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Is it Halal to fart when offering Namaz?

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There is no message. Any Muslim would know the answer and would not need to ask the question.

Since the poster claims to be a Muslim, we know he is trolling.

You can only offer namaaz (prayers) after you do a wuzoo (ritual washing). Breaking wind breaks the wuzoo, therefore you must do the wuzoo again before resuming prayers.

Muslim children learn this in their early teens.
I have seen this topic debated a lot online.
Is it Halal to fart when offering Namaz? - Topix

It remains an enigma to me because there is so much wind broken during Namaz at my Masjid. I am pretty sure the women are also farting with vengeance as they point their behinds towards heaven 5 times a day.

I think it should be halal. Nothing is said about it from the holy Prophet(PBUH).

Should we report this to YouTube? It's NOT the first time has happened...
When you fart, you get your ablution (Wadu/Wazu) broken. But when you fart during the salat (prayer), you should continue to finish the rakat you are offing and after salaam, you should do wazu and comback to offer remaining rakaat. That means if you are into the first rakat of Dohar (Zohar) and fart, you should continue and finish remaining 3 rakaat and then do fresh wazu to offer Sunnats.

This is according to best of my knowledge and may Allah forgive me if I am wrong. BUT it is obligatory to make research before accepting anything so do your research before accepting what I am saying.
This is what we call a Suicide Troll. Don't reply to such posts, just report them.
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