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Is Indo-Pak friendship possible?

Also i would also like you to have some manners when relating something to Quran, its not my Quran, its something which belongs to every muslim.

I apologize everyone for that mistake. It was not done intentionally. I have also edited that line. Again sorry to everyone and hope Allah also forgives me for that.
To me one possible solution of achieving this could be a new leadership in both countries. With current politicians, its far from even dreaming. Our current politics is so messed up (both india and pakistan), that even for cleaning it would require the struggle of 1947's.
Salam everyone,
Well I know this would be the most stupid topic to be discussed at this time, when both countries are at the brink of war between them. But it is important to discuss because this is the only other solution to indo-pak problem other than war and I hope most would agree, war is not a suitable solution. I have been living in dubai and now currently studying in Canada. I have made alot of indian friends and i dont find them having some wrong views about pakistanis. So the question arises, who is responsible for making us fight. Well my view is, there is no doubt we have been enemies of each other for decades but that really doesnt mean we have to keep fighting forever. If Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) can make peace deal (treaty of hudaibiyah) with the non-muslims of Makkah so why cant we have some peace with the indians. It will be in the interest of both pakistan and india because no matter to which part of the world you go, you would definately find indians and pakistanis achieving great successes. So which is the biggest obstacle that prohibits us from getting each other friends. To me their are several reasons.
1) Environment: there is no doubt, in both pakistan and india, we have been told about this rivalry from our birth. Even i use to consider indians a nation which reserve no right to exist.
2) Media: simple eg would be the rescent act of indian media. That designed propaganda of indian media would be more than enough to convert any neutral indian into an anti-pakistani.
3)Third umpire: Definately Americans play a vital role. They would never let this from happening, simply because they know the outcome of it.
4) Leadership: unfortunately both indian and pakistanis have been deprived of leaderhsip with some vision. To me Musharraf was one guy who really wanted to move in this line, but unfortunately i have to say there was no equal response from the indian side.
Finally i would like to say again, though it looks weird talking about friendship with the indians. But in my view, although this frindship looks almost improbable to me from happening but incase if it happens there is no doubt we would be the asian giant who could tackle any power in the world.

even if it happens its easy to break it...either by an outsider with vested interests or by the two parties themselves. Many other countries have far greater scores to settle e.g. China/Japan but have learnt to conduct themselves better unlike south asians.

Pardon my naivity but who other than south asians would like to see a stronger south asia?
Friendship is definitely possible if both the nations give up their ego. I went to watch the 2003 world cup cricket match between India and Pakistan on a big screen in US. There were so many Pakistanis too with the flags and slogan shouting.After the match was won by India, most of the Pakistanis shook hands with us and congratulated us, and we responded by highlighting how well Pakistan played. This small gesture hit my emotional chords and made me happier than India's win.

Imagine the same situation elsewhere in the subcontinent. What makes us so different when we meet out of our resepctive countries? Is it the insecurity in a gora country that brings us closer? Is it that we collectively accepted the supremacy of our masters, but too blinded to acknowledge each other in our own country?

We are emotional and loose our heads. Why can't India and Pakistan be US and Canada? Just why can't they be? We have too much of bitterness with no reason, passed from generation to generation, caught in a viscious cycle of hatred, exploited by others who fear us to see as ONE!
Indo-Pak friendship is certainly possible because we have great cultural similarities.

I met many Pakistanis in Germany and they are friendly & cordial, in fact their warmth is overwhelming. But it is strange when I visit forums like this I see certain hate which I am unable to understand it. Especially I am often puzzled about the "source" of such hate.
is it simply verbal tit-for-tat or such hate is really there ? or is it general thinking to view someone as patriotic/nationalistic if they hate India?

people often talk that Kashmir is the obstacle, however I am not sure why we can't we make LOC as official border as it was like official border for last 60 years. If LOC is going to stay like this for next 60 years, why can't it stay in the form official border. why we need deal with military pressures day-in-day-out?

After meeting Pakistanis in Germany, it is difficult for me to think Pakistani hate Indians, if Pakistanis really hate India why they behave in such warmth?

I am really clue less.
I appreciate if any Pakistani brother (arsipk ?) can answer this in objective manner.

Indo-Pak friendship is certainly possible because we have great cultural similarities.

I met many Pakistanis in Germany and they are friendly & cordial, in fact their warmth is overwhelming. But it is strange when I visit forums like this I see certain hate which I am unable to understand it. Especially I am often puzzled about the "source" of such hate.
is it simply verbal tit-for-tat or such hate is really there ? or is it general thinking to view someone as patriotic/nationalistic if they hate India?

people often talk that Kashmir is the obstacle, however I am not sure why we can't we make LOC as official border as it was like official border for last 60 years. If LOC is going to stay like this for next 60 years, why can't it stay in the form official border. why we need deal with military pressures day-in-day-out?

After meeting Pakistanis in Germany, it is difficult for me to think Pakistani hate Indians, if Pakistanis really hate India why they behave in such warmth?

I am really clue less.
I appreciate if any Pakistani brother (arsipk ?) can answer this in objective manner.


I believe these are political maneuvers and both Indians and Pakistanis are taught this lesson of hatred at a very young age so its hard to look at things objectively. I think there are two kinds of people there are some who are too blinded with hate to look rationally at the situation and then there are those who accept that its foolish to let our past rule us in the worst possible way. Whats saddening is that neither India nor Pakistan could ever make any real progress if they let this continue. Obviously outside of these countries both the communities are friendlier due to cultural and linguistic similarities which proves that they can get along but its people who are injected with poison that just won't ever accept that. Same goes with the case of Kashmir even mentioning the name causes a certain rift which definitely is there all along but what we see in the case of Kashmir is again blame game and point scoring to salve our respective egos.
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