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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

Many.. and they have an uncanny ability to inspire hidden feelings.
All it takes is the right mad orator who failed at being a painter.

And if I really do stereotype.. then the Indian anti-Muslim Hitler might have tried getting admission in IIT.. and failed at it.. tried working at a call center and got thrown out.. and joined the RSS or VHP.

The only organisation which is credited for more than the capability it poses is RSS. VHP dont even exist.

Unlike a mad painter who just need a blank canvas, an orator(mad) need some live ears - India dont have much. The one who are there are outnumbered and oppressed by sane voices. Thankfully its the liberals here who are listened and who governs unlike pakistan where they are feared of being killed the very moment they speak what is right.
The only organisation which is credited for more than the capability it poses is RSS. VHP dont even exist.

Unlike a mad painter who just need a blank canvas, an orator(mad) need some live ears - India dont have much. The one who are there are outnumbered and oppressed by sane voices. Thankfully its the liberals here who are listened and who governs unlike pakistan where they are feared of being killed the very moment they speak what is right.

Change only takes an election.... a desperation.. the Nazi party needed ten years.. and it too came in a democratic environment. Directing the problem or giving Pakistan as a diversionary example does not take the focus off the issue for me. Does India have the potential to turn rabid against its Muslim population?

If NO, then why are there the small samples of it here, and further speeches by emerging leadership that seems to give the opposite impression.

If yes.. who are these elements and how can they be made irrelevant depending on the liberals in India standing up to them?
@Oscar Muslims like Kalam,Aaamir Khan are celebrated all over India and you are worrying about some sort of genocide of Muslims in the future.

I believe India has reached that critical mass of education that makes any idea of state sponsored mass killings absurd.
Contrary to what you fear,extremism and social ills are diminishing in India
Change only takes an election.... a desperation.. the Nazi party needed ten years.. and it too came in a democratic environment. Directing the problem or giving Pakistan as a diversionary example does not take the focus off the issue for me. Does India have the potential to turn rabid against its Muslim population?

If NO, then why are there the small samples of it here, and further speeches by emerging leadership that seems to give the opposite impression.

If yes.. who are these elements and how can they be made irrelevant depending on the liberals in India standing up to them?

@Oscar Change is done to reflect the choice of majority and Indian majority has no ambition of giving up the tag of peaceful harmonious and co-existential population. Your continuous aspersion on one men and my continuous avoidance of him in our conversation is simply because of your over reacting and me underplaying his importance. Underplaying him because of huge faith in Indian population and its beliefs which are secular to its core, strong enough to take on very few extremists who dont even dare to fully express themselves in public knowing the consequences they will face from "public" not from government.

There is a reason why in a latest BJP chief interview, he said "They are ready to apologise if they have done anything wrong to minority community".

Of all, atleast educated one should understand the bogey of NaMo/BJP created by other pseudo secular parties to grab muslim votes and keep on doing corruption and then getting votes in next election by throwing the alternative in BJP out in name of secularism.

India is too big for few to dominate, we are secular by choice, no one forced it upon us.
I do know that Haider Ali was pretty much a barbarian. Never heard so much of Tipu. Do know that the south Indians love their royal families over Tipu.
Why don't you read about that barabarian.He was trained that way.Another jihadi he was.Another genocider of innocents.
Southern royals may have annexed kingdoms but never genocided people over religion.Anyday they are better then the traitor tipu.Heck Rajendra Chola had empire till singapore!Still there is nothing in history against him.
Another Bol Bacchan Amitabh Bachhan from the Land of Pure?


Lolzzz kissinger is a moron that is a fact,he is too obsessed with his new world order dreams.Pakistan/China trained the taliban while US provided weaponary and financial aid along with training.Pakistan was nothing but a pawn of USA!Soviet economy was already in a bad state afghan war was a accelerating factor but not the main factor.
Just because muslim league itself 'decided' that muslim majority provinces were to become pakistan does not mean pakistan became!That was upto british,who legally gave princely states the option to join either pakistan or India or remain independent.
Hahaha read history from neutral sources not pakistani madrassasas...the line you quoted was used for mir zafar not Marathas.It was muslims who let british enter India through Bengal in the first place(typical traitorous attitude of muslims).Dream of hindu kingdom?Maratha already was doing that.Maratha fought the british and were even praised by them saying that they should not be allowed to come near in close combat or the opponent was finished...and were categorised as martial race.
These puny incidents just show the cowardice of chinese...India does not want to create international tension,thats why we ignore them.But in a full scale war we can fend china off.
k :rofl:
How many names from recent history do you see being used?
As much as we love the freedom fighters/leaders/scientists, their names (irrespective of religion) is not used anywhere.
your justification is not answering my question ?
Tipu sultan was a traitor he was a genocider of hindus everyone knows this...As for Mr.Azad yes he was patriot nationalist and we have many schools colleges named after him.Its not necessary to put him in every field.Kalam is still alive and has just retired!His legacy is admitted he was not made president just like that.Tell me one non muslim who has held the post of president in Pakistan?We have so many non hindus.
and Dr. P.J. Kalam ??? !!!

Its not religious matter cause in that case hindus should also be allowed the same as our religion also allows polygamy.Its communal appeasement,when hindu code bill was introduced almost all members opposed it as it was discriminatory for all groups not just hindus.At that time even muslims leaders supported that common civil code bill should be introduced and passed.But Nehru and his allies the evil group of pseudo secularists denied that even after heavy opposition even by muslim leaders.But congress was more interested in supporting the baby producing factories to create a solid votebank for themselves.

India is secular.And at least a person from only a secular state can question that.But Not pakistani.Certainly not after its dictatorships and becoming a islamic republic.A Theif has no right accuse any other person of robbery after all.
ha ha ha ha than what about the Tri Morti on your quins ??? represents which Secularism ???
and Dr. P.J. Kalam ??? !!!

ha ha ha ha than what about the Tri Morti on your quins ??? represents which Secularism ???
Read what i said again..."Kalam is still alive and has just retired!His legacy is admitted he was not made president just like that.Tell me one non muslim who has held the post of president in Pakistan?"

Tri morti on quins?What are you saying?
It is a discussion forum for all who forced you to read my analyzes in your so called secular state why you are trying to change the Muslim demography in Indian held Kashmir, muslim genocide under Narindra Modi supervision, in the world many reserve quota of employment, education for minorities populations including Pakistan your are not unique, and Muslim four married is religious matter not your grant it is my friendly advice for you please not discuss the religious matters.

hahahahaha in your secularism means sons of soils than where is the names of Tipu sultan, Dr. P.J Abdul Kalam, Abul Kalam Azad and uncountable Muslims names are they are not son of soils.

They are sons of the soil. We cannot name weapons after them. We are not naming after Nehru, Gandhi, too. If you know its Kalam sir who named Weapon names for India.
Scary thought. There needs to be a final solution to the Muslim problem in India.
Scary thought. There needs to be a final solution to the Muslim problem in India.
In my honest opinion we should do what pakistan does i.e. fill our muslims with hatred against pakistanis by propaganda . RAW should infiltrate the mullah culture of India and brainwash our muslims. This will not only solve our problems but India would be having its own islamic army like hezbollah
Scary thought. There needs to be a final solution to the Muslim problem in India.

Just stop talking online fascist
By comments like these you are offending millions of proud Indian Muslims who have served the nation, may it be in the military, civilian services, economy, politics etc etc.... Abdul Kalam (father of India`s missile arsenal), M.H. Premj (Lead figure in one of India`s biggest MNCs) are just two of them who have done more for the nation than you will do in your entire life by writing BS on PDF Mr. Keyboardwarrior.
Scary thought. There needs to be a final solution to the Muslim problem in India.

Yes, we need to partition India, so that Indian muslims and hindu's have their own nation seperate land from each other
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