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Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

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India's NSA advisor quits, following home minister: TV

NEW DELHI, (bdnews24.com/Reuters) - India's National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan has submitted his resignation over the attacks in Mumbai that killed nearly 200 people, local TV news channels said on Sunday.

Home Minister Shivraj Patil had already resigned, the ruling Congress party coalition said on Sunday.

bdnews24.com/fhb/1705 hrs.

India's NSA advisor quits, following home minister: TV :: :: bdnews24.com ::
What about Kargil?

It was a disaster for Pakistan every which way. Military, diplomatic, political and economic.

You are still to recover from that disaster.

Before you talk of the training and equipment of Indian troops, take a look at the performance of your own. Believe me it is far from impressive and everyone can see it. One has never heard of 200 Indian troops surrendering to 20 odd teenagers.

Your own then PM talked of 4000 Pakistani casualties. You know more than him?

Bajaur is in Pakistan but there is something going on there, see that threadand you will know what is happening there.

You don't drink coffee but at least you can wake up or is that also something you don't do. ;)

WE are to recover from the Kargil episode??? Yeah Right! Whose making umpteenth Bollywood movies dude on the conflict dude? Seems like it hurt your nation more than ours and if you indeed go by the number of dead, yeah you won for sure!! Kargil was more of a slap-in-the-face of a snoozing Indian Military than anything else!

Yeah I have seen the performance of your Indian troops in Sir Lanka! Got your Gandhi all blown up by a Tamil women laden with explosives!! Than they ran like hell to mama in India!! Whose troops are committing suicides in Kashmir or being disgruntled to kill the senior Indian officers just on the refusal of holidays? Yeah that is real military discipline and a well oiled Indian Army professionalism there!

What is going on our western borders with regards to elimination of Taliban etc has no bearing whatsoever to our Military discipline. Yes the incident you referred to occurred and it was reprimanded accordingly! It was a tactical mistake which was corrected later. All the troops in the episode are back, alive and well, not dead like whats happening to your Indian junta in Kashmir!

And yes indeed, I do know more than my PM! But that's a story of for another day and another thread!

Lastly, it seems that we Pakistani's need no awakening as much as you Indians do which has been pretty evident in the case of the Mumbai Mow Down!
WE are to recover from the Kargil episode??? Yeah Right! Whose making umpteenth Bollywood movies dude on the conflict dude? Seems like it hurt your nation more than ours and if you indeed go by the number of dead, yeah you won for sure!! Kargil was more of a slap-in-the-face of a snoozing Indian Military than anything else!

Yeah I have seen the performance of your Indian troops in Sir Lanka! Got your Gandhi all blown up by a Tamil women laden with explosives!! Than they ran like hell to mama in India!! Whose troops are committing suicides in Kashmir or being disgruntled to kill the senior Indian officers just on the refusal of holidays? Yeah that is real military discipline and a well oiled Indian Army professionalism there!

What is going on our western borders with regards to elimination of Taliban etc has no bearing whatsoever to our Military discipline. Yes the incident you referred to occurred and it was reprimanded accordingly! It was a tactical mistake which was corrected later. All the troops in the episode are back, alive and well, not dead like whats happening to your Indian junta in Kashmir!

And yes indeed, I do know more than my PM! But that's a story of for another day and another thread!

Lastly, it seems that we Pakistani's need no awakening as much as you Indians do which has been pretty evident in the case of the Mumbai Mow Down!

See, I have no intention of a useless slanging match. I have seen your posts here and none of them is constructive.

You come here and want to judge others while closing your eyes to your several problems closer home. I don't think you have shown any great knowledge but plenty of rhetoric and wistfulness.

So bye for now, get back to topic. :wave:

ISLAMABAD (November 30 2008): Pakistan would divert troops to its border with India and away from fighting militants on the Afghan frontier, if tensions erupt in the wake of the attacks on Mumbai, a senior Pakistani security official said on Saturday. The next two days would prove crucial to relations between the nuclear-armed rivals, a second official said, after India blamed "elements" from Pakistan for the co-ordinated assault on its financial capital that killed 195 people.

"If something happens on that front, the war on terror won't be our priority," the senior security officer told journalists at a briefing. "We'll take out everything from the western border. We won't leave anything there." The warning will alarm the United States and other governments with troops in Afghanistan, as Pakistan currently has around 100,000 troops in the border areas, and the army is fighting Islamist militants in several tribal regions.

The country's support is regarded as crucial to efforts to defeat al Qaeda globally and quell a Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. The senior officer described the communication received from New Delhi notifying Pakistan of suspicions of a Pakistani link to the attacks on Mumbai as "well within limits". But a second more junior, but also high-ranking, officer said Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee had been aggressive and the Indian accusations had implied that Pakistani agencies were somehow involved.

"I can say with my authority under my command that there's no involvement of any Pakistani institution in any manner," the high-ranking officer said. "It's not an ideal situation for a country to go to war. Coercion is there and it's going up and it needs to be neutralised."

Indian suspicions are focused on Lashkar-e-Taiba, one of several militant groups fighting the Indian army in Kashmir. Analysts say L-e-T had enjoyed support from Pakistani agencies in the past. Pakistan denies the allegations and says it only ever gave moral and diplomatic support for Kashmiri freedom fighters.

TENSIONS RISE: The officer said tensions with India were escalating rapidly and the next one to two days would prove crucial. "They'll have clarity of thought and we'll have clarity of the situation in next 24-48 hours," he said.

The two nuclear-armed rivals went to the brink of war in 2002, but embarked on a peace process in 2004 that has ground on for the last four years. The more senior official said the Indian government had underestimated how strong Indian militants have become. "It shocked us to see the level of sophistication of manoeuvring involved (in the attacks)," he said. "India was not ready for that."

Pakistan had asked for evidence of the involvement of anyone in Pakistan, but India had so far not supplied any, he said. The Pakistani government on Saturday said it would send a member of the military's Inter-Services Intelligence agency to India, having retracted a commitment made a day earlier to send ISI chief Lieutenant-General Arshad Shujaa Pasha for an exchange of information. The more senior official said it was unlikely that any Pakistani intelligence officer would be going to India in the near future.

ISLAMABAD (November 30 2008): The top braces of the country on Saturday held an important meeting and asked India to provide solid evidences about the alleged involvement of Pakistan in the Mumbai carnage to substantiate its allegations. At a late night meeting attended by President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, CoAS General Asfaq Pervaiz Kayani and other top government officials reiterated Pakistan's stance that it has no role in the terrorist activity.

Pakistan itself has been the victim of these terror activities for a long time and has paid a heavy price in this regard, the meeting observed. It was also discussed that Pakistan is a frontline state against war on terror and would extend all out support to India to nab the culprits, sources added. The army chief also briefed the meeting about latest security situation in the country.

It was also observed in the meeting that the government is already taking action against those none-state elements, which are being suspected by India. The meeting decided that all the decisions would be taken in the supreme national interest by taking all the political parties into confidence.
India's NSA advisor quits, following home minister: TV

NEW DELHI, (bdnews24.com/Reuters) - India's National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan has submitted his resignation over the attacks in Mumbai that killed nearly 200 people, local TV news channels said on Sunday.

Home Minister Shivraj Patil had already resigned, the ruling Congress party coalition said on Sunday.

bdnews24.com/fhb/1705 hrs.

India's NSA advisor quits, following home minister: TV :: :: bdnews24.com ::

not confirmed, but a few resignations are forthcoming.
not confirmed, but a few resignations are forthcoming.

And about time!

This culture of tolerance of mediocrity and non-performance has to go away. I hope it is a start.
Now, Indian Economy is huge, one war is'nt going to make a big difference to the economy. Second, India will not risk the war against Pakistan because it stands the risk of another military coup in Pakistan. Musharaf will justify the war come back to make his back comfortable to the President seat. India has strong evidence of the Pakistani involvment in this attack. The only thing is that weather the proof of Pakistani ISI involvment. If this link is exposed in front of the whole world, then the situation will be interesting. If the Pakistanis decide to move all the troops from NWFP to the Indian side of the border, then the Americans can justify themselves with moving into Nwfp and take it completely and adding the territory under Afghanistan. The civilian Govt. in Pakistan has no control over its army and it's intelligence agencies. There is huge Public pressure on the Indian govt. to declare war on Pakistan. The war should be waged together with the govt. of Pakistan and bring it to a position where it has total control over the army and the ISI.

amazing, we should be showing sympathy towards our indian colleagues and india in general, but the smugness of the indians and the indian media amazes me.

india may be rising (and i for one am envious) but india shining - not so!
And about time!

This culture of tolerance of mediocrity and non-performance has to go away. I hope it is a start.

u r not alone in this - we reek of the same!
amazing, we should be showing sympathy towards our indian colleagues and india in general, but the smugness of the indians and the indian media amazes me.

A bit too generic?

india may be rising (and i for one am envious) but india shining - not so!

Agreed. It is shining for too few. It needs to shine for every one.
amazing, we should be showing sympathy towards our indian colleagues and india in general, but the smugness of the indians and the indian media amazes me.

india may be rising (and i for one am envious) but india shining - not so!

Well, Indians are not feeling any sympathy towards Pakistan at the moment, unfortunately.

The reasons are pretty obvious, there is a lot of anger, primarily towards the government, and second, towards Pakistan.

The anger towards Pakistan is lesser because there is a certain amount of resignation among the Indian public that they have no control over Pakistani terrorist camps and its unrealistic to think of war.

Also, your PM's efforts to bring the countries together seems to have gained some goodwill as well.
A bit too generic?

Agreed. It is shining for too few. It needs to shine for every one.

i wish i could make a summary of all the comments made by our indian colleagues. not many will fault or accept india's failures or seething problems. everyone tries to gloss over them.
You sure should be. I see an ingrained inclination to trash everything that comes out from the investigation even before it is shared. That is no better than your claims about some in India blaming Pakistan for every attack.

Nothing is being put to trash, did you ever wondered that even before any evidence, your media with the backing of the GOI starts putting all blames on Pakistan. What do you think then remains the creditability of such so called evidence that only India knows, never ever brought it up front, never ever shared with Pakistan. The only thing that India does however is to give Pakistan a list of people to hand them over to India and this time its no different either, if yes then let the investigation be made open, let the world know that indeed Pakistan is a terrorism sponsoring country and Pakistanis as a whole is a terrorist nation. But then again that would expose the real truth wouldn't it, then who will India make its scapegoat for the failures that have been committed by the security agencies of India. :angry:
Well, Indians are not feeling any sympathy towards Pakistan at the moment, unfortunately.

The reasons are pretty obvious, there is a lot of anger, primarily towards the government, and second, towards Pakistan.

The anger towards Pakistan is lesser because there is a certain amount of resignation among the Indian public that they have no control over Pakistani terrorist camps and its unrealistic to think of war.

Also, your PM's efforts to bring the countries together seems to have gained some goodwill as well.

my friend - we nations have to look forward. we paks are no angels!
we can get rid of this scourge to-gether, not going after each other's juggulars.
Well I think it is too early to draw conclusions. May be your anger is justified, may be not.

May be it is India that would goof up in the investigations or may be it was Pakistan that failed to control terrorists and their supporters from using it's territory. Let us wait and watch for some time.
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