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Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

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First of all,I have very credible information from reliable sources,that no development is being done regarding an ICBM.Maybe some paperwork was done and feasibility reports were taken into consideration,but no solid development towards this project is known...


1. Non-existence of a distant enemy:

Except India,there is no other enemy state of Pakistan at the present...the least likely possibility is Israel,which will be covered by the induction of the 4000km range system.Now,some Pakistani youngsters declare US as an enemy state and target...just imagine the massive retaliation if a single warhead reaches there which is nearly impossible because by the time we make one,the ABM technology would be much advanced...only one SSBN is enough to take out all the major cities of Pakistan.
If you got a problem with the drones,use the Airforce...if Americans are to be attacked ,we have the ability to take out the military bases in Afghanistan,which would be a better option than the ICBM, but still the worst.

2.International Pressure:

Firstly,the International community,especially the US and UK will consider all their aid going waste on the name of WoT...first we ask for aid because we have a feeble economy,then we spend it on making useless ICBMs...
Secondly,everybody would be forced to think that who is our target?...who we are intending to reach?...which will only worsen the image of Pakistan...
Thirdly,since the controversies about the safety of Pakistan's Nuclear Assets (which is ,in fact,very rather very very strong) are ever increasing,the last thing everybody in the world would want is some ICBM landing over their homes just because some terrorists were angry with them...this will certainly prove more disadvantageous for Pakistan...

3.Limited Funding:

The new government has cut short the budget for the missile program,and due to this some other programs have been slowed down...
Now a fully functional ICBM project with 15-20 systems,testing systems,storage facilities etc would cost over a Billion US dollars,an amount Pakistan certainly does not have to waste as a precautionary measure...not to mention the already stumbling economy.

I hope that these reasons are enough.
Everyone ask this same topics just like before !

Pakistanis must appreciated, we have more than 100+ Nuclear missiles including MIRV, cruise missiles, future SLBM, vice versa. Still we are not satisfied and moaning to blame others. Don't make the same mistakes other countries did similarily they bombed them. Please try to understand, US is totally different games than our old-traditional rival neighbour.

I tell you the top priority- Pakistan need to have 2 Trillions GDP Economy in order to overcome many problems internal issues including drones, terrorisms, Afghanistan borders, corruptions, massive-growing populations, ethnics violences, intolerances, and conspiracies.

For this, world including US will respect Pakistan's sovereignty and self-rights. I repeat, Pakistan with 2 Trillion GDP Economy is very strong, full-fledged power, and self-reliance without worrying much or beg anyone.
Have you noticed how quickly our indian friends on this forum agree with you on the issue of ICBM. Those indians are as concerned as you are about the welfare of Pakistan, I suppose!

Have you noticed our Bangladeshi friends on this forum would oppose anything Indians say. Those Bangladeshi must love India, I suppose. :)

Have you noticed our Indian friends on this forum only copy other peoples post . Those Indian really can't think for themselves, I suppose -.
AhaseenA...Trust me,the last reason US wants is an ICBM in the hands of "terrorists" to take over our nukes...

Your statement is hilarious and those thanking you top the list of comedy troll characters.

Don't believe in hollywood action movies they are just Movies ok?
Now I don't trust you make me and others enlighten as how will terrorists take over any serious weapons and on top of it nukes.
Do you have the estimates of how many thousands of Pakistan Army men are scattered and in layers upon layers in specific radius covering all those installations. You don't even know those installation sites how do you even suppose terrorists will take over those areas.
It is time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an able president, ban on all bigoted political leaders and parties, an industrialization drive, re-education and moderation of the tribals and most importantly law, order and internal security of the country.
Bad time for pakistan :disagree:

It will only worsen the countries image more than it already has
Have you noticed our Bangladeshi friends on this forum would oppose anything Indians say. Those Bangladeshi must love India, I suppose. :)

Yes, we have noticed how our indian friends on this forum faithfully support the american and israeli positions on every issue.
Bad time for pakistan :disagree:

It will only worsen the countries image more than it already has

You speak as if the americans or the Europeans really care about Pakistan's image! The writing on the wall says they don't give a hoot.

You speak as if the americans or the Europeans really care about Pakistan's image! The writing on the wall says they don't give a hoot.

And you speak as a Pakistani who has been left back in Bangladish. Mr. AhaseebA has given valid reasons why its a bad idea for pakistan to acquire an ICBM. The country is facing serious Islamist threats left and right, the countries growth is next to zero, it will only worsen Pakistan's image internationally.
Bad time for pakistan :disagree:

It will only worsen the countries image more than it already has

Ah, and the American image across the world nowadays is something to be proud of...? :coffee:
And you speak as a Pakistani who has been left back in Bangladish. Mr. AhaseebA has given valid reasons why its a bad idea for pakistan to acquire an ICBM. The country is facing serious Islamist threats left and right, the countries growth is next to zero, it will only worsen Pakistan's image internationally.

Don't worry about the relationship between Pakistanis and Bangladeshis on this board. It's in good shape and there is mutual respect.
The country is indeed facing threats from militants with dangerous ideals, but that's not the only threat.
The American presence in the region is also threatening our stability, just to put it simple.
Look before 9/11 and after.

Pakistan's image internationally is worsened by the biased western media.
And the U.S. as our "ally" isn't helping one bit by kicking us down constantly. It's a shame our politicians do not have the determination nor the courage to represent Pakistan in respectable fashion. That will hopefully change soon with elections coming up.

As for your comment regarding T-Rex being a " Pakistani who sounds like he has been left in Bangladesh".
Even though seperated, we are still brothers and connected in many ways, it's a special bond. You wouldn't understand.
Nice try though trying to degrade a fellow member of this board. :coffee:
Hell yes, better than the county harboring the world's most wanted man ;)

I do not condone OBLs acts, infact, i'm glad he's dead. But to say that we "harbored" him is far fetched.

Well, then I guess you're even worse because your government created " the world's most wanted man" , and now it's backfiring on you and your people.
Look at 9/11 for example.

You're on the wrong path if you're trying to portray the U.S. as a good boy, sorry to burst your bubble.
No country is better then another country, each nation has its flaws.
It's childish anyway to even talk about this.

If you still persist the U.S. is better in every aspect, then I can assure you I have alot of ammunition to prove you wrong.

Also, don't be silly, no country is innocent when it comes to the current mess we're dealing with.

Instead of b_tching about this or that, we should find ways to understand eachothers desires and problems, but with RESPECT.

Unfortunately, respect is lacking in each and every way when it comes to the U.S.- Pakistani relationship.
AhaseenA...Trust me,the last reason US wants is an ICBM in the hands of "terrorists" to take over our nukes...

Your statement is hilarious and those thanking you top the list of comedy troll characters.

Don't believe in hollywood action movies they are just Movies ok?
Now I don't trust you make me and others enlighten as how will terrorists take over any serious weapons and on top of it nukes.
Do you have the estimates of how many thousands of Pakistan Army men are scattered and in layers upon layers in specific radius covering all those installations. You don't even know those installation sites how do you even suppose terrorists will take over those areas.

No,no sir....you got me all wrong.

Sir,I know that our strategic assets are as safe as any other.No terrorist can even smell them.FYI,ASFC has conducted exercises to prepare themselves for any kind of attack,(as it could be the americans in cover)...

What I am trying to say is,US is looking for a reason...US is like a "Saas" who trys her best to find defects in the "Bahu",no matter how much the bahu trys to be good...
We already cannot convince anybody about the safety of our nukes...although they are very rather very very safe...
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