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Is India taking over China through soft power?

Sep 12, 2017
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That is the question, is India starting to take over China with soft power? Indian cinema is making huge inroads into China.

We all know that soft power is better than military power and China and India seem to have a lot of historical and cultural links.


Australians are de evolving. Maybe its an island thing.

Is your prime minister also an orange?
Answer the question instead of throwing insults.

Its not like lndia and China just found each other. They have been neighbours ever since the god ishtar flirted with zeus and created the himalayas.

Indias soft power over china cannot be jugded by Instagram and YouTube videos of bollywood which i can tell you they laugh at.

So whats australia like? Can you converse in the phonetic klick language of the indians? Oh sorry aborigines.

And is it true that these these people always give direction based on third persons positioning to the true north.

Fascinating continent Australia. Crickey
Well in all honesty Indian media is 99% false and fake , 1% reality is there but it comes at end of credit section.

Australian/Chinese are just intellectually more smarter than to follow the fakeness which is Indian media

I have never known a Australian who can stand indians in one room and same with Chinese
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That is the question, is India starting to take over China with soft power? Indian cinema is making huge inroads into China.

We all know that soft power is better than military power and China and India seem to have a lot of historical and cultural links.


Indian movies have mad hug inroads in Pakistan for last 50 years, has Indian soft power taken over Pakistan
I didnt ever watch any either but people do, all lower class do
Somebody said in the 1980s and 1990s a few people used to watch Indian movies. But now the times have changed.

People know bollywood is used to promote the "Hindu culture." That is one of the reasons why I reject bollywood. And then ofcourse bollywood is Indian culture, so thats another reason why I reject bollywood.


With new movies coming out in Pakistan being Pakistani made, nobody will watch bollywood. Not like anyone watched bollywood in the first place in Pakistan.
Why is that I see the views of the Pakistanies of PDF dsnt reflect what ordinary Pakistanies think.
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