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Is Pakistan next after Iran ?

Is this your answer. Muhammed also prophecized that ummah will exist for 1400-1500 years and after that it will be destroyed.

RIP logic...Prophets do not make prophecies. They have miracles, given to them by Allah. On topic, where you have learned such prophecies related to our prophet(PBUH)??? Enlighten us.
Hitler also thought that and we know what happened to him and Germany.

For West, Asia's rise must be constrained and China as a bully is aiding to this cause. Chinese behavior in SCS and with other neighboring countries is nothing short of madness.

You are actually blaming China, rather then the other powers? It shows your bias.
Where are they now, the stone was returned. And above all also do post that what was the end of the man who ordered this raid, how did he die.

RIP logic...Prophets do not make prophecies. They have miracles, given to them by Allah. On topic, where you have learned such prophecies related to our prophet(PBUH)??? Enlighten us.

Will Islam End in 70 years? | MUSLIMOLOGY
The Life span of this ummah

Life of the Ummah 1500 Years | eShaykh.com

WTF dude, make things up is not cool!

Islam is here to stay till the end of time, and there is an end to this world.

I wonder why PTI supporters cannot see that.

Will Islam End in 70 years? | MUSLIMOLOGY
The Life span of this ummah

Life of the Ummah 1500 Years | eShaykh.com[/quote]

I don't know how accurate that is, however, did any one of them intend to destroy Kaaba or Mecca?

You, most likely, have this notion of Israel as some invincible super power because it took on rag tag Arabs (extremely poorly trained with no will to fight) and defeated them. You most likely forgot the simple example of 'otherwise' which is quite evident. PAF pilots who volunteered to fight against Israel always came out victors because they had the will to fight and the training to do it.

Against any competent Army, Israel would be crushed. Not that I doubt their ability, but it is because they is so little of them.

Neither Arabs nor Pakistan is competent.The only competent forces that can destroy Israel with ease is Russia. China also ,but it will get mauled in the process as it does not have civil defence.
the only way for Pakistan to get out of this Nuke Drama by West is to hand over 5 nukes to all muslim countires ... once everyone have it no one will think of using them ...
the only way for Pakistan to get out of this Nuke Drama by West is to hand over 5 nukes to all muslim countires ... once everyone have it no one will think of using them ...

Likely then Israeli forces and american special forces will attack the convey carrying Pakistani nukes to other muslim nations. Also it will open a Pandora box. Israel would arm south Sudan with nukes,Russia would arm Armenia with nukes .India would arm Myanamar with nukes. Israel or Russia would arm Angola with nukes.
You are actually blaming China, rather then the other powers? It shows your bias.

I am not blaming China here, But reminding the attitude of China in resolving the issues. China has issues with all the neighbors except some like Russia. But Chinese are choosing Bullying nature and their foreign policy is full of warnings and threat these days.
Actually it will be interesting to see how US see Pakistan after ending Iran episode.
Iran wont become US ally or friend instantly but if they become generous enough to let US pass through their area ..... Who knows.
Real challenge for US will be handling Israel and Saudi's. if they can then they dont need Pak.

US Relation with Pak depend on how bigger threat US see in China. Considering CIA's already settled network in Pak , making disturbance in some part of China using paid extremists is piece of cake.
Pakistan's friendship with China only will make it less important to US and might see increase in internal problems. CIA guies are really good at that and they have dam load of money to waste !!!!
Good luck Pakistan.

the only way for Pakistan to get out of this Nuke Drama by West is to hand over 5 nukes to all muslim countires ... once everyone have it no one will think of using them ...
Or they, muslim countries, might end up nuking each other.
Look at the current relations. Nobody is exactly friends with each other.
It will be America's end if they even think about it. Pakistan is powerful enough to defend it. Any mischief from US and US will be a history.

You saying that Pak will nuke USA..?:woot:
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Don't you just know it :D

But human-kind is so easily given to making all kinds of dire fulminations about Nukes and god-alone-knows-what-else instead of thinking about more immediate and important things; like aloo-pyaaz.

Maybe; because it denigrates our self-image of being the most important form of life on Earth?
But human-kind is so easily given to making all kinds of dire fulminations about Nukes and god-alone-knows-what-else instead of thinking about more immediate and important things; like aloo-pyaaz.

Maybe; because it denigrates our self-image of being the most important form of life on Earth?

Every time I order mughlai food these days I am greeted with a handful of shredded cabbage instead of the usual onion rings to go with the hari chatni! :frown:
Every time I order mughlai food these days I am greeted with a handful of shredded cabbage instead of the usual onion rings to go with the hari chatni! :frown:

And now in India; one even pays for the Coriander leaf bunch!
When I accompanied my mother to shop for vergetables as a boy; the sabzi-walla used to put a bunch or two, a fist-ful of chillies, some lemons and stalks of curry-leaves on top of the basket, all for free.
Every time I order mughlai food these days I am greeted with a handful of shredded cabbage instead of the usual onion rings to go with the hari chatni! :frown:

I get four tiny pieces of onions with Biryani's, thalli's and other side dishes - gone are the days when salads and onion cuchumbers were free.

And now in India; one even pays for the Coriander leaf bunch!
When I accompanied my mother to shop for vergetables as a boy; the sabzi-walla used to put a bunch or two, a fist-ful of chillies, some lemons and stalks of curry-leaves on top of the basket, all for free.

Wow, never happened in my lifetime - guess you are talking of the good old days about half a century back ;)
Pakistan will strike hard and destroy israel .But in turn ,israel will activate the samson option and decimate pakistani and arab ummah and destroy mecca and medina in the process.
U.S.A is ally of Pakistan and Israel is not enemy of Pakistan... I suggest you to read history.
Pakistan next after Iran?
My answer, This is Stupid non sense question :lol::lol:
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