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Is it Taj Mahal or Tejomahalay??

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maybe u need a lesson in history my friend....:pop::pop:
The one teached by hindu extremists by telling stories with no solid proofs...Stories which led to razing of Babri Mosque.......Sorry not intrested.....
Jana my dear, have no fear. Taj Mahal is numero uno tourist tax dollar earner in India, nothing will ever happen to it in the forseeble future.

do u actually know how many mosques are there in india which r not tourist attractions?
The one teached by hindu extremists by telling stories with no solid proofs...Stories which led to razing of Babri Mosque.......Sorry not intrested.....

Off Topic: You may need an English lesson as well.

On Topic: You still haven't answered my previous post.
Did I ever say that the Mughals were Mongols ?

But surely you do know that they're related right?

Let me give you a history lesson ;)


And your point being?
Just trying to teach me a history lesson I suppose. Should have spent more time reading my earlier post than looking up for that fancy figure on google. Here, I'll highlight it for your convenience.

Initial muslim arabs were all plunderers and uncivilized lot. All they did was loot and plunder.
It was the mughals of mongol origin and somewhat persianized that brought a real cultural addition to India's culture. Part of a reason why we are still culturally more associated with Iran than the arabs who still act like the dark ages cavemen.
Jana my dear, have no fear. Taj Mahal is numero uno tourist tax dollar earner in India, nothing will ever happen to it in the forseeble future.

heheheheheheheh yeh thats what i was saying.

From changing city names to old hindu names to razing babri mosque and may be it will be turn to flatten graves of Mughals and burn their remains by hindus claiming all Mughal kings were incarnation of some hindu celebrities :azn:

Google is a reliable source of information. :wave:
really.......The link you provided most of the articles are by people saying destroyed with no solid proof....Just destroyed. One article of Washington post was found with word destroyed....When i opened it nothign was written in the article but in the comments below....
My statement
It was India which civilized them and gave them culture, much like China, where the Mongols came as barbarians but got 'sinonized'

Your 'rebuttal'
Have you ever read about the mughals or you skipped your history classes too? Mughals weren't Mongols.

Another member got the point :wave:
I believe he was giving a comparison of the Mongols in China compared of the Mughal invasion in India
heheheheheheheh yeh thats what i was saying.

From changing city names to old hindu names to razing babri mosque and may be it will be turn to flatten graves of Mughals and burn their remains by hindus claiming all Mughal kings were incarnation of some hindu celebrities :azn:

i might be ignorant could u please give me the names of those cities please
Off Topic: You may need an English lesson as well.

On Topic: You still haven't answered my previous post.
First of all the cheapest of all comment is taunting others english as its their native language....Well always come from cheap members like yourself...I know enough english to make other understand...enough for me...

2ndly...where is question in your second post...
Classic !

I think Minar e Pakistan is also some devi's temple:rofl:

Blah Blah Blab Its mean indian Mouth ,
Say anything.

:rofl::rofl: Wah .... :rofl: don't have words to explain my feelings :rofl: :rofl:

Hindu fanatics had once sneaked into Taj Mahal and started puja there few years back.
So yes you can expect anything from Hindu fanatic groups who wants to raze Taj Mahal by narrating fake stories about its being an hindu temple.

But i guess the GoI wont let do that because they earn alot of revenue due to tourism and the world visit it as a symbol of Love by Mughal King for his wife Mumtaz NOT as some shiv, parvati temple

:lol::lol: dont waste your time reading too much into this moron he links almost everything to be Hindu around the world.

Interesting to see how article is funny for the same people who start clapping whenever they hear nonsense theories of zakir naik like how mohammad is mentioned as a god in hindu scriptures. that's called double standards.
Actually the fact is anything made in Muslims rulers era was Hindu made Thats the point they want to prove or trying to and failing......Looks like they are ashamed they were not able to make such thing until the muslims came......

No Hindu V Muslim but reality.

Actually the fact is Arabs were always jealous of indian art that's why the first thing they did after invading india was destroying temples maybe that's why they tried to finish Hinduism coz they knew Indians have something which is better then the Arabians have.

No Hindu V Muslim but reality.
First of all the cheapest of all comment is taunting others english as its their native language....Well always come from cheap members like yourself...I know enough english to make other understand...enough for me...

2ndly...where is question in your second post...

Reported for Personal attack.
Actually the fact is Arabs were always jealous of indian art that's why the first thing they did after invading india was destroying temples maybe that's why they tried to finish Hinduism coz they knew Indians have something which is better then the Arabians have.

No Hindu V Muslim but reality.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: yeh they might have got something raising after seeing Khajurao art

And thats why today Arab countries have a large number of labourers from India :angel:
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