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Is Pakistan preparing to get out of US war on terrorism

Nawaz Sharif will not do anything of the sort, he is lieing to the masses again as usual. People like him say one thing, do another.

Now Imran Khan will do as he says, no ifs and buts about it. He is a straight forward man and he will get us out of this the US has created and pacify the militancy in the process.
Block to india he transit aid to INDIA and all the terrorism in Pakistan will stop, this will also be the litmus test for the next regime, if they are serious with uprooting terrorism and loyal to Pakistan.
Are you out of your mind ????

Is Pakistan really in WoT?

Heck no.

Pakistanis are in WoASS (War on our @rses).

While WoT is American war on terrorism that happens to threaten their homeland 10000s of miles away from Afghanistan and other hotspots,

Do we send our troops to support WoT in Afghanistan? no Tumbaktu? No, To Aden? No.

We my dear posters are in WoASS since 1992 when that beardo wirdo started that black group of thieves known as TNSM.

WoASS is to save our beautiful country's @ss getting f'd by bunch of Uzbeks, Arabs, and their lacky tribals.

But we are so $stupidly bumbling idiots that these Uzbeks and tribals f'd our Nuke powered Capital Islu's @ss, so much that even the mosque turned red (laal), but we didn't care.

our army tried to save it,

but majority of us cursed our army, and demanded that tribals continue fing our Capital Islu's @ss.

Then we saw Swat and Bajure @ss bing f'd by bunch of tribals.

-- We said go ahead, do more do more do more do more, we likey likey, do more do more
-- Do it in the name of Islamism, do it in the name of Mullahism, do it in the name of Ayatullahism
-- do more do more do more do more, we likey likey, do more do more

Then the tribals formed private government some 100 miles from our capital

-- so our army had to go in for WoASS, and save Swat and Bajore and save our daughters and sisters and mothers from tribals.

-- But many of us Pakistanis opposed the WoASS, opposed saving our daughters and sisters and mothers from tribals.

Then the tribals occupied South Wazirastan.

-- so our army had to go in for WoASS, and save South Wazirastan and save our daughters and sisters and mothers from tribals.

-- But many of us Pakistanis opposed the WoASS, opposed saving our daughters and sisters and mothers from tribals.

This sadly is our state of mind (and state of @ss), that bunch of beardos weirdos can come do whatever they can, and we keep on shouting

-- WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad

--- Get out, get out, get out

and remain oblivious to the fact that Uzbeks and Arabs and Tribal Talib-b@stards are doing in-and-out you know where, and continue

WoASS against innocent civilians, our jawans, and our officers and our daughters like Malala.

but we the PDufFers don't give two hoots.

Sad to see that we are among that small group of depraved nations who have this unique ability to ignore their own @ss, and they happen to be Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, Somalia, and yemen, and African Emirates of Congo, Sierra leon, etc. etc.

And so many of PDuFfers are hell bent on turning our beautiful country by losing the WoASS just to spite USA and making sure that our beautiful country too becomes an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

What else one could expect from Islamists PDuFfers and tribals anyways?

Nice post.
Nawaz Sharif will not do anything of the sort, he is lieing to the masses again as usual. People like him say one thing, do another.

Now Imran Khan will do as he says, no ifs and buts about it. He is a straight forward man and he will get us out of this the US has created and pacify the militancy in the process.

Sometimes I wonder if some pakistanis are viewing Imran Khan as the panacea to all their problems, just like some Indians view Narendra Modi. Many Indians here keep saying "Manmohan singh is a ...., but once Modi comes, he will do everything right." That's exactly the tune that some pakistanis sing abuot Imran Khan.

These are politicians, and they have their limitations. They don't "rule" the country, they govern it, along with bureaucrats and many other people. Did commando musharaff have a choice when USA bluntly told pakistan that in the WoT, "you are either with us or against us"? Would Imran khan have chosen to side against the US? Sometimes politicians really don't have a choice.

Most large nations do not work on the whims and fancies of one man at the top - and that is a good thing. Running a nation is a collective effort by many people.
Sometimes I wonder if some pakistanis are viewing Imran Khan as the panacea to all their problems, just like some Indians view Narendra Modi. Many Indians here keep saying "Manmohan singh is a ...., but once Modi comes, he will do everything right." That's exactly the tune that some pakistanis sing abuot Imran Khan.

These are politicians, and they have their limitations. They don't "rule" the country, they govern it, along with bureaucrats and many other people. Did commando musharaff have a choice when USA bluntly told pakistan that in the WoT, "you are either with us or against us"? Would Imran khan have chosen to side against the US? Sometimes politicians really don't have a choice.

Most large nations do not work on the whims and fancies of one man at the top - and that is a good thing. Running a nation is a collective effort by many people.

Very true however Imran Khan is a phenomenon.

When he is finished with his project he will be remembered alongside Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi, Hugo Chavez.
Very true however Imran Khan is a phenomenon.

When he is finished with his project he will be remembered alongside Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi, Hugo Chavez.

Only someone totally devoid of historical knowledge would put Abraham Lincoln (a forward looking leader) to chavez (the backwards commie).

Very true however Imran Khan is a phenomenon.

When he is finished with his project he will be remembered alongside Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi, Hugo Chavez.

I don't have a reason to chime in here but I'll give my two cents anyway. I've been following Pakistan's election campaign and it's interesting.

It is the people that elect the government. But, it is ALSO the people that elect the right candidates. I have a lot of respect for Imran Khan and and others. But simply using common sense, you don't put a guy who's famous for playing cricket in charge of a country. The ONLY delivery he's done in his lifetime....is a hospital. Although a great cause but it has NOTHING to do with foreign policy, trade, economics, etc, etc. You pick experienced candidates to run the country. With media and everything else being so open, it will be almost impossible for anyone else (but your current government) to come and openly do corruption and not deliver. Anyone who wants to remain in power or come win elections again, will have to deliver. So with that in mind, you guys need experienced team, specifically a team that can advance Pakistan's economy on an emergency basis. Someone who played cricket all his life.....simply needs time to mature up. There seems to be a lot of fan boy stuff going on here. You guys have a lot of potential so please pick the right leaders so your country can move forward, bring about economic activity, reduces terrorism, etc.
Do your research on Chavez. He was the watershed moment in the history Venezuela.

It was for sure. Who can deny that.

-- All I am saying is that Chavez rule was watershed in terms of now-dead-communism.

-- Pakistani commies off course will hold every 3rd world commie despot as their god. Nothing new.

I don't have a reason to chime in here but I'll give my two cents anyway. I've been following Pakistan's election campaign and it's interesting.

It is the people that elect the government. But, it is ALSO the people that elect the right candidates. I have a lot of respect for Imran Khan and and others. But simply using common sense, you don't put a guy who's famous for playing cricket in charge of a country. The ONLY delivery he's done in his lifetime....is a hospital. Although a great cause but it has NOTHING to do with foreign policy, trade, economics, etc, etc. You pick experienced candidates to run the country. With media and everything else being so open, it will be almost impossible for anyone else (but your current government) to come and openly do corruption and not deliver. Anyone who wants to remain in power or come win elections again, will have to deliver. So with that in mind, you guys need experienced team, specifically a team that can advance Pakistan's economy on an emergency basis. Someone who played cricket all his life.....simply needs time to mature up. There seems to be a lot of fan boy stuff going on here. You guys have a lot of potential so please pick the right leaders so your country can move forward, bring about economic activity, reduces terrorism, etc.

The issue is these politicians have not delivered. They have had multiple opportunities in office to perform yet they couldn't. Logic dictates they are simply incapable of governing a country so must be replaced.

Imran not only founded a hospital, he has founded a university in the tribal areas, flood relief of 2010 and countless other philanthropic endeavors over the years.

He is Oxford graduated and a champion athlete in his sport. He has assembled the brightest minds of Pakistan and together have studied all the top performing economies in the world and created a plan of action to put this country back on track.


Asad Umar - Asad Umar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shah Mehmood Qureshi -

Imran is in regular attendance at Davos and has given a number of lectures on political policy making and governance.

If this man lived in the states and chased money he would be a multi billionaire.

A consummate salesman, thinker, philosopher, leader all rolled into one.

Like I said he will be remembered in the history books, let him finish his project.
He didn't need to chase money.

He chased a gal with boatload of money.

All of us have a method.

He has perfected his.


He has released his financial history to the public and there is absolutely no mention of funding from his ex-wife. She may have donated to the party but who hasn't? And rightfully so, it is a good cause.
All these rented terrorists who are fighting against Pakistan are fully & openly supported by Indians, US & allies.
Here we go again! Please provide PROOF of Indian involvement which Pakistan has failed to provide to this day. Just blabbering the usual inanities about India helping the TTP is lame.

What you should blame instead are the failed policies of your government and the Army/ISI. But of course it's much easier to lay the blame on someone else's doorstep and make India the usual scapegoat for influencing and misdirecting Pakistani public opinion and hiding your own failures behind this smokescreen.
Here we go again! Please provide PROOF of Indian involvement which Pakistan has failed to provide to this day. Just blabbering the usual inanities about India helping the TTP is lame.

What you should blame instead are the failed policies of your government and the Army/ISI. But of course it's much easier to lay the blame on someone else's doorstep and make India the usual scapegoat for influencing and misdirecting Pakistani public opinion and hiding your own failures behind this smokescreen.
Now, where have i have heard these very words before except replace India with Pakistan.

Blaming Pakistan for India Violence Easy Way Out - India Real Time - WSJ
Pakistan had left US war on terror when Gen. Kayani said "NO" to NWA operation & if you are taking about the current terrorism war which is waged against Pakistan by these rented terrorists then Gen. Kayani has made it clear that this is our war.

All these rented terrorists who are fighting against Pakistan are fully & openly supported by Indians, US & allies.

Yeah, did Kiyani stop NATO supplies or Drones? Has Kiyani freed all Afghan Talibs? Answer: NO
Hence we are still in the American war on Terror. Kiyani is smaller American tuttoo than mushy but he still is... Dollar bolta hay

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