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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

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Earlier we used to have only Urdu speakers in 2nd largest Muslim pilgrimage in the world 'Bishwa Ijtema' in Tongi, Bangladesh but for few years we are also having Hindi speakers as well. Lots of Indian Muslims come to Bangladesh along with Pakistanis and Iranians during Bishwa Ijtema in Dhaka. Now the event take place in two parts due to too many people.
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Earlier we used to have only Urdu speakers in 2nd largest Muslim pilgrimage in the world 'Bishwa Ijtema' in Tongi, Bangladesh but for few years we are also having hindi speakers as well. Lots of Indian Muslims come to Bangladesh along with Pakistani and Iranians during Bishwa Ijtema in Dhaka. Now the event take place in two parts due to too many people.
Evil pseudo secularist congress subsidizes Muslim pilgrimages...grrrr!:mad:
India has more Muslims than Pakistan only bacteria and germs can match their growth rates their own muslim organization and leaders say there are 25 crore

Akhand Bharat!! Aur koi kam nahi hain kya ? :sarcastic:

Why are you so mad? Trust me india will be divided just like every other country on the face of the earth. Crimea was part of ukraine 2 months ago, now look. The ussr is also another example. Only time will tell what will happen. You typing in capslock with your patriotism isn't going to change anything.

India ko divide karega… kahan? khab mein ? 1 paisa ka aukat to hain nahi…. aya India ko divide karne … :sarcastic:
Another Pakistani who thinks they broke the Legendary Soviet Union.It broke because of its own policies(economic reasons and many others).Do you really think if it would have used its military then it would break,it was its military that held it for so long.It already was breaking apart.Besides its nations when joining and making the union were given the option to secede.While Indian constitution explicitly states no state has the right to secede from our union once joined,if such a situation even slightly arises then we are free to use any means necessary to keep that state in India(Punjab is one example).
Britishers united subcontinent haha joke take a look at what the marathas were doing they were all set to take even Afghanistan.Gave parts of Pakistan?They gave parts of India to Pakistan!At first they openly announced support for us in Kashmir issue but later withdrew from it.
Making and breaking of a country is a long term game...savait used it,s millitary to keep sovait union united but they were so brutually crushed economically that people were not intrested to remain a union and that was all due to one thing ,the afghan war, that started aproximately a decade before sovaits were offically at war in afghanistan. and let me remind you that pakistan was the one who halted the march of sovaits, no other power on earth, not even US dared to stop it....read henery kessinger he said that we thought afghanistan is gone and next is pakistan we were hopless to stop sovaits from reaching warm water....we neutralized 1971 in sovait part.....and the thing about having a secede option, let me tell you, that even today russian say that sovait union should not have broken a part. anyway don't worry, india has some time .. :D and thing about india gave part to pakistan...o come on, stleast read some history before commenting....it was decided that muslim majortiy provinces will be pakistan,s part but your nehru,s "HARDWORK" worked at the last moment....and marathas were set to take even afghanistan. :lol: those marathas first bowed to britishers and conspirated against muslims and when muslims were finished they thought that their master will now award them all of subcontinent but as east india company say "how can you be loyal to us when you are not loyal even to your own people.."and then the invaded GREAT MARATHA EMPIRE.:lol: it is not a hidden fact that the main enemy of brithishers in subcontinent were muslims because muslims were the main power and rulers of subcontinent and for destroying muslims they used MARATH type traitors...and before britisher you were not even able to dream of having a country ruled by hindus......having a small kingdom is another thing..

LOLZZZ What is Ukraine against massive Russia?But India has enough power to fend off even China.Besides Crimean people recognize their history as Russian people.
Riding Horses and Ponies, 50 PLA Troops March Into India | The Diplomat
Chinese cross the line again, needle India - Hindustan Times
The Dragon is at it again. On two days last week, Chinese troops -- estimated by sources at as many as 100 -- crossed the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh carrying banners asking India to vacate "occupied" territory.
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Making and breaking of a country is a long term game...savait used it,s millitary to keep sovait union united but they were so brutually crushed economically that people were not intrested to remain a union and that was all due to one thing ,the afghan war, that started aproximately a decade before sovaits were offically at war in afghanistan. and let me remind you that pakistan was the one who halted the march of sovaits, no other power on earth, not even US dared to stop it....read henery kessinger he said that we thought afghanistan is gone and next is pakistan we were hopless to stop sovaits from reaching warm water....we neutralized 1971 in sovait part.....and the thing about having a secede option, let me tell you, that even today russian say that sovait union should not have broken a part. anyway don't worry, india has some time .. :D and thing about india gave part to pakistan...o come on, stleast read some history before commenting....it was decided that muslim majortiy provinces will be pakistan,s part but your nehru,s "HARDWORK" worked at the last moment....and marathas were set to take even afghanistan. :lol: those marathas first bowed to britishers and conspirated against muslims and when muslims were finished they thought that their master will now award them all of subcontinent but as east india company say "how can you be loyal to us when you are not loyal even to your own people.."and then the invaded GREAT MARATHA EMPIRE.:lol: it is not a hidden fact that the main enemy of brithishers in subcontinent were muslims because muslims were the main power and rulers of subcontinent and for destroying muslims they used MARATH type traitors...and before britisher you were not even able to dream of having a country ruled by hindus......having a small kingdom is another thing..

Riding Horses and Ponies, 50 PLA Troops March Into India | The Diplomat
Chinese cross the line again, needle India - Hindustan Times
The Dragon is at it again. On two days last week, Chinese troops -- estimated by sources at as many as 100 -- crossed the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh carrying banners asking India to vacate "occupied" territory.
Another Bol Bacchan Amitabh Bachhan from the Land of Pure?

Making and breaking of a country is a long term game...savait used it,s millitary to keep sovait union united but they were so brutually crushed economically that people were not intrested to remain a union and that was all due to one thing ,the afghan war, that started aproximately a decade before sovaits were offically at war in afghanistan. and let me remind you that pakistan was the one who halted the march of sovaits, no other power on earth, not even US dared to stop it....read henery kessinger he said that we thought afghanistan is gone and next is pakistan we were hopless to stop sovaits from reaching warm water....we neutralized 1971 in sovait part.....and the thing about having a secede option, let me tell you, that even today russian say that sovait union should not have broken a part. anyway don't worry, india has some time .. :D and thing about india gave part to pakistan...o come on, stleast read some history before commenting....it was decided that muslim majortiy provinces will be pakistan,s part but your nehru,s "HARDWORK" worked at the last moment....and marathas were set to take even afghanistan. :lol: those marathas first bowed to britishers and conspirated against muslims and when muslims were finished they thought that their master will now award them all of subcontinent but as east india company say "how can you be loyal to us when you are not loyal even to your own people.."and then the invaded GREAT MARATHA EMPIRE.:lol: it is not a hidden fact that the main enemy of brithishers in subcontinent were muslims because muslims were the main power and rulers of subcontinent and for destroying muslims they used MARATH type traitors...and before britisher you were not even able to dream of having a country ruled by hindus......having a small kingdom is another thing..

Riding Horses and Ponies, 50 PLA Troops March Into India | The Diplomat
Chinese cross the line again, needle India - Hindustan Times
The Dragon is at it again. On two days last week, Chinese troops -- estimated by sources at as many as 100 -- crossed the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh carrying banners asking India to vacate "occupied" territory.
Lolzzz kissinger is a moron that is a fact,he is too obsessed with his new world order dreams.Pakistan/China trained the taliban while US provided weaponary and financial aid along with training.Pakistan was nothing but a pawn of USA!Soviet economy was already in a bad state afghan war was a accelerating factor but not the main factor.
Just because muslim league itself 'decided' that muslim majority provinces were to become pakistan does not mean pakistan became!That was upto british,who legally gave princely states the option to join either pakistan or India or remain independent.
Hahaha read history from neutral sources not pakistani madrassasas...the line you quoted was used for mir zafar not Marathas.It was muslims who let british enter India through Bengal in the first place(typical traitorous attitude of muslims).Dream of hindu kingdom?Maratha already was doing that.Maratha fought the british and were even praised by them saying that they should not be allowed to come near in close combat or the opponent was finished...and were categorised as martial race.
These puny incidents just show the cowardice of chinese...India does not want to create international tension,thats why we ignore them.But in a full scale war we can fend china off.
Bangladeshis are NOT anti-India. Jamaatis are.

95% Bangladeshis are hugely anti-Pakistan. Always use slang words to Pakistan. I don't support it though. I love all nations except Saudi Arabia. That nation is a barbaric nation where beheading is practiced every single week in open field. Pakistani general mass people are very good but their ideology is hugely influenced by Saudis. There is a joke. Two Pakistani men went for Hajj and over there they saw two Saudis fighting with each other. The Pakistani men said to each other , look , how pious these people are. Even when they fight they always speak 'Quran and Hadiths' ! lolzz

That is not true. Pakistanis are an overwhelmingly SUFI nation. Saudis are wahabi dominated in the majority.

In Pakistan, a najdi (central saudi), is a despised term by the vast majority of the population.

Bangladeshis are NOT anti-India. Jamaatis are.

95% Bangladeshis are hugely anti-Pakistan. Always use slang words to Pakistan. I don't support it though. I love all nations except Saudi Arabia. That nation is a barbaric nation where beheading is practiced every single week in open field. Pakistani general mass people are very good but their ideology is hugely influenced by Saudis. There is a joke. Two Pakistani men went for Hajj and over there they saw two Saudis fighting with each other. The Pakistani men said to each other , look , how pious these people are. Even when they fight they always speak 'Quran and Hadiths' ! lolzz

Pakistanis are not anti-Bangladeshi. They are not anti-Indian either.

In Pakistan, India is respected for its culture, diversity, history, connection to Islam, and geography. But, even an enemy can be respected for these attributes. That does not mean Pakistanis consider India as a friend. Of course the vast majority consider it an enemy.
than why your are claming for the champion of the champions of secularism!!!

The names are taken out of culture/history/common tongue. Being secular doesn't means that we have to look up to foreign cultures.
than why your are claming for the champion of the champions of secularism!!!

Yes. We have champions of secularism . you have any problems?
Now what exactly is your problem? We cannot name a ship after PBUH or Khalid bin Whalid cos, they were never sons of our soil. My soil. Mahabharat , Ramayana is a epic, plus epics written in many of Indian classical languages, are written in Indian soil, by Indian Authors.
So we would name our weapons after characters, written by ancient Indian authors.
LOL Are you international analyst...anyways.Indian muslims have way more rights than other Indians.:mad:
It is a discussion forum for all who forced you to read my analyzes in your so called secular state why you are trying to change the Muslim demography in Indian held Kashmir, muslim genocide under Narindra Modi supervision, in the world many reserve quota of employment, education for minorities populations including Pakistan your are not unique, and Muslim four married is religious matter not your grant it is my friendly advice for you please not discuss the religious matters.

Yes. We have champions of secularism . you have any problems?
Now what exactly is your problem? We cannot name a ship after PBUH or Khalid bin Whalid cos, they were never sons of our soil. My soil. Mahabharat , Ramayana is a epic, plus epics written in many of Indian classical languages, are written in Indian soil, by Indian Authors.
So we would name our weapons after characters, written by ancient Indian authors.
hahahahaha in your secularism means sons of soils than where is the names of Tipu sultan, Dr. P.J Abdul Kalam, Abul Kalam Azad and uncountable Muslims names are they are not son of soils.
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