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Is Indian Cuisine Coming of Age in America?

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Isn't this fish an iraqi dish.

It may be, but we prepare river fish pretty much the same way. I thought it was Pakistani.

If you go near the rivers, they always prepare Trout like this. Or they sometimes fry it as well.
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I heard Turkish food is awesome. I look forward to try it. Too many Thai and Chinese restaurants in my country! :sick: And of-course Indian :lol:
That's a major Indian misconception. All I will say is Baluchistan, and Swat. They have entirely different foods that most Indians have never even heard of.

may be we havent heard about them..that doesnt make them better, if they were better than we would have heard more about them than the regular pakistani dishes that we hear about. and remember when you say that, you should think the same way for India..I just mentioned four zones and not the 28 states.....and belive me India is probabaly more diverse than any country in the world...each state with its diferent style and spices. The list will be too long to even mention here...but still we only know of dishes that are actually best of bests out of these thousand of known and unknown dishes.
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Everyone loves Indian food, no one knows and cares about what Pakistani food is, well for all white people anyway.

All the white people I know say they want to travel to India and not Pakistan to taste the tasty food.
^^^you'll be surprised to know that hundreds of restaurants around the world selling Indian food are owned by Pakistanis. They know people want to eat Indian food.
^^^you'll be surprised to know that hundreds of restaurants around the world selling Indian food are owned by Pakistanis. They know people want to eat Indian food.

Very common and true, its because the word Pakistan has a bad feeling in western nations. So therefore they go around this by pretending to be a Indian restaurants.
Chicken momos from North-East India, the most popular NE dish throughout India.

Very common and true, its because the word Pakistan has a bad feeling in western nations. So therefore they go around this by pretending to be a Indian restaurants.

thats partly ture. partly because this is the story ever since Pakistan earned a bad image..but even before that Pakistanis have restaurants which sells Indian food...and thats not because of the image..ut because of the demand of teh Indian food.
^^^you'll be surprised to know that hundreds of restaurants around the world selling Indian food are owned by Pakistanis. They know people want to eat Indian food.

You are true. You would be surprised these so called Indian restaurants run by Pakistanis don't serve beef.
You are true. You would be surprised these so called Indian restaurants run by Pakistanis don't serve beef.

I know...someone I know who regularly goes to spain says...almost all the Indian restaurants in there are run by Pakistanis..which is really surprising..they are cashin on in our food and name...but still claim their food is better. I am not here to say their food is not good, but when you compare you have to agree somewhere they left behind..mainly due to the variety...and the combination of both veg and non veg dishes.

BTW there have been ocassion when we had Indian chefs and pakistani chefs going directly for a competion to prove which tastes better ,Indian dishes or Pakistani dishes...the judges were neutral...and it was won by the Indians...atleast there you cant say they won because of the 'better image'.
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