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Is it a Good step or not: Doctors can write farmula not company name

Well sir I have been in this business long enough to know some very very scary things. Are you talking about the same drug authority which approved such a combination of drugs to be sold as tablets which proved fatally poisoning the cardiac patients. Only when handful of people died in PIC lahore that authority came into its senses.
Another thing good and reputed companies give very little incentives. And they collect their bill when they deliver medicine.
But small companies they not only give you huge benefits but also deliver medicine and either collect bill after some time or when that medicine is sold.

And the million dollar question is about the effectiveness of that medicine. I can explain it by citing one incident. When I was in 2nd yr of mbbs in one of the most reputable Hospitals my father had to under go a surgery. As I knew most of the doctors and my fathers students were in final year also. They told me that your father is a govt employ so his med is on the hospital they have to provide it free of cost. But plz apart of pain killer injections get every med yourself as none of the antibiotics provided by Govt work as they should. So buy your medicine.

Not all companies are this bad but most of them are. Take Sami. It is a good standard company and also economical one.
Ceftriaxone inj is sold as Rocephin at a cost of 900 + and same inj by Sami is sold as Oxidil for some 330.

So the core point is cleaning the market of substandard medicine.
Thank you for your detailed explanation. My entire point was on the assumption that your drug authority would do its job properly. If they are corrupt and allowing substandard medicines, then I agree with your argument.
In here we have govt sponsored pharmacies that sell generic drugs. It's twice as cheap as the branded ones. Especially Ecospirin tab my father take regularly, the bill has been cut in half since I switched to generic.
The problem is you cant vouch for the efficacy of the generic. Consider buying Plavix which is like 900 against a generic which would cost like 100-200.

I wouldn't bet my life on a generic TBH.
Thank you for your detailed explanation. My entire point was on the assumption that your drug authority would do its job properly. If they are corrupt and allowing substandard medicines, then I agree with your argument.
Govt agencies acting in the best interest of the populace? By default assume that DRAP is infiltrated by the drug company cartels.
The problem is you cant vouch for the efficacy of the generic. Consider buying Plavix which is like 900 against a generic which would cost like 100-200.
I wouldn't bet my life on a generic TBH.
It depends upon how much trust you have on your govt's drug approval authority.
In developed countries like US & UK, you would not worry and would go with cheaper generic medicines being sold, if available.
So if the doctors are going to prescribe Triforge to someone, they will have to write Amlodipine+Valsartan+Hydrochlorothiazide?
Seems something similar.. .. me to confuse what actually thay habe write so public can also understand cannot be fooled
So if the doctors are going to prescribe Triforge to someone, they will have to write Amlodipine+Valsartan+Hydrochlorothiazide?

An ilaka sho carries more moral authority than today's medical mafia aka docs on pharma payroll
DRAP has no regulation over them and here it's taking a step out of it's league by devising rather advising solutions regarding how to write a prescription.

The guys supervising drap professionals or this agency like others is also being run by some b.a/m.a bureaucrats?
That the point of problem here companies will start giving high commissions to drug and medical stores ...

Currently companies gives commissions to doctors to prescribe their medicine. At-least it will reduce unnecessary medicines which corrupt doctors put on prescription for their commissions.
One thing is ture these doctors were taking to much commission, expensive gift many other favour from pharmaceutical companies. . By playing with life of patients ... these check and balance on when they they do this openly

Second government much put limit on fee when they are running private clinics and hospitals
Seems something similar.. .. me to confuse what actually thay habe write so public can also understand cannot be fooled
What if the doctors prescribed 1 tablet composed with 3 formulas and the patient ends up getting 3 tablets separately?
The guys supervising drap professionals or this agency like others is also being run by some b.a/m.a bureaucrats?

Whatever type of professionals they are , the fact of the matter is they have no idea what their real job is actually. Efforts for provision of the Corona vaccine for the masses is an example.
Like i mentioned, it's a pressure effect and a diversion tactic to tackle with the added pressure of responsibility.
In our country authorities like DRAP have mostly not much achievements/ performance to show off especially when in crisis situation.
I have seen their responses first hand. "Halat e Zar nagufta beh."
Shortly, it's all like 10am monthly meeting with chai pakore and an urge to justify the governments expanses on DRAP by one or two directives like these.
No research, No ground work. If anything goes wrong, inherently shift the blame on specialist committee or form a committee to defuse the situation is their disaster management protocol, as it seems.

Your answer, it's been run by managers and that is all.
What if the doctors prescribed 1 tablet composed with 3 formulas and the patient ends up getting 3 tablets separately?
That is the confusion point .. where normal knowledge person can be .. mis lead or used by medical store ...
No research, No ground work. If anything goes wrong, inherently shift the blame on specialist committee or form a committee

Meaning thereby its the bureaucrats calling the shots not the professionals?
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