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Is it Taj Mahal or Tejomahalay??

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Have YOU been there and seen those rooms??? Sorry, its not me, but you are the one jumping to conclusion.

Sorry but coming from a scientific background, proofs and evidence from credible source is crucial for me to believe in something. If you or any one can prove to me that these 22 rooms do in fact carry undeniable existence of "idols" and "Hindu temple", then I will start believing that the Taj is indeed a Hindu temple.

Until then, please forgive me for my backward scientific and rational ways.

You are the one ignoring history buddy. History says Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal. Thousands of Historians have attested these facts. But if you want to believe a "writer (p.n. oak) instead of professional historians, archaeologists and researchers, then I am sorry for you.

Lets twist this shall we?

Pre-Islamic arabia had good economic ties with India and the Arabic traders were frequent visitors to India. Both countries were predominantly idol worshippers and there have been some examples of arabic influence of architecture in some temples on the western coast of gujarat.

I conclude by speculating that along with the arab deities the hindu religion might also be having idols of some arabic deities supposedly placed there by frequent arabic travellers and thus the Hindu religion is derived from Pre-Arabic religion and dieties!

How about that? Like it now?

Well as I said, if you can prove it, do so! otherwise keep on believing it if it lets you sleep well in the night.

It is not a "belief",these are mere speculations.For believing that the hindu dharma was invented by the arabs, I would like to see some religious texts dating back to pre islamic arabia,which ofcourse is unavailable.Though, arabia has been mentioned in the Vedas as "arva-sthan"- Arva means horse in Sanskrit and everyone knows that arabian horses are very famous.

My only point was to speculate mutual relations between two idol worshipping civilizations and not to find the roots of two of the oldest civilizations in this world.

I expect healthy discussions here not "tit-for-tat" policies!
It is not a "belief",these are mere speculations.For believing that the hindu dharma was invented by the arabs, I would like to see some religious texts dating back to pre islamic arabia,which ofcourse is unavailable.Though, arabia has been mentioned in the Vedas as "arva-sthan"- Arva means horse in Sanskrit and everyone knows that arabian horses are very famous.

My only point was to speculate mutual relations between two idol worshipping civilizations and not to find the roots of two of the oldest civilizations in this world.

I expect healthy discussions here not "tit-for-tat" policies!

Ahh but of course texts are available. See a list here Ancient literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Look for Sumerian and Akkedian texts. Now do you believe???

Or maybe I can change the word from Arabian to Egyptian, and then say Hinduism is derived from Egyptian religion, and you would have to believe because Egyptian civilization predates even the Vedas!

My point in copying and changing your post was not to make a
tit-for-tat reply. It was to point out the absurdity and irrationality of your "speculation" and "conclusion".

By changing just a few words here and there in your post, I reached a new scenario which is no more or less believable than your conclusion. So if you can believe in your conclusion, why not in mine?
After all there is no evidence or proof of any sort for either of the case!

In regards to "Healthy Discussions", that can only happen when the discussions are rational and are based on logic and fact. Not on some absurdly drawn conclusion based on mere speculation.
OMG yes! One of my room mates once argued with me that there is shiv ling inside kabbala and every muslim knows it but they won't accept! I didn't have any answer for him.

Blah Blah Blab Its mean indian Mouth ,
Say anything.
OMG yes! One of my room mates once argued with me that there is shiv ling inside kabbala and every muslim knows it but they won't accept! I didn't have any answer for him.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Wah .... :rofl: :rofl: don't have words to explain my feelings :rofl: :rofl:
Its a BS conspiracy theory. If you read his arguments they can all be debunked pretty easily. One cant say Taj Mahal was a temple just basd on architecture. The truth is that many Mughal buildings display characterstics of Indian style as well. And Indian style was usually visible in temples and havelis. So definitely, the Taj Mahal has some structural and architectural similarities with a temple. But we cant say it was converted or built on one.

Further, there was a significant foreign presence in Mughal courts when the Taj Mahal was constructed. The British had arrived since the time of Jahangir. Surely a large scale conversion like Taj Mahal's would have been noticed and mentioned by historians.
Thank you guys for the posts. But I still think that there are some links missing. But may be??

But y Indian govt has closed or shackled all those 22 rooms. any answers?? something is fishy out there. I have been there and legend says that there is something which is unknown.

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Ahh but of course texts are available. See a list here Ancient literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Look for Sumerian and Akkedian texts. Now do you believe???

Or maybe I can change the word from Arabian to Egyptian, and then say Hinduism is derived from Egyptian religion, and you would have to believe because Egyptian civilization predates even the Vedas!

My point in copying and changing your post was not to make a
tit-for-tat reply. It was to point out the absurdity and irrationality of your "speculation" and "conclusion".

By changing just a few words here and there in your post, I reached a new scenario which is no more or less believable than your conclusion. So if you can believe in your conclusion, why not in mine?
After all there is no evidence or proof of any sort for either of the case!

In regards to "Healthy Discussions", that can only happen when the discussions are rational and are based on logic and fact. Not on some absurdly drawn conclusion based on mere speculation.

Selective quoting at its best!

Sweetheart, I am only speculating and there are better ways to put your points then replacing arabian with Egyptian civilization.

I never said that arabian paganism is derived from Hinduism or vice versa. My only point was that due to the economic ties,some influence of hinduism on arabian paganism or vice-versa was bound to happen.
Classic !

I think Minar e Pakistan is also some devi's temple:rofl:

By look of it, it qualifies to be a shiv temple ;) and we should be soon expecting large number of devotees from our eastern neighbouring country

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So are you guys planning to raze it down too......???
So are you guys planning to raze it down too......???

Hindu fanatics had once sneaked into Taj Mahal and started puja there few years back.
So yes you can expect anything from Hindu fanatic groups who wants to raze Taj Mahal by narrating fake stories about its being an hindu temple.

But i guess the GoI wont let do that because they earn alot of revenue due to tourism and the world visit it as a symbol of Love by Mughal King for his wife Mumtaz NOT as some shiv, parvati temple
Hindu fanatics had once sneaked into Taj Mahal and started puja there few years back.
So yes you can expect anything from Hindu fanatic groups who wants to raze Taj Mahal by narrating fake stories about its being an hindu temple.

But i guess the GoI wont let do that because they earn alot of revenue due to tourism and the world visit it as a symbol of Love by Mughal King for his wife Mumtaz NOT as some shiv, parvati temple
Many say Shah Jahan cut the hands of the workers who build taj mahal after completion so that they cannot make such beauty ever again....Dont know how true it is but i heared many hindus telling me barbaric things done by muslim invaders and they put this on the top of the list.....

So i wonder if its some temple then why they bash Shahjahan for the hand cutting stories??

So Confused ......see my face :confused:
Hindu fanatics had once sneaked into Taj Mahal and started puja there few years back.
So yes you can expect anything from Hindu fanatic groups who wants to raze Taj Mahal by narrating fake stories about its being an hindu temple.

But i guess the GoI wont let do that because they earn alot of revenue due to tourism and the world visit it as a symbol of Love by Mughal King for his wife Mumtaz NOT as some shiv, parvati temple

Right fanatics need to be placed in their place by the law and the authorities, thankfully they are still in place in India.

In 2000, India's Supreme Court dismissed P.N. Oak's petition to declare that a Hindu king built the Taj Mahal
But in allah's own Pakistan, authorities take it upon themselves to destroy religious places, in this case lahore's only hindu temple, do you have any thoughts on that?

But in utter disregard to its own statutory duties, the ETPB has demolished the Krishna temple situated in Sooha Bazar, Rang Mahal, Lahore, by allowing a jeweller to construct a commercial plaza at the site.
gulfnews : Order for temple's reconstruction sought
Many say Shah Jahan cut the hands of the workers who build taj mahal after completion so that they cannot make such beauty ever again....Dont know how true it is but i heared many hindus telling me barbaric things done by muslim invaders and they put this on the top of the list.....

So i wonder if its some temple then why they bash Shahjahan for the hand cutting stories??

So Confused ......see my face :confused:

Hey did you visit Kehwra in Chakwal ??

Pls do and Indians should also visit it amazing place there inside the saltmines there are uncountable structures that may look familiar to our Indian friends.
Hey did you visit Kehwra in Chakwal ??

Pls do and Indians should also visit it amazing place there inside the saltmines there are uncountable structures that may look familiar to our Indian friends.
Unfortunately no....Only pics...Whenever someone talks about trip friends start naran kaghan etc etc.....really want to visit deep sind and punjab sides.....
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