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Is Pakistan preparing to get out of US war on terrorism

Yeah, did Kiyani stop NATO supplies or Drones? Has Kiyani freed all Afghan Talibs? Answer: NO
Hence we are still in the American war on Terror. Kiyani is smaller American tuttoo than mushy but he still is... Dollar bolta hay

NATO supplies go through piggy backed on Afghan transit trade agreement.

You stop NATO supplies, and you will choke off Afghanistan. Is that what you want to do. To Kill and starve all the Afghans?

Drones will be off the day Pakistan starts using F-16's to kill off the Talib-b@stards.

-- Would you rather have F-16 bombing the Talbi-@rses?

Pakistan has never been part of WoT. We were always in WoAss. Read my post on previous page to understand WoAss.

Pakistan had left US war on terror when Gen. Kayani said "NO" to NWA operation & if you are taking about the current terrorism war which is waged against Pakistan by these rented terrorists then Gen. Kayani has made it clear that this is our war.

All these rented terrorists who are fighting against Pakistan are fully & openly supported by Indians, US & allies.

A good post. Irrespective of what the past pakistani position was, the facts on the ground speak otherwise. US has found it difficult to wage a war in the region and its efforts have been spectacular in being a failure. There is no blame in this, it is just a matter of repeating facts. The terrain, the lack of clear definition between citizens and terrorists, the number of boots on the ground and a highly porous border have all meant that the lack of concerted effort has not been possible. Without a pincer like movement, (a joint action) nothing is ever going to achieve success. To ask Pakistan "to do more" has not helped much as it is beyond the capacity and financial resources of the pakistani army to curtail the onslaught on its own.
Now what the PMLand PTI are saying is echoing the thoughts of the army brass, in that we need to taljk to the taliban in Afghanistan and even pakistan to sort the matter out politically. We have enough problems in Baluchistan as well and if we dont pacify the provinces, Pakistan will break up into pieces which may be what certain powers want but would be a catastrophy of the highest proportion.
The will be elements inside the state that are just merceneries and are working for outside interests. They will be easier to dela with once we have sorted out the mess at the border. We need to understand that the US is ourr ally in this. If the US is willing to talk to the talibans then why cant we.
I don't have a reason to chime in here but I'll give my two cents anyway. I've been following Pakistan's election campaign and it's interesting.

It is the people that elect the government. But, it is ALSO the people that elect the right candidates. I have a lot of respect for Imran Khan and and others. But simply using common sense, you don't put a guy who's famous for playing cricket in charge of a country. The ONLY delivery he's done in his lifetime....is a hospital. Although a great cause but it has NOTHING to do with foreign policy, trade, economics, etc, etc. You pick experienced candidates to run the country. With media and everything else being so open, it will be almost impossible for anyone else (but your current government) to come and openly do corruption and not deliver. Anyone who wants to remain in power or come win elections again, will have to deliver. So with that in mind, you guys need experienced team, specifically a team that can advance Pakistan's economy on an emergency basis. Someone who played cricket all his life.....simply needs time to mature up. There seems to be a lot of fan boy stuff going on here. You guys have a lot of potential so please pick the right leaders so your country can move forward, bring about economic activity, reduces terrorism, etc.

the travesty of the Pakistani political scene is that we dont have people of that calibre on the national scene who can do the job for us. While I agree with posters that pinning too much hope on one man will invariably lead to disaster. However I can look back and say with the utmost of confidence that we have had no one of that calibre since Bhutto the senior and I steadfastly maintain that he was one of the major cauuses of the division of this country and regional haterd and did absolutely nothing to alleviate the miseries and the problems of the people. Given that we have had to put up with benazir, Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari to name a few of our political stalwarts(NOT!!) we are now so desperate that we will bring in Imran khan to see if he can deliver what others have promised and decieved us about. All said and done we have not had a good run with our politicians and the reasons are multifactorial. We have nothing left to lose. the country is already like a hare in the midst of a pack of hungry wolves!
Whether Pakistan joins or leaves WOT it would be US to decide.

Pakistan cant withdraw on its own now or else remember the classic "bomb back to stone ages".
The term "War on Terror" refers to the American campaign in Afghanistan. That term is not concerned much with the TTP. Those people are our problem and must be dealt with decisively with military and civilian efforts.

Yeah, did Kiyani stop NATO supplies or Drones? Has Kiyani freed all Afghan Talibs? Answer: NO
Hence we are still in the American war on Terror. Kiyani is smaller American tuttoo than mushy but he still is... Dollar bolta

It is astonishing to see that certain quarters continue to avoid the truth and look for respite in the blame game. It is no secret that the nation of Pakistan has been plagued with terrorism in recent years. Sadly, those who are responsible for the chaos are regularly seen boasting about their crimes. Terrorist organizations like the TTP have even issued direct threats against the government of Pakistan. These terrorists have left very little to ponder regarding their deadly objectives. These homegrown insurgents have killed thousands of innocent civilians to date. How can we serve justice to those killed by indulging in the blame game? While speaking on the occasion of Martyrs’ Day (April 30), Army chief General, Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, said: “Despite all this bloodshed, certain quarters still want to remain embroiled in the debate concerning the causes of this war and who imposed it on us … Today, it is Pakistan and its valiant people who are a target of this war and are suffering tremendously…..Does the fight against the enemy of the state constitute someone else’s war?”
The truth is that we share a common stance against terrorism. It is our shared will and desire to defeat terrorism that brought us together in the first place. Our nations have suffered heavy losses on both sides of the border. But we continue to push forward for the sake of restoring peace in the region. We greatly appreciate all of Pakistan’s sacrifices in fighting terrorism, and hope to continue our alliance against our common enemies.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
It is astonishing to see that certain quarters continue to avoid the truth and look for respite in the blame game. It is no secret that the nation of Pakistan has been plagued with terrorism in recent years. Sadly, those who are responsible for the chaos are regularly seen boasting about their crimes. Terrorist organizations like the TTP have even issued direct threats against the government of Pakistan.

I already said that TTP needs to be kept in focus and we need to burn their roots. But that involves their funding as well. What does the US and CENTCOM say about that?

Sorry, but please, stop pretending that the US is concerned about the TTP. Their main target is and always was the Afghan Talibs. Kindly do not insult Pakistan with this statement about joint threats etc.
Whether Pakistan joins or leaves WOT it would be US to decide.

Pakistan cant withdraw on its own now or else remember the classic "bomb back to stone ages".

That threat is probably not valid today because it would make the US look really bad and really frustrated plus the last thing the US wants is create more enemies or create a situation that would radicalize more Pakistani which would hurt US interest in the long run.
That threat is probably not valid today because it would make the US look really bad and really frustrated plus the last thing the US wants is create more enemies or create a situation that would radicalize more Pakistani which would hurt US interest in the long run.

I think the Americans hardly care about radicalizing Pakistanis, as long as they get someone that's pro-US and pro-WOT (even secretly) in power in Pakistan, they could care less what the rest of the world things about them, or what kind of death and destruction that would be caused by such behavior. After all, it's in the nature of every super power to do is in it's long term interests and get rid of nations that oppose it's policy.
Whether Pakistan joins or leaves WOT it would be US to decide.

Pakistan cant withdraw on its own now or else remember the classic "bomb back to stone ages".

An Indian repeating leftist and Islamist propaganda, So what's new in the Indian dreamland?

Oh my dear, evrery US leader worth some value have said this was incorrect statement.

And yet Islamists, leftists, and their Indian lackeys keep on repeating, keep on trucking the $hit.


I already said that TTP needs to be kept in focus and we need to burn their roots. But that involves their funding as well. What does the US and CENTCOM say about that?

Sorry, but please, stop pretending that the US is concerned about the TTP. Their main target is and always was the Afghan Talibs. Kindly do not insult Pakistan with this statement about joint threats etc.

C'mon RMC bro,

it is now a common knowledge that gulf charities are funding Talib-b@stards. American officials have already given proof to Pakistanis officials and so have others.

Why to drag this poor CENTCOM rep into that $hit.

peace to you. peace to all.
ISLAMABAD: After having sacrificed over $85 billion and more than 50,000 lives in the US war on terror, Pakistan is now finally preparing to get out of Washington’s war.

Political differences apart, both the PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif and his hot contender for the post-May 11 government, PTI’s Imran Khan, have made it clear that Pakistan would be driven out of the 12-year-old “war on terror”.

Both the political leaders, in their separate statements, have unambiguously rejected the policy of use of force and military operations against the local Taliban to check extremism and curb terrorism. Instead, they have openly supported initiating dialogue with the local Taliban.

The two top contestants for the future premiership have conveyed their “no” to the war on terror.Imran Khan has repeatedly pledged during his ongoing election campaign that if he came into power he would get Pakistan out of war on terror. On the issue of drone attack, Khan took an aggressive stance by announcing that under his ruler the drones would be shot down if found violating Pakistan’s sovereignty.

Nawaz Sharif on Sunday said Pakistan should reconsider its support to the war on militancy and favoured negotiations with the Taliban. Rejecting the use of force as has been the policy since 9/11 to check extremism, Nawaz said the military’s campaign against the Taliban was not the best way to defeat insurgency. “I think guns and bullets are always not the answer to such problems,” he told Reuters in an interview.

After 2005 earthquake, the Military Intelligence was informed by a field officer that US was allegedly fueling extremism in different parts of KPK and Fata including Swat. The report said the FM radios were also sponsored by a foreign NGO whereas hundreds of radio sets were distributed in Swat. However, neither Musharraf nor the MI did anything in this respect. Later Swat became the focus of the whole world because of extremist activities, which led to a massive military operation. Extremists fled to Afghanistan and the Pakistan Army contended that they looked after by the allied forces in Afghanistan to carry out attacks on Pakistan security forces across the border.

In their background briefing, Pakistani defence officials name foreign players for fueling extremism and terrorism in Pakistan. However, despite all this and even after the last parliament through unanimously adopted resolutions, at least two, demand of the then regime to get out of war on terror, Pakistan never got itself out of this war. It was the State Bank of Pakistan that had said that Pakistan’s economy had been facing a loss of Rs3 billion every day and Rs93 billion every month due to the highly controversial war on terror during the first 46 months of the last PPP regime.

The State Bank of Pakistan had calculated a total loss of $68.9 billion till June 30, 2011 to economy due to the war on terror. However, after seven months of the current financial year this figure was estimated to have risen to almost $78 billion (Rs7020 billion=Rs7 trillion). Now, this figure is estimated to have crossed the figure of $85 billion.

Apart from compromising its sovereignty inviting terrorism, Pakistan also sacrificed more than 50,000 people including soldiers and other law enforcement personnel but in return received peanuts.

The money received under the Coalition Support Fund (CSF) is considered a disbursement of what Pakistan spends on the war on terror; therefore, is not reflected as aid. Official figures prove that against its demand of around $13 billion under the CSF, Pakistan till 2011-12 received only $8.6 billion since 9/11.

According to official figures, the loss to the country’s economy due to war on terror was $28 billion during the first six-and-a-half-year after 9/11 and during the tenure of General Musharraf but this heavy cost of the so-called war on terror jumped to $78 billion — an increase of $50 billion (Rs4500 billion) under last PPP regime’s first 46 months tenure.

Is Pakistan preparing to get out of US war on terrorism? - thenews.com.pk

Pakistan should have avoided getting into this situation way back in 1990 when US pushed them to support their War against USSR in Afghanistan.. that was the biggest Geo-strategic Fcukup Pakistan could have avoided...Playing second fiddle to US always gets Countries in trouble...Pakistan just learnt it the hard way.
Pakistan should have avoided getting into this situation way back in 1990 when US pushed them to support their War against USSR in Afghanistan.. that was the biggest Geo-strategic Fcukup Pakistan could have avoided...Playing second fiddle to US always gets Countries in trouble...Pakistan just learnt it the hard way.

This is what Communist Indians were saying back then (while sitting in the lap of commie Russia),

And you my dear

Just repeated the words of your communist fathers.

Pakistan should have avoided getting into this situation way back in 1990 when US pushed them to support their War against USSR in Afghanistan.. that was the biggest Geo-strategic Fcukup Pakistan could have avoided...Playing second fiddle to US always gets Countries in trouble...Pakistan just learnt it the hard way.

You don't know part of the history. The aid that Pakistan got during that time, that money was used for nuclear weapons I suppose (if I am not wrong) but that's what I have been told lol
This is what Communist Indians were saying back then (while sitting in the lap of commie Russia),

And you my dear

Just repeated the words of your communist fathers.


Ahemmm ... Remember NAM(Non Align Movement) ...India did not support anyone during he cold war... need a history lesson??

You don't know part of the history. The aid that Pakistan got during that time, that money was used for nuclear weapons I suppose (if I am not wrong) but that's what I have been told lol

I know my history very well my friend... Pakistan is getting even higher aid this time around... according to your logic.. Pakistan should continue to support US agenda in Afghanistan.. for all that strategic depth in return.

An my friend.. nuclear weapons don't build economies... people do... for long Pakistan Policy makers have not looked at their people ... now is the time they should.
Ahemmm ... Remember NAM(Non Align Movement) ...India did not support anyone during he cold war... need a history lesson??....

yeah yeah yeah. NAM nam, sham sham,.

NAM was just another communists and anti-US (generally speaking) people.

When Communist Russia died, so did NAM's funding.

And that's why my friend, India had to jump ship and join the US coalitions.

Yeah sure, please share your history too.

let's see.

peace to you.
yeah yeah yeah. NAM nam, sham sham,.

NAM was just another communists and anti-US (generally speaking) people.

When Communist Russia died, so did NAM's funding.

And that's why my friend, India had to jump ship and join the US coalitions.

Yeah sure, please share your history too.

let's see.

peace to you.

Well .. hats off to Indian Diplomacy then... we managed our geopolitical interests very well... we are a friend to Russia and we do great business with America as well.... and let me tell you India till now has received more US aid than Pakistan... makes me wonder what kind of strategic depth has Pakistan achieved by lining up to US interests in Afghanistan.

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