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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

Then why East Bengal was included in Pakistan? Where is East Bengal in Pakistan's name? Was it officially considered a colony to Pakistan and later renamed as East Pakistan?

The earlier plan was to have two muslim countries one was "Pakistan" in north west and the other was "East Bengal" in eastern part but later the plan was changed and one country was formed but the name "Pakistan" was adopted because it was representative of most (not all) provinces that joined the country.
cause we are !!!
not enough cause, Your claim for secular state is limited on the papers.
Happy for my brothers. I think all these 200Million Muslims should migrate to some strategic part of India that borders a foreign country and sea...who knows what happen in future.:devil:

My reply could be more worse if you choose stealth troll mod.:D You should not ask weird questions that are not related to the topic. Thanks.
cause we are !!!
not enough cause, Your claim for secular state is limited on the papers.
LOL Are you international analyst...anyways.Indian muslims have way more rights than other Indians.While Pakistan taxes its Muslims for Hajj,we hugely subzsidize their entire pilgrimage(tax payers hard earned money given to them for picnic literally!:mad: ).There are countless other examples,like only a Muslim can marry four girls as per religious freedom and no one else(the prime reason why people convert to islam;) ).Muslims have reservation in government jobs(the only ones to have reservation on religious basis!).Even after all this if you crybabies want more than Muslims are worthless morons in India who want a bed of gold and unlimited girls and food for free without working(Not applicable on all Muslims as there are the likes of Mr.Kalam also,he is great Indian muslim).
Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.

But that one poster forms 0.00000000000037% of Indian population. So saying that his opinion 'reflects' any kind of mentality probably dosnt make much sense, does it?
Never be on the defensive. It makes it apparent as if you have something to be ashamed of(especially since you don't) :tup:

+6 decades and we still stand as one nation
Barely so. I believe you live in a Hindu/Sikh/Christian/Shia mohalla. Live in South Srinagar/Old Hyderabad/ etc etc etc and come back with your inputs. Trust me - you will be scarred for life.

It only takes one Hitler with his cabal.
We have heard that before. :coffee:
Your ancestors made huge blunder, soon BD will be under water then what? Will India allow 300 millions Bengalis to settle in Bharat? You guys should have stayed with Bharat. They don't even talk about you when it comes to akhand bharat. They always dream of us descendants of rig vedic people to unite with Bharat.

Not our ancestors. That bi*ch Lord Carzon separated Bengal in two parts. Bengalis were hugely against separation. Rabindranath Tagore, nobel laureate wrote a poem against Bengal separation which is national anthem of Bangladesh. Amar Shonar Bangla (My Golden Bengal). I know many of our lands will go under water one day. We can not go against nature. We are very unfortunate nation but yet we are also very proud nation because we fought against treating us as colony to Pakistan.

Bangladesh won't merge with India because India respects Bangladesh liberation struggle to a high degree. They will give their blood first to protect Bangladeshis, esp., West Bengalis, the fore-brothers of Bangladeshis. Infact during liberation war many students of India collected money by ''begging'' from people on road to save Bangladeshis. India and Bangladesh are virtually inseparable. Bangladesh can't exist without India. Period. It won't take even 1 hour to occupy Bangladesh for India but India will never ever do that. India constantly gives billions of financial supports for developments in Bangladesh. Even supplies huge amount of electricity every single day. India will give most favored nation status to BD. India operates major hospital chains in Bangladesh also. 80 to 90% development projects in Bangladesh are aided by India and China.
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Islamic Republic of India. Does that sound good to you? Soon we will all be wearing topia and praying West. They have their own countries pakistan and bangladesh, so why don't they leave?

Deobands were Nehrus Trick on pakistan and after 60 years we are still paying for that mistake you think we want more of the same think again.
Indian Muslims are more or less a burden to the state, majority of them don't provide anything positive to modern day India. Apart from a few politicians all of them would rather fight for Islam then India.
Not our ancestors. That bi*ch Lord Carzon separated Bengal in two parts. Bengalis were hugely against separation. Rabindranath Tagore, nobel laureate wrote a poem against Bengal separation which is national anthem of Bangladesh. Amar Shonar Bangla (My Golden Bengal). I know many of our lands will go under water one day. We have nothing to do with nature. We are very unfortunate nation but yet we are also very proud nation because we fought against treating us as colony to Pakistan.

Bangladesh won't merge with India because India respects Bangladesh liberation struggle to a high degree. They will give their blood first to protect Bangladeshis, esp., West Bengalis, the fore-brothers of Bangladeshis. Infact during liberation war many students of India collected money by ''begging'' from people on road to save Bangladeshis. India and Bangladesh are virtually inseparable. Bangladesh can't exist without India. Period. It won't take even 1 hour to occupy Bangladesh for India but India will never ever do that. India constants gives billions of financial supports for developments in Bangladesh. Even supplies huge amount of electricity every single day. India will give most favored nation to BD. India operates major hospital chains in Bangladesh also. 80 to 90% development projects in Bangladesh are aided by India and China.

Why would India occupy BD? What does BD offer? Tiny land without any strategic value or resources with 300 millions (in near future) and soon to be under water? Thats before even going in to how Indians think of Bonglas.
Indian Muslims are more or less a burden to the state, majority of them don't provide anything positive to modern day India. Apart from a few politicians all of them would rather fight for Islam then India.
Not necessarily. It varies from place to place. But most Sunnis I have met from the North are anti India but not necessarily pro Pakistan. :ashamed:

Hint: Wear a pheran/shalwar, kohl on eyes and go to a Muslim mohalla and have some Falooda :D Then engage in some political conversation with anyone. You will know. Try it one day. Just one day. Won't work in the South :P
LOL Are you international analyst...anyways.Indian muslims have way more rights than other Indians.While Pakistan taxes its Muslims for Hajj,we hugely subzsidize their entire pilgrimage(tax payers hard earned money given to them for picnic literally!:mad: ).There are countless other examples,like only a Muslim can marry four girls as per religious freedom and no one else(the prime reason why people convert to islam;) ).Muslims have reservation in government jobs(the only ones to have reservation on religious basis!).Even after all this if you crybabies want more than Muslims are worthless morons in India who want a bed of gold and unlimited girls and food for free without working(Not applicable on all Muslims as there are the likes of Mr.Kalam also,he is great Indian muslim).

You know how much hindus enjoy in Pakistan despite 90% of them being dalits who didn't left for India because it wouldnt make any difference to their lifes? They enjoy alcohol unlike muslims. KPK government recently increased minorty quota from 1.5% to 3% despite KPK minorty population being 1%.

On top of that they are privileged to live in land where hindusism was born, holy and pure land of rig vedic decendents. Its like mecca for muslims.
Not our ancestors. That bi*ch Lord Carzon separated Bengal in two parts. Bengalis were hugely against separation. Rabindranath Tagore, nobel laureate wrote a poem against Bengal separation which is national anthem of Bangladesh. Amar Shonar Bangla (My Golden Bengal). I know many of our lands will go under water one day. We have nothing to do with nature. We are very unfortunate nation but yet we are also very proud nation because we fought against treating us as colony to Pakistan.

Bangladesh won't merge with India because India respects Bangladesh liberation struggle to a high degree. They will give their blood first to protect Bangladeshis, esp., West Bengalis, the fore-brothers of Bangladeshis. Infact during liberation war many students of India collected money by ''begging'' from people on road to save Bangladeshis. India and Bangladesh are virtually inseparable. Bangladesh can't exist without India. Period. It won't take even 1 hour to occupy Bangladesh for India but India will never ever do that. India constantly gives billions of financial supports for developments in Bangladesh. Even supplies huge amount of electricity every single day. India will give most favored nation to BD. India operates major hospital chains in Bangladesh also. 80 to 90% development projects in Bangladesh are aided by India and China.
Actually it that very same asshole you mentioned who sowed the seeds of Muslim separatism in India...else before 1912 they did not even think of seperate Muslim state.But that jackal gave them the idea.
Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.

They can try but a Muslim is not a Jew, a Muslim will not walk quietly to a gas chamber.
You know how much hindus enjoy in Pakistan despite 90% of them being dalits who didn't left for India because it wouldnt make any difference to their lifes? They enjoy alcohol unlike muslims. KPK government recently increased minorty quota from 1.5% to 3% despite KPK minorty population being 1%.

On top of that they are privileged to live in land where hindusism was born, holy and pure land of rig vedic decendents. Its like mecca for muslims.
Expect the reservation you have given nothing but bullshit argument.While I stated genuine facts.Don't tell me Muslims don't drink alcohol,that's a lie(even though it is restricted in their religion)and does your government pay for it like our pays for hajj?.And even the reservation you mention is for minorities which also include shia,ahmadiyya,etc...and not specifically for Hindus(unlike in india where only muslim have specific resevation on religion basis)Privileged to live in the land where Hinduism was born my foot.Its like Christians/Hindus/Jews ruling over Arabia and muslims being 1% and declining in Arabia/mecca...and a destroyed mecca like Hindu temples are destroyed and bombed.
What is the population of kpk...they account for 10-12%?So much reservation for minorities considering entire Pakistan?0.03%?How much is that?Nothing here it is 18%.Specifically for Muslims.And there is proposal to increase it.Bloody pseudo secularists.
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