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Is It USA? Behind Terrorist Attacks in Pakistan


Apr 4, 2009
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Pakistan is facing increasing challenges of terrorism each day despite the efforts of army, initiatives in parliament, media and some youth forums. Most people in Pakistan understand that terrorism is not solely a home grown dragon although some high-ups in Pakistan nurtured it for their own personal and political interests. It may have its ancestry dating back to US interest against Russia in the region, but even that is not of such prime importance. The fact is that no suicide bomb blasts were to be seen in Pakistan just four years ago (none for all those 58 years actually), no one even knew the name of TTP at that time. If it was a home grown Pakistani Taliban organization only, why they did not show any visibility or reaction when US attacked Afghanistan in early 2002, even after Iraq invasion they were nowhere to be seen. How come they started showing up all of a sudden when our rulers wanted to enhance foreign aid offers and strengthen their regimes.

It would be extremely surprising if the analysts and educated public in general are not aware of the fact that TTP has been seeded and grown by enemy agencies specifically as they could not initiate any overt operations against Pakistan (being a nuclear power). There are numerous reports and analysis available to prove this claim. The enemies have long been working on covert operations and this wave of terrorism in Pakistan is a result of these covert operations in which the suicide bombers are usually locally hired and in some cases kidnapped and trained to do the requisite jobs. Now comes the question of local support of the network by foreign agencies and the exploitation of the locals done by them, thus taking advantage of poverty and lack of education of true religious values. None of the sects of Islam supports suicide attacks on civilians [sada zamir - www.pakistan1st.com]

I have two questions.

1. TTP was launched in 2007 during Musharaf era , why our forces waited for two years to crush this monster planted by our enimies?

2. There is possibility that our politicians and media also corrupted by the same agencies funding TTP?
I don't even know where to begin...... but here goes

Most people in Pakistan understand that terrorism is not solely a home grown dragon...

Where else was it "grown"? Let me help you ......Los Angeles, Mumbai, Washington DC, Beijing..... any evidence?

although some high-ups in Pakistan nurtured it for their own personal and political interests.

What personal interests? To be their driver, gardener, errand boys, bodyguards?

Political interest....absolutely. When the Afghan Taliban (the good Taliban) fled Afghanistan they were given sanctuary, and royal treatment so that GOP could save them for the day the US would leave. When local Pastuns saw this royal treatment for their Afghani brothers they decided to adopt the same ideologies. Every thing was fine(the more loonies to provide more strategic depth aka cannon foddder, the better) until the Lal Masjid incident. By this time the TTP was strong enough to show their true colors, and things started to get out of hand.

It may have its ancestry dating back to US interest against Russia in the region, but even that is not of such prime importance.

Not even close.....

The fact is that no suicide bomb blasts were to be seen in Pakistan just four years ago (none for all those 58 years actually), no one even knew the name of TTP at that time.

If you think the time was peaceful... ask the shia's and other minorities like the Ahmedians, they were being slaughtered at that time.

If it was a home grown Pakistani Taliban organization only, why they did not show any visibility or reaction when US attacked Afghanistan in early 2002, even after Iraq invasion they were nowhere to be seen.

They were busy cleaning your country of unwanted minorities.

How come they started showing up all of a sudden when our rulers wanted to enhance foreign aid offers and strengthen their regimes.

I have no clue of what you are talking about.

It would be extremely surprising if the analysts and educated public in general are not aware of the fact that TTP has been seeded and grown by enemy agencies specifically as they could not initiate any overt operations against Pakistan (being a nuclear power).

There are things called "urban legends" and there are sites to prove or disprove them (snopes.com) all they require is proof one way or the other.

What you have said above is what I would call "they will do anything to take our nukes away legend", sometimes it is the US, sometimes RAW or Mossad. Bottom line is the US, GOI, and Israelis .... hate, and I would say fear the people blowing up your cities. All of them know how dangerous these groups are. However a significant part of the Pakistani populace believes that the US, RAW or Mossad (depending on what the flavor of the day is) are funding the TTP. There has been not even a shred of evidence until today, but more importantly ...it makes no logical sense.

There are numerous reports and analysis available to prove this claim.

There are numerous reports and analysis available to prove the following claims:

1)The US never landed on the moon.

2)The Indians attacked their own parliament to shame Pakistan.

3)The World trade center bombings was an inside job.

4)The attacks in Mumbai was done by the GOI to shame Pakistan.

5) No Jews died during 9/11..... tell that to their families

I can go on and on ....

The enemies have long been working on covert operations and this wave of terrorism in Pakistan is a result of these covert operations in which the suicide bombers are usually locally hired and in some cases kidnapped and trained to do the requisite jobs. Now comes the question of local support of the network by foreign agencies and the exploitation of the locals done by them, thus taking advantage of poverty and lack of education of true religious values.

You are spewing a whole bunch of bull kaka that has no evidence. All it does is to add support to this Pakistani Legend. The primary reason is you guys can't accept that Muslims will kill other Muslims.

None of the sects of Islam supports suicide attacks on civilians [sada zamir - www.pakistan1st.com]


I have been hearing this for some time.....another legend.

Let me ask you a question..... when they behead someone what do they say when they are sawing someones throat?

If you have seen any videos of suicide bombers what do they yell.

I am thinking of writing "The dummies guide...."
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I have two questions.

1. TTP was launched in 2007 during Musharaf era , why our forces waited for two years to crush this monster planted by our enimies?

This was because the public was made to beleive by the religious parties and some elements in the media that these taliban are our own people and fighting tem would mean that we are fighting "americas war". The army launched the final operation only when the people realised that this has now become "our war", and that the taliban were a menace to the society, working on an agenda to destroy Pakistan.
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