, Indian officers are always spouting nonsense about Pakistan, why should it be any different for Pakistani army officers serving or otherwise.
Isn't it idiotic for an intelligence chief to say in tv interview that he will bleed another nation with a thousand cuts,even if he intended to do so?
‘RAW trying to separate Balochistan from Pakistan’
Sunday, January 25, 2009

ISLAMABAD: The leading newspaper of Sri Lanka, Daily Mirror, in its editorial has criticised the role the Indian intelligence agency (RAW) is playing in the regional countries to destabilise them. The editorial has specially referred to Pakistan.

It said: “Among its (RAW’s) most ambitious operations that are currently underway, is the move to separate Balochistan province from Pakistan by supporting (the) Balochistan Liberation Army.”

The newspaper wrote: “It certainly is a monumental task for the informed Sri Lankan or for that matter anyone in the neighbourhood of India to keep a straight face when talking about the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in India.”

It said that formed in 1968, the predatory operations carried out by this external intelligence agency of India in the neighbouring countries were perhaps the best example as to how the country bullied its neighbours.

Commenting on the RAW’s role in Sri Lanka, it said: “The RAW in Sri Lanka has a pretty colourful record. Having raised, nursed and fortified the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, it later went through phases where it adopted ‘rock the baby, pinch the baby’ approach towards the LTTE.”

While many thought the assassination of former Indian premier Rajiv Gandhi would have hardened the approach of the RAW towards the LTTE, it really did not happen that way, it wrote.

“While New Delhi was shattered by the death of Nehru’s grandson, the less emotional RAW moved on with rest of operation,” it said.

The newspaper wrote: “In 2007, ripples were created in the spy agency when one of its Colombo-based officers, Ravi Nair of 1975 batch, was found allegedly carrying on an affair with a woman working for another country’s spy agency.

“The ‘crime’ was considered only second to what was committed by the RAW Joint Secretary, Rabinder Singh, in 2004 when he escaped with copies of several highly-confidential documents and is believed to have passed them on to the CIA. This was after Singh’s superiors confronted him with evidence that he had spent time with a Delhi-based female US embassy officer at a resort down (the) New Delhi-Jaipur highway.”

The newspaper said the incident really rocked the RAW and forced it to go for several reforms, which included tougher counter-check measures on its officers.

Following the embarrassment caused by Ravi Nair in Colombo, the RAW recalled the officer and made it a point to post a lady officer to Colombo, probably thinking that was the best way to discourage other countries, it wrote.

Reports that the RAW was out to create mischief in the backdrop of the recent military victories by the Sri Lankan troops surfaced days after media reports that Pottu Amman, who was pulled up by Prabhakaran over the recent debacles, had slipped off to India, the daily wrote.
‘RAW trying to separate Balochistan from Pakistan’

The whole argument is misplaced and holds no merit. India is a mature country, why India would try to create another Muslim Demonic country who will swear to bleed India by providing safe heaven to Religious Terror Group?
India will never allow even Autonomy to Kashmir now for similar reasons. Long spell of terrorism in the country has now harden India's resolve not to let Nation disintegrate (Remember: Pakistan..?) any further.
Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam.

Pakistan = Muslim
India = Secular (Hindu,Muslim Christian etc)

if any muslim fight against any islamic state he will be go to hell in the day of end.

For All Muslim please don't support non-Muslim agencies.

Self proclaimed Islamic Torch Bearer.

Pakistan is not Islam and Islam is not pakistan (mind you)
I want to believe that guy. But can you please translate it first?. Thanks.
i hadn't heard of RAW until the film Hero in which sunny deol was raw agent.
national interest shud b above all.
RAW is not anti pakistan it is only concerned with indian security.
i hadn't heard of RAW until the film Hero in which sunny deol was raw agent.
national interest shud b above all.
RAW is not anti pakistan it is only concerned with indian security.

Well, than I will suggest India not to cry over ISI because ISI also look for the security of Pakistan and national & international concerns as you said about RAW.
I am wondering to read posts over this thread because nobody is angel so if you are going to open or blaming something about ISI than Pakistan also has much to open or blame on RAW. Both organizations have concern over national security of their countries but……… someone is crossing its limits & it must be put back in boundaries…..i think you know what I am talking about.
Well, than I will suggest India not to cry over ISI because ISI also look for the security of Pakistan and national & international concerns as you said about RAW.
I am wondering to read posts over this thread because nobody is angel so if you are going to open or blaming something about ISI than Pakistan also has much to open or blame on RAW. Both organizations have concern over national security of their countries but……… someone is crossing its limits & it must be put back in boundaries…..i think you know what I am talking about.

But sir their are some difference

RAW never criticize by any other country and Afghan president openly state that ISI involved in Indian embassy blast in Kabul

No case against raw in any other country but case against ISI filed in USA
Over the years we have questioned the RAW's support for Terrorist groups in Pakistan and other neighboring countries.

In my Mind we need to change the perception about RAW as we speak everyone here thinks that RAW is an Indian Intelligence agency which supports Terrorism in Pakistan and is on a Proxy war with us.

I think its a wrong perception , RAW itself is a Terrorist organization funded by Indian Govt to create hate between Islamic sect (Attack on Ahmadis , Attacks on Shias in Bajur , Attack on Sunni Mosque in lahore;)) - nice plan huh?

The aim is to create social unrest , religious hatred and violence more over to support TTP and use it as a tool to achieve this goal.

Over the years we have been talking about Indian Embassy in Kabul hosting RAW operatives are providing money , training and Explosives , Munitions , weapons and also Media coverage to TTP in Pakistan and BLA in Baluchistan.

GOP is not interested in this matter as they are too busy in their own crap , we have people like Rehman Malik who carry a history of Anti National activities and Links with India.

Often the Question is asked "Why India will support Terror in Pakistan through RAW ??"

But the Question itself is wrong , its a need of the hour to Ask this "Why India wouldn't Support Terrorism in Pakistan in order to break it up once again?"

* Here is a Flashback of History , the RAW "has been" supporting terrorism in Pakistan way before 9/11 and terrorism saga.

Its time for us Pakistanis to Think and decide what to do as our govt wont do anything to stop it , they are too scared , too spineless to stop RAW's Terrorist activities.

RAW's Targets and countries of Operations.


Regards: BB

Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] - India Intelligence Agencies

*Note To Indian Trolls.

If you have anything that can prove my arguments wrong , bring it forward or keep it shut.

This Thread must not be turned into ISI vs RAW thread.

Thanks for enlightening me about the true colours of RAW. All my lifer i had believed that RAW was nothing more than a waste of money but your post has proved me wrong. thanks a lot:victory::victory:
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