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Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

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Opportunity of cooperation???? :undecided:

It’s only possible if both countries admit that they are in the same boat against the same threat …..If India continues to blame Pakistan ( or ISI) for every terrorist attack and threatens to wage war on her sovereignty and on the other hand if Pakistan cannot ensure full support and win India’s confidence that we are with them in this game, then I guess we are betting against very heavy odds and perhaps asking for too much…

Any association that begins with distrust or weak foundations won’t take long to collapse!!!
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Opportunity of cooperation???? :undecided:

It’s only possible if both countries admit that they are in the same boat against the same threat …..If India continues to blame Pakistan ( or ISI) for every terrorist attack and threatens to wage war on her sovereignty and on the other hand if Pakistan cannot ensure full support and win India’s confidence that we are with them in this game, then I guess we are betting against very heavy odds and perhaps asking for too much…

Any association that begins with distrust or weak foundations won’t take long to collapse!!!

It is an opportunity for sure. And yes the foundations are weak but the opportunity is there for our countries to seize.

Alas, more likely than not, we would miss this too like we have missed so many in the past.

How we are both missing a leadership that can make it happen? The people are waiting for this patch up to happen. We are done with the 60 years of hatreds. There is too much in common for us to continue remaining at odds.
There is nothing that India can gain with a new war in the region rather it will aggravate the problems further on…Atleast one thing that we have learned from the previous Indo-Pak wars and the few ones that are going on in the world right now is that a war has never a problem to a solution but a fuel for further problems….

Indeed there is nothing India can gain from War. But if the hand of LeT is proved in this mumbai attack, with how much honesty does the GoP will help in the investigations and bringing the perpetrators to noose is a matter of subjective discussion.

Given the past record of GoP, there are reasons not to trust GoP. Firstly, there are two centers of power are there, one, the army and the other, the civilian government. World knows who is the real political master here, which is your army. There are two incidents in very recent times which tells about this. One, when GoP declared that ISI will come under civilian govt. control, within 24 hrs they had to go back on that. Two, just 2 days back, Gilani has agreed to send DGI of ISI to India and he had go back on that as well. And everyone knows the reason.

Seocndly, the following events

Kargil- While GoP and GoI were signing Lahore declaration, the army was busy trekking in the hills of Kargil.

War on Terror - Musharaf had hunted with hounds while running with hares all along his facade of War on Terror. And most of the US AID has been diverted to military instead of developing country and controlling terrorism. I'm not saying this, but the president-elect of USA, Obama did.

So, how can India trust Pakistan?. Going to War or co-operating in bringing back culprits to noose is a prerogative of Pakistan, not India. It will be interesting given the current economic situation of Pakistan, what it will choose.

If indeed war happens (i hope and wish it will not), it will be Pakistan that will loose more than India.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If indeed war happens (i hope and wish it will not), it will be Pakistan that will loose more than India.

I think we need to move away from such self defeating calculations. For far too long we have calculated who would lose more rather than how we can all benefit.

So there was the perverse logic form Pakistanis that India loses more in Siachin or Kashmir so let us continue with what was clearly not paying them anything.

India's hand may well be forced if the proof is there and Pakistan doesn't take action. At such a time, we can not calculate the faida and nuksan. It would be a matter of saving the country itself.
Opportunity of cooperation???? :undecided:

It’s only possible if both countries admit that they are in the same boat against the same threat …..If India continues to blame Pakistan ( or ISI) for every terrorist attack and threatens to wage war on her sovereignty and on the other hand if Pakistan cannot ensure full support and win India’s confidence that we are with them in this game, then I guess we are betting against very heavy odds and perhaps asking for too much…

Any association that begins with distrust or weak foundations won’t take long to collapse!!!

Considering the bickering and suggestions made in this forum I can see little difference in cooperation or unity being made those in either country's government.
After seeing the discussions on the print and electronic media,I am forced to believe that the Indian media is playing a childish role and is constantly issuing press releases that are in conflict with the Govt. and a major diasagreement is present between the opinions of media and the Indian Govt.
which means,"INDIA CANNOT CONTROL THE MEDIA" and I think we have to stay united and be ready for any type of circumstances because "INDIA HAS NEITHER BEEN OUR FRIEND NOR SHALL BE"
After seeing the discussions on the print and electronic media,I am forced to believe that the Indian media is playing a childish role and is constantly issuing press releases that are in conflict with the Govt. and a major diasagreement is present between the opinions of media and the Indian Govt.
which means,[/B]"INDIA CANNOT CONTROL THE MEDIA"[/B] and I think we have to stay united and be ready for any type of circumstances because "INDIA HAS NEITHER BEEN OUR FRIEND NOR SHALL BE"

That's why it is called 'Free Press'.
I am confused.what commandos were used?NSG or marine commandos?
I am confused.what commandos were used?NSG or marine commandos?

There were three layers of security to clean up those terrorists.

NSG commandos - the ones who entered the hotel and killed the terrorists
Marine commandos - the ones who sanitized the hotel rooms.
Police - who waited outside the hotel and cordoned off the hotel premises.
Things are getting pretty interesting

US masses naval-air-marine might in Arabian Sea opposite India, Pakistan, Iran

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

December 1, 2008, 9:18 AM (GMT+02:00)
<iUSS John Stennisi> carrier

USS John Stennis carrier

Three US aircraft carriers with strike groups, task forces and nuclear submarines have piled up in the waters of the Arabian Sea opposite the shores of India, Pakistan and Iran, and in the Persian Gulf.

DEBKAfile's military sources report that the US began massing this formidable array of floating firepower at the outset of the Islamist terrorist attack on the Indian city of Mumbai last Wednesday, Nov. 26.

Tehran responded typically with a threat of retaliation should the Americans decide to use the Mumbai terrorist attack to hit Iran.

It is more likely, according to our military sources, that the Americans are on the ready in case the rising tensions between India and Pakistan over the New Delhi's charge of Pakistani involvement in the Mumbai atrocity explodes into an armed clash on their border.

This is indicated by the units now deployed:

1. the USS John C. Stennis, which carries 80 fighter-bombers and 3,200 sailors and airmen and leads a strike group..

This carrier joins two already there, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, which patrols the northern Arabian Sea, part of whose strike group cruises opposite Iran's southern coast; and the USS Iwo Jima, which carries a large marine contingent on board.

2. New to these waters, according to DEBKAfile's military sources, is the Destroyer Squadron 50/CTF 55, which has two task forces: Patrol Forces Southwest Asia (PATFORSWA) for strikes against warships and the rapid deployment of marines to flashpoint arenas; and Mine Countermeasures Division 31, which stands ready to prevent New Delhi or Islamabad from mining the Arabian Sea routes connecting their ports. Those routes are vital waterways for US marine traffic supporting the war in Afghanistan.

3. To manage this armada, the command and control vessel, USS Mount Whitney, has been brought over from the Mediterranean.

4. Four nuclear submarines.

The arrival of the southwest Asian marine patrol carrier Stennis and the Mount Whitney to the Arabian Sea opposite Iran's shores set alarm bells ringing in Tehran. Our Iranian sources note that the Islamic republic's rulers remember that after al Qaeda's attack on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, the Americans did not only invade Afghanistan, but also Iraq and they fear a similar sideswipe.

The Iranian chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Ataoallah Salehi sounded a warning when he stated Sunday, Nov. 30: The "heavy weight" of enemy warships provides the Iranian side with an ideal opportunity for launching successful counter-attacks.
the indian police force is woefully under equipped. the terrorists killed a dozen or more policemen, and the military had to be called in to clear terrorists from the building. also, the reaction of the police to the attacks were too slow.

when our country is facing so much terrorism, its a shame that we can spend large amounts on ships and planes that may never see action, but can't spend some money to enable the police to better protect the citizens of india.
the indian police force is woefully under equipped. the terrorists killed a dozen or more policemen, and the military had to be called in to clear terrorists from the building. also, the reaction of the police to the attacks were too slow.

when our country is facing so much terrorism, its a shame that we can spend large amounts on ships and planes that may never see action, but can't spend some money to enable the police to better protect the citizens of india.

Exactly my sentiments. It won't matter if we have 100 of the planes instead of 126. That amount can drastically increase the quality of the police equipment.

There has been talk of police reforms for decades. Shame that our politicians have no time or inclination for that.
the indian police force is woefully under equipped. the terrorists killed a dozen or more policemen, and the military had to be called in to clear terrorists from the building. also, the reaction of the police to the attacks were too slow.

when our country is facing so much terrorism, its a shame that we can spend large amounts on ships and planes that may never see action, but can't spend some money to enable the police to better protect the citizens of india.

The problem is that most individuals in India have this 'Chaltha hai' attitude. As some one said, 'yadha praja thadha raja', for english speakers it means, the leaders reflect their people. As long as people don't stand up to their righteous principles and say 'sab kuch chaltha hai', this will be condition in our country.
I think the young of India stand up and make a political party....wish i could make a party of my own, but i see two problems,
1) I dont know how will it go and whether or not will i get support to make a better party in India,
2) and secondly, I am just 20 years old.... I wish someone more experienced, mature, and an equal patriotic as me could stand up for elections, so that i can think of voting......

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