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Is Pakistan fighting undeclared 4th Generation war?


Mar 3, 2009
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26TH November will become historic though infamous for the tragic loss of Pakistan soldiers in the cold and chilly dawn at the Salala post of Mohmmand Agency; coming within 12 hrs of touch down of General Allen Jones’ helicopter at the Bagram Airbase after his cordial and frank discussion with Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani to discuss measures of enhancing border control on both sides; coincidently the attack follows the conclusion of Pakistan China military exercise in Pakistan and happens on the last day of Islamic year 1432 AH. One would rather get perplexed and confused. This probably is the start of the decisive phase of long War in the Afpak region, this time directly targeted against Pakistan, the ally of the allies. Welcome to the 3rd World War in which you can be part of the war without even noticing it; there are no formal declarations of war and where the 4th Generation War is order of the day.

Wikipedia describes it as, Fourth generation warfare (4GW) is conflict characterized by a blurring of the lines between war and politics, soldier and civilian. The term was first used in 1989 by a team of United States analysts, including William S. Lind, to describe warfare's return to a decentralized form. In terms of generational modern warfare, the fourth generation signifies the nation states' loss of their near-monopoly on combat forces, returning to modes of conflict common in pre-modern times. The simplest definition includes any war in which one of the major participants is not a state but rather a violent non-state actor. As such, fourth generation warfare uses classical tactics—tactics deemed unacceptable by traditional modern thinking—to weaken the advantaged opponent's will to win.

However, William S Lind (due to his bias against Islam) put the entire blame of start of 4th Generation War on Islam, that is clever tactics, you develop an idea of destroying the entire Islamic World, than you create definitions, churn up scenarios and finally assault a whole region to keep it destabilized till dooms day..And very conveniently blame it on Islam. William S Lind describes this new form of war as Fourth Generation war marked by a return to a world of cultures, not merely states, in conflict. We now find ourselves facing the Christian West's oldest and most steadfast opponent, Islam. After about three centuries on the strategic defensive, following the failure of the second Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683, Islam has resumed the strategic offensive, expanding outward in every direction. In this war, invasion by immigration can be at least as dangerous as invasion by a state army.

I had argued in number of articles related to the Long War that Pakistan was at centre stage of this war and that US lead coalition was hell bent in creating divisions and cleavages in the West Asian region to find a space for success of this Long War. Fortunately the West has miserably failed on many accounts, people of Afpak region has proven to more resilient than expected, they have adapted themselves in these pressing and hard times and the mighty power of the US lead coalition has been diluted in time (more than a decade now) to suffer a humiliating defeat. Your own historians will not judge you that you were defeated because of resilience of the people of Afpak region but by mathematical parameters, the equation here is between the most prosperous and high tech super power verses the poorest and low tech nation of the Afghans, it is between the richest and Burger Gobbling nations of the MacWorld on one side and poorest chappal wearing and corncob eating nation on the other side, it is between the nations with total dominance of Media(from Al Jezeera to CNN-Fox-BBC-Star-Zee-Times-Newsweek-Guardian-Afghan Govt channels-Pakistani Channels) verses the people with virtually no voice to celebrate their historic victory.

As I said earliar, 26th November marks a turning point in the final phase of this Long war against the Afpak region, now the war has been directly and officially brought into Pakistan. Why I say directly and officially is because of the fact that this Long War was already being indirectly and un officially fought within Pakistan for almost a decade. The blurring of the lines between war and politics, soldier and civilian makes it very difficult to feel that you are right at the centre stage and within the middle of a World War. You are made so much immune and apathetic to loss of human life that you daily see it on your TV screens in your cushy drawing rooms, over a cup of hot coffee or if you are not that privileged from the foot path on the TV screen of a barber shop, and exclaim within your heart …oh it is the Libyans, not my business, it is the Behrainians, not my business, oh it is the Afghans, not my business, oh it is FATA, not from Lahore, not my business, oh it is not from my muhallah, not my business and finally, oh it is my younger brother not me…till the time you will be dragged and slaughtered like Col Gaddafi..It is none of your business.

The aim of my discourse here is not to demoralize the common Pakistanis but to make them aware that you have successfully weathered this storm of 4th Generation War for a decade now, you are now entering the last and the most decisive phase of the war, remain united and clear any doubts that you had in your mind of the sincerity of the West, no one is there to help you, everyone is here for his own interest. Pakistan is not only the linchpin in this war but the jugular vein of the NATO and entire Afghanistan, if our leadership can take a firm stand and lead the nation to the path of unity, there is no way that the west can ask you to do any more. We are 180 million strong nation destined to find a place in the sun, the vacuum created by war in Afpak region can only be filled up by people of the Afpak, Pakistan and Afghanistan are not only physical twins but also twins of history and posterity. Time has come to call a spade a spade, let us start a simple and descent celebration of our victory on the dawn of 1st of Muharram 1433 AH.

Disintegration of Pakistan on Yugoslav model


Yugoslavia had always been a home to a very diverse population, not only in terms of national affiliation, but also religious affiliation. Of the many religions, Islam, Roman Catholicism, Judaism and Protestantism as well as various Eastern Orthodox faiths composed the religions of Yugoslavia, comprising over 40 in all. The religious demographics of Yugoslavia have changed dramatically since World War II. A census taken in 1921 and later in 1948 show that 99% of the population appeared to be deeply involved with their religion and practices. With postwar government programs of modernization and urbanization, the percentage of religious believers took a dramatic plunge. Connections between religious belief and nationality posed a serious threat to the post-war Communist government's policies on national unity and state structure.[8]

After the rise of communism, a survey taken in 1964 showed that just over 70% of the total population of Yugoslavia considered themselves to be religious believers. The places of highest religious concentration were that of Kosovo with 91% and Bosnia and Herzegovina with 83.8%. The places of lowest religious concentration were Slovenia 65.4%, Serbia with 63.7% and Croatia with 63.6%. Religious differences between Orthodox Serbs, Catholic Croats, and Muslim Bosniaks and the rise of nationalism contributed to the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991.


Fourth generation warfare is defined as conflicts which involve the following elements:
Are complex and long term
-Terrorism (tactic)
-A non-national or transnational base—highly decentralized
-A direct attack on the enemy's culture
-Highly sophisticated psychological warfare, especially through media manipulation and lawfare
-All available pressures are used - political, economic, social and military
-Occurs in low intensity conflict, involving actors from all networks
-Non-combatants are tactical dilemmas
-Lack of hierarchy
-Small in size, spread out network of communication and financial support
-Use of Insurgency and guerrilla tactics
Fourth generation warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Civil Democratic Islam
A war has already been declared against Pakistan. US, India, Afghanistan, NATO, Israel & allies are all part of this war which they have declared against Pakistan. Pakistan Army is busy on borders with the rented & puppet terrorists, corrupt & incompetent politicians have been placed in Pakistan by the US to destroy Pakistan & weaken Pakistan internally & the enemies of Pakistan are trying their very best to start a civil war in Pakistan, yesterdays explosion in Karachi was the latest example of how desperate Pakistan's enemies are to see Pakistan in civil war.

Today's only solution to save Pakistan is to declare Martial Law a full Military take over with ZERO tolerance & it is very important that these corrupt evil politicians & people must be punished. It is then Pakistan can move forward otherwise there is no chance. Military take over is the only solution today.

PPP, PML-N, PML-Q, ANP, JUI, MQM, rented TTP, rented BLA, BLF & BSO are all enemies of the state.
Civil Democratic Islam
Partners,Resources and strategies.


• Fundamentalists reject democratic values and contemporary Western culture.
They want an authoritarian, puritanical state that will implement their
extreme view of Islamic law and morality. They are willing to use innovation
and modern technology to achieve that goal.
• Traditionalists want a conservative society. They are suspicious of
modernity, innovation, and change.
• Modernists want the Islamic world to become part of global modernity.
They want to modernize and reform Islam to bring it into line with the age.
• Secularists want the Islamic world to accept a division of church and state
in the manner of Western industrial democracies, with religion relegated to
the private sphere.

• Support the modernists first:
— Publish and distribute their works at subsidized cost.
— Encourage them to write for mass audiences and for youth.
— Introduce their views into the curriculum of Islamic education.
— Give them a public platform.
— Make their opinions and judgments on fundamental questions of religiousinterpretation available to a mass audience in competition with those of the fundamentalists and traditionalists, who have Web sites,publishing houses, schools, institutes, and many other vehicles for disseminating their views.
— Position secularism and modernism as a “counterculture” option for disaffected Islamic youth.
— Facilitate and encourage an awareness of their pre- and non-Islamic history and culture, in the media and the curricula of relevant countries.
— Assist in the development of independent civic organizations, to promote civic culture and provide a space for ordinary citizens to educate themselves about the political process and to articulate their views.
• Support the traditionalists against the fundamentalists:
— Publicize traditionalist criticism of fundamentalist violence and extremism;encourage disagreements between traditionalists and fundamentalists.
— Discourage alliances between traditionalists and fundamentalists.
— Encourage cooperation between modernists and the traditionalists who are closer to the modernist end of the spectrum.
— Where appropriate, educate the traditionalists to equip them better for debates against fundamentalists. Fundamentalists are often rhetorically superior, while traditionalists practice a politically inarticulate “folk Islam.” In such places as Central Asia, they may need to be educated and trained in orthodox Islam to be able to stand their ground.
— Increase the presence and profile of modernists in traditionalist institutions
— Discriminate between different sectors of traditionalism. Encourage those with a greater affinity to modernism, such as the Hanafi law school, versus others. Encourage them to issue religious opinions and popularize these to weaken the authority of backward Wahhabiinspired religious rulings. This relates to funding: Wahhabi money goes to the support of the conservative anbali school. It also relates to knowledge: More-backward parts of the Muslim world are not aware of advances in the application and interpretation of Islamic law.
— Encourage the popularity and acceptance of Sufism.
• Confront and oppose the fundamentalists:
— Challenge their interpretation of Islam and expose inaccuracies.
— Reveal their linkages to illegal groups and activities.
— Publicize the consequences of their violent acts.
— Demonstrate their inability to rule, to achieve positive development of
their countries and communities.

— Address these messages especially to young people, to pious traditionalist
populations, to Muslim minorities in the West, and to women.

— Avoid showing respect or admiration for the violent feats of fundamentalist
extremists and terrorists. Cast them as disturbed and cowardly,
not as evil heroes.
— Encourage journalists to investigate issues of corruption, hypocrisy, and
immorality in fundamentalist and terrorist circles.
— Encourage divisions among fundamentalists.

• Selectively support secularists:
— Encourage recognition of fundamentalism as a shared enemy, discourage
secularist alliance with anti-U.S. forces on such grounds as
nationalism and leftist ideology.

— Support the idea that religion and the state can be separate in Islam too
and that this does not endanger the faith but, in fact, may strengthen it.





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Marvi Sermed


Mazhar Abbas of ARY

Mehbooba_Mufti_president_of_stooge_PDP_party_in.jp  g

Mehbooba Mufti president of stooge PDP party


General(retd) Talat Masood, defense analyst


Hamid Mir(2nd from left)


Hamid Mir
His famous drams.
1) Attack on PNS Mehran
Hamid Mir, in his program Capital Talk, showed an interview taken by him, of a guy who said that he know the attackers of PNS Mehran.

The person, apparently crying, said that their next move is to attack Chaklala Airbase. He also said that the perpetrators include Colonel and Major rank officers from Pakistan Army as well as personnel of Pakistan Navy

2) His involvement in the murder of Khalid Khawaja

3) Finding a diploma holder who ran car using water as fuel
Hamid Mir was the first person who introduced Agha Waqar to us
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Mustansar Javed, general secretary SAFMA


Najam Sethi(2nd from right)


Nusrat javed and Asma shirazi


SAFMA members pakistan chapter


Senetar Haji Adeel of ANP


Sheerin Rehman, former Imformation minister now ambassador to US


Tahir Ashrfi( Right) Imtiaz Alam( Left)


Waqar Setti of Express News and Ali Imran
2)Independent Media Corporation
Mir Khalil ur Rehman was the founder of the group and his son, Mir Shakil ur Rehman, is the present head of the business house based in Karachi. Mir family is famous for treason.Search names like Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq

TV Channels
Geo News - a Pakistan based Urdu news channel
AAG TV - launched in September 2006 by the Geo Network, focusing on programs for the youth in Pakistan.
GEO Super - sports channel, launched by Geo Network in September 2006. Programming content includes variety of sports from around the world, focusing mainly on cricket, with a secondary focus on boxing, football, tennis and field hockey.
Geo TV - a Pakistan based entertainment channel showing Dramas, musical programs, feature movies, primarily in the Urdu Language.

Jang Group of Newspapers

The Daily News is a widely circulated evening English newspaper.
Urdu newspaper the Daily Jang
Daily Waqt is another newspaper owned by the group and published from Lahore

3)Dawn Media Group
The group is headed by the Pakistani media mogul Hameed Haroon, its current CEO.
Print media
Dawn, its flagship newspaper
The Star, an evening newspaper
Herald, a current affairs monthly
Spider, a monthly Internet magazine
Aurora, a marketing and advertising bi-monthly
Broadcast media
Dawn News, 24-hour news channel, broadcasting in English 2007-2010, but since 2010 in Urdu.
City FM 89, a music radio channel
Internet media
Dawn.com, a news web site
Dawn Education Expo, annually education festival

4)Lakson Group


The conglomerate is run by the Lakhani brothers among whom Iqbal Ali Lakhani is Chairman of the Lakson group.





TV and Newspaper

Express News, Urdu-language news channel
Express 24/7, English-language 24-hour news channel (closed down)
Express Entertainment, Urdu-language Entertainment channel
The Daily Express, No. 2 Urdu daily in Pakistan
Express Tribune, English newspaper
Century Publications

Foreign Affiliations
Colgate-Palmolive Company Incorporation (USA)
Equity holding in Colgate-Palmolive (Pakistan) Limited
Kraft General Foods Incorporation (USA)
Licensing arrangement with Clover Pakistan Limited, with equity participation option
McDonald’s Corporation (USA)
Equity in Siza Foods (Private) Limited
Philip Morris International Finance Corporation (USA) &
Rothmans International (UK) Equity in Lakson Tobacco Company Limited
Tetley Overseas Holdings Limited
50:50 Joint Venture with Tetley Clover (Private) Limited
Anyone look at the map in the cartoon in the first post? It would seem Pakistan covers South America. This illustrates the education level of the cartoonist and those who would be moved by it.
Some useful Idiots


Malik Siraj Akbar.He is a Contributing Writer at the Huffington Post and a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington D.C. where he is researching threats faced by political leaders, activists, journalists and human rights champions, in Pakistan, particularly in the province of Balochistan.


Najam Sethi.TV anchor at Geo.Also own a newspaper Friday times.
The Friday Times: Pakistan's First Independent Weekly Paper



Asma Jhangir.President Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan and human rights activist, who works both in Pakistan and internationally to prevent the persecution of religious minorities, women, and exploitation of children.



Beena sarwar with ex-RAW chief Vikram Sood.She is currently the Pakistan Editor of the Aman ki Asha (Hope for Peace) initiative, that aims to develop peace between the countries of India and Pakistan. The initiative is jointly sponsored by the Jang group in Pakistan and the Times of India across the border.


Ali Dyan

Ali Dyan with Dr. T. Kumar(Indian) of Amnesty International



Taseer Family.Sulman Taseer was governor of Punjab.Has a bastard kid in India.Owns a newspaper Daily Times
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Council on Foreign Relations.(Pakistani Members)

Mansoor Ijaz

key player in memo gate.

Mahnaz Ispahani

Sister of Farah naz Ispahhani.

Farah naz Ispahani.

She was spokesperson for the President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari. She is married to Husain Haqqani, the former Pakistan Ambassador to the United States, and is the granddaughter of Pakistan's first ambassador to the United States, Mirza Abol Hassan Ispahani. Her uncle, Zia Ispahani has also served as a politician and former ambassador for Pakistan.She was MNA from PPP.

Ispahani spent two decades in journalism -- both print and television -- before entering politics. She worked in broadcasting, working with MSNBC, CNN, (ABC) and (VOA) assisting in the launch of new programs including CNN's Paula Zahn Now and Anderson Cooper 360°. In addition, she served as the Managing Editor and Executive Producer for the Voice of America Urdu language television program Beyond the Headlines.She served as Editor Special Reports for the leading Pakistani news magazine The Herald, and was the Editor of Zameen, a magazine oriented toward Pakistanis living abroad. She is a regular contributor in The News, Pakistan's second largest English-language newspaper.

So we have a lady who was spokesperson of President of Pakistan.
Her husband was ambassador to USA and issued 4000 visas to Americans without security clearance from ISI.
Her sister is married to jew who has influential position in White House.

Syeda Sughra Imam

Senator and MNA from PPP.

Hudson Institute.(Pakistani Members)

Hussain Haqani.

Former Ambassodor to USA.Involved in Memo gate scandal.

Asia Society.(Pakistani Members)

Mr. Shahid Ahmad
Chief Executive, Information and Systems Corporation (Pvt) Ltd

Syeda Henna Babar Ali
Advisor, Consumer Division, Packages Ltd.

Professor Imran A. Ali
Professor & Dean, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Mr. Rafiq M. Habib
Chairman, House of Habib

Mr. Hameed Haroon
Founder and CEO, Dawn Group of Newspapers
Pakistan Herald Publications (Pvt.) Limited

Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani
Chairman, Hashoo Group

Dr. Attiya Inayatullah
Member of Parliament

Ms. Asma Jahangir
Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan
AGHS Law Associates

Dr. Nighat Said Khan
Dean of Studies, Institute of Women's Studies Lahore

Dr. Shaharyar N. Khan

Mr. Tariq M. Rangoonwala
Trustee, Rangoonwala Foundation

Mr. Najam Sethi
Editor-in-Chief, The Friday Times

Global Council | Asia Society

• Hassan Abbas
• Faiysal Alikhan
• Alexander Evans
• Ayesha Haroon
• Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy ---> Oscar lady

Fellows & Experts | Asia Society

Pakistan Institute of International Affairs. (PIIA)
PIIA was founded in 1947 in Karachi in affiliation with the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), London, and the Institute of Pacific Relations, New York

Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan, President Ayub Khan, Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, President General Zia-ul-Haq, Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Syed Sajjad Ali Shah, Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri, Admiral Afzal Tahir and President General Pervez Musharraf.

Psychological warfare (PSYWAR), or Psychological operations (PSYOP)

1) Swat valley flogging

What media told us
watch @ 0:36
Video: Swat valley flogging | World news | guardian.co.uk

The local of Swat claims to have prepared the fake video of flogging of girl in Swat, has termed it drama and revealed that he has received 0.5 million rupees for doing so before the launch of military operation.
Swat girl flogging video fake, official says | GulfNews.com


This lady name Samar Minullah and her NGO named Ethnomedia staged this drama.,Whole drama of swat happened because American wanted to establish base at Saidu Sharif Airport.But Chinese have very serious reservations.so we said no to Americans.And you know about the affair between Americans and Mullah Fazlullah.
Saidu Sharif Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2)Accaused Kohistani women maybe Dead for Clapping
What media told us

5 Kohistani women killed: accused men - thenews.com.pk

Five Kohistani women killed, accused men claim - geo.tv

Islamabad, June 7 (ANI): The five Kohistani women suspected of having been murdered by their families, are alive, said Farzana Bari, a member of the team sent to Kohistan on the orders of the Supreme Court to ascertain the status of the women..........
'Convicted' Kohistani women alive and safe, says Pak rights activist - Yahoo! News India

As a member of the fact-finding team I can speak of only one woman named Amna out of four shown in the cell video that she is certainly alive. We met her and verified her identity. We also met Shaheen, who along with Afzal, the brother of two boys in the video proclaimed to be killed because she accompanied other women. Without her photograph we had to believe what people told us and she herself confirmed her identity. Maulana Javeed who was accompanying the team denied giving such a fatwa. People in the area also denied any such incident. In the presence of ‘jirga’ elders around, the reliability of such information is fairly bleak. In my view far more detailed probing and investigation is required to establish the fact whether such a ‘jirga’/‘fatwa’ on the killing of four women and two men actually took place. We do not know what are the motives behind leaking this video to the public. This is certainly a matter of investigation for the police. .....................
Are the Kohistani women alive? - thenews.com.pk

3) Christian Girl's Blasphemy Arrest (Rimsha Case)
What media told us


She was 11 Year old.

Girl in the above picture was not Rimsha.She is some one else.A polish photographer MACIEJ DAKOWICZ took this picture in 2006 when he came to Pakistan to cover the earth quake tragedy.

Maciej Dakowicz is a Polish street photographer, photojournalist and gallerist. Dakowicz is from Białystok in North East Poland.
Maciej Dakowicz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maciej Dakowicz Photography
Flickr: Maciej Dakowicz's Photostream

Original Rimsha




now guess her age.

4) Corruption on Pakistan's "Sesame Street"
What media told us
The Sesame Workshop was "dismayed" to find out today that a $20 million U.S. program to beam Elmo and his pals in Pakistan has been halted because of allegations of fraud and abuse.

The project was a co-production between U.S.-based Sesame Workshop, and Rafi Peer Puppet Workshop, based in Lahore. Newspapers reported today that Rafi Peer was allegedly using the money given by the U.S. to pay off old debts, and rewarded lucrative contracts to sources. Other allegations include building a fancy residential complex featuring swimming pools with the U.S. funds.

"Sesame Workshop was surprised and dismayed to learn about the serious allegations made against Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop. Beyond what we have read in the press, we do not know the specific details of these allegations," Sesame Workshop said in a statement.

"We hope that we'll continue our work in Pakistan and anywhere else in the world. I think we have to go step by step here," said Myung Kang-Huneke, executive vice president and general counsel of Sesame Workshop.

State Department Deputy spokesperson Mark Toner said the Pakistan Sesame Street Program totaled $20 million and that $6.7 million has already been spent by the Rafi Peer Theater Workshop.

The project was canceled after someone called an anti-fraud hotline set up by the U.S. Agency for International Development in Pakistan with a tip.
The U.S. looked into the allegations of fraud and abuse and found them credible. A full investigation is still underway as to how and where the money was spent.

"No one is questioning, obviously, the value and positive impact of this kind of programming for children," said Toner. "But this is about allegations of corruption."

In a statement to the Associated Press, a spokesperson for Rafi Peer denied the allegations, saying the U.S. ended its participation due to a lack of funds, a claim Toner denied.

"We had what we believed were credible allegations," said Toner. "Rather than continue to throw good money after bad, we thought it was prudent …to cut off this program and wait for the results of the investigation."

The program, called Sim Sim Hamara, or "Our Sim Sim," was launched to much fanfare in December with plans to run for three seasons. It featured Elmo and a cast of local Pakistani characters, including a young girl in a lead role. Other characters included Munna, a 5-year old boy who played the table drums, Baily, a donkey who loved to sing, and Haseen O Jameel, a crocodile living in a well.

It also features set complete with houses, a school, and a restaurant that serves Pakistani cuisine.

In a country where one third of all young children do not attend school, the show was supposed to raise literacy, education, and tolerance. Now, its future is in jeopardy. Rafi Peer says it is looking for alternate sources of funding, for now leaving the colorful cast of characters with nowhere to play and no songs to sing.

It is the second time in recent months that federal funding for an overseas Sesame Street project was cut off. In January Congress froze $192 million funding to USAID's programs in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in response to the Palestinian bid for statehood at the U.N. The popular Palestinian version of Sesame Street, Sharaa Simsim, had to be cancelled.
Sesame Street 'Dismayed' By Corruption Charge in Pakistan and Loss of U.S. Funds - ABC News

Pakistan’s ‘Sesame Street’ hits dead end amid fraud charges – The Express Tribune

U.S. Ends Funding for Pakistani Sesame Street After Corruption Allegations | TIME.com

Summary (Must listen)

Detailed program

5Necrophilia: Man arrested from graveyard with bone-chilling story
What media told us

Mohammad Riaz stood tall at five foot five inches with a white cloth covering his face at the North Nazimabad police station. DSP Abdul Rashid Khan claims that he has confessed to having defiled the corpses of 48 women in the Paposh Nagar graveyard in the last eight years.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 30th, 2011.
please watch the drama of this women from 12:00

The incident that shook the whole Pakistan


according to this video police set up this person because of some influential people.media backed up this false story.
Riaz was employ in paposh nagar grave yard.in his under there was 300-400 graves.his duty was to maintain those graves.some influential people came to him that he should identify old grave so that after demolishing them they should resell the place.but he refused to do so.
after that those influential people payed some money to police,police arrested him on 24 oct on charges of murder.
on 29 oct police made an fir against riaz and blamed him that he raped the dead bodies of women.our so called free media high light this event and proved him guilty.
according to above video this whole thing was part of campaign to humiliate Pakistan on international level.
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Current Govt was result of deal between Musharraf and Americans. (NRO)

At that moment I had no idea how elaborate my involvement would become. Within a year I would arrange a deal between Benazir Bhutto and Pervez Musharraf, insisting that the general take off his uniform to facilitate a return to civilian rule. And I would help clear the way for Bhutto’s tragic reentry into Pakistan.......................The question was how to use the time we’d bought to create better conditions for the upcoming elections. The answer, we believed, lay in forging an alliance between the two strongest political forces in the country: Musharraf and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

At the beginning of 2007, Musharraf had asked for help in bridging his differences with Bhutto, the powerful opposition leader who’d lived in selfimposed exile throughout his rule. It seemed a long shot, but if the two rivals could come to a power-sharing arrangement, it would shift the weight of politics toward the moderates and undermine the Islamists, as well as Nawaz Sharif, a former prime minister who, more so than other prominent figures in Pakistani politics, was suspected of maintaining close ties to the militants . Richard Boucher, the assistant secretary for South and Central Asian affairs, became the point man for the United States in exploring a deal. Shuttling back and forth between the parties—usually meeting Bhutto in London—Richard got them close enough to make a face-to-face meeting possible. That encounter took place in the United Arab Emirates in late July, but their discussion was inconclusive. When I talked Musharraf out of declaring a state of emergency, I promised to redouble our efforts to bring the two of them together.

Boucher shuttled back and forth several times in the fall. By early October, there were four outstanding issues: when would Musharraf shed his military uniform (before or after the elections); would Bhutto and her party colleagues be immunized in the multiple corruption cases against them (including the one against her husband); could she become prime minister despite a constitutional prohibition against a third term (she’d already had two terms); and finally, would Musharraf support her return to Pakistan before the elections?

I put those questions to Musharraf in a phone call on October 3 at 4:47 P.M. At 5:47 P.M. I got back to Bhutto with his response. At 6:18 P.M. I talked to Musharraf again. At 6:53 P.M. I called Bhutto. That continued every half hour until 11:28 P.M., with nine more calls back and forth.

Bhutto was suspicious of Musharraf’s motives and he of hers. A phone call would bring us one step closer to a deal, only to have the next call unravel what had been accomplished. Benazir kept saying that she had to bring her party conference along because they didn’t want a deal with Musharraf. I argued that she had to do it for the good of the country—only an alliance between the two of them would allow elections to take place in a stable
environment.…………………………….The deal was announced on October 4.

Reference: No Higher Honor
Condoleezza Rice

Progress of government that was result of the Deal (NRO):

@ 01:22 onward
1) Economic progress of Pakistan is slowest during during this govt
2) Never happened before that inflation remain in double digits for continuous four years
3) During these four years foreign debt is doubled and no project was completed
4) 30 million people became poor during this time
5) Increase of petrol and gas prices has no relevance with the increase of prices in international market
6) Saving ratio??? came to level of 5.8%. Before this govt it was close to 11-12 %
7) Transparency international say corruption is increased in Pakistan
8) NFC award was recipe of destruction
9) Budget deficit was highest during this govt
10) Black money will be turned in regular money @ 2% taxation.Regular person pay tax @ 10%
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-Musharraf allowed Americans to recruit Pakistanis as CIA agents
-Anthony Zinni in his book mentioned that America assured Mush that we will accept you.(in case of Marshal law)
- Americans identified Musharraf as a potential asset when he was core commander.
-Musharraf allowed 50 units of American special forces.That include Delta force(CIA),Orange force (locals),SEALS and Marines
-Senator Hess???? Said that “End game of war on terrorism is going to be in Pakistan”
-What is happening in Pakistan ,we call it “Exterior maneuvering”. Softening of target before surgical action.
-They have three objectives regarding Pakistan
2) Deislamization
3) Demilitarization -
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