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Is Pakistan next after Iran ?

There is no threat to Pakistan nuclear assets from US/Israel as long as the Pakistan is able to control menace of Taliban
It is a possiblity that in future israel and USA will threaten nuclear strikes on Pakistan ,if Taliban seizes power in Pakistan. Looking the condition that pakistan is in,taliban can seize power or at least some nuclear weapons.In such scenario ,USA will threaten attack on Pakistan if pakistan does not disarm.

Likely the future is lose lose for pakistan.

1. Taliban cannot seize power in Islamabad, they tried but they were sent back towards there caves after they were thoroughly beate into the tribal areas, due to which they are using shameful terror tactics.

2. You need to learn a lot about the security of our nuclear weapons, before foolishly undermining the safety of our assets. Just read the below link
Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons: Safety and Security

3. About the last couple of sentences of yours.......... i just don't wanna reply to them...
You need some extensive study to the reference I made viz a viz Russia .

Anyway India got nukes much before us so obviously ours were not to target you but for deterrence. targeting Iran has never been our aim neither will ever be.

Like I said before ,Pakistan even with nukes would not be able to deter Russia if push came to shove.
Saudis funded the pakistani nuclear program as a counter to shia iran so that it could acquire nuclear warheads from pakistan when needed. Iran and pakistan's relations are cold . Iranian politicans have alleged that terrorists against iran operate pakistani soil on behest of USA,Saudi arabia and pakistan.

India got nukes much before us so obviously ours were not to target you but for deterrence

It is too early to comment on the status of Iran's deal. One thing which is sure is relief from rising oil prices.
1. Taliban cannot seize power in Islamabad, they tried but they were sent back towards there caves after they were thoroughly beate into the tribal areas, due to which they are using shameful terror tactics.

2. You need to learn a lot about the security of our nuclear weapons, before foolishly undermining the safety of our assets. Just read the below link
Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons: Safety and Security

3. About the last couple of sentences of yours.......... i just don't wanna reply to them...

The Taliban has inflicted losses of over 60,000 people in 5 years on Pakistan. No one thought that Taliban could win in Afghanistan after soviets left, rather a peace treaty b/w communists and mujahideen was expected .But it did . The radicalization of afghan villagers was key.Today the pakistani villages of punjab,NWFP,Kashmir are radicalized. A mass call for jihad against pakistan govt by pakistani mullahs and taliban will seize power.

Indians like oiltrader and Keera seem to have some nuked brains

Don't call me indian.
Thats why i always said, we should form alliance- Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, China and Russia ( with mutual benefits) . the ball was always been in our court.

India supports SAARC, lets strengthen it.
There is no threat to Pakistan nuclear assets from US/Israel as long as the Pakistan is able to control menace of Taliban
It's pretty much controlled and would be controlled more once NATO leaves Afghanistan and Indian terrorists in Afghanistan are wiped out.

Meanwhile, don't indulge too much in bollywood movies.
Thats why i always said, we should form alliance- Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, China and Russia ( with mutual benefits) . the ball was always been in our court.

The only nation properly capable of leading an alliance is Russia. It has considerable airborne power projection via its massive VDV airborne divisions and airdroppable Artillery which it can bring to any corner of the world in a matter of hours or days .then there are rumors of black platforms using electro gravity in Engels Air base but not much is known.China is a land locked with regional power projection,not global one.India and pakistan are at each other's throats. Pakistani and bangla muslims love the saudi arabs as if they are gods .

US capabilities are primarily naval warship power projection. But then surface warships are obsolete and submarines are the real kings of the oceans.
The day USA put any sanctions against Pakistan and it will do it next year for sure... Pakistan will rise again... this is for sure..

USA needs Pakistan more then Pakistan needs USA, Its not about Afghanistan, its about the region, They know Pakistan is a force that cant be undo ... Incase of any Nuke strike on Pakistan we can easily eliminate israel from world map for ever and thats what keeping USA at bay..
Like I said before ,Pakistan even with nukes would not be able to deter Russia if push came to shove.
Saudis funded the pakistani nuclear program as a counter to shia iran so that it could acquire nuclear warheads from pakistan when needed. Iran and pakistan's relations are cold . Iranian politicans have alleged that terrorists against iran operate pakistani soil on behest of USA,Saudi arabia and pakistan.


:lol: and at the same time Pakistan is accused of providing nuke secret to Iran.

So my dear Indian you can put your head to some better use for your own country then blabbering against Pakistan and Islam.
Pakistan is already a declared nuclear state, while Iran was/is in process of becoming nuclear(or made the world think that way), so tagging these 2 is wrong in my humble opinion
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The only nation properly capable of leading an alliance is Russia. It has considerable airborne power projection via its massive VDV airborne divisions and airdroppable Artillery which it can bring to any corner of the world in a matter of hours or days .then there are rumors of black platforms using electro gravity in Engels Air base but not much is known.China is a land locked with regional power projection,not global one.India and pakistan are at each other's throats. Pakistani and bangla muslims love the saudi arabs as if they are gods .

US capabilities are primarily naval warship power projection. But then surface warships are obsolete and submarines are the real kings of the oceans.
@Srinivas bro, kick him out, he is one of ppl who are not letting to make this alliance
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